Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1364 The truth is cruel

Seeing Dong Wenyuan like this, Lin Yun was very sympathetic. Dong Wenyuan would not have become like this, but unfortunately he encountered Yu Lina and others.

What is the purpose of these guys? Even Lin Yun could not explain it clearly.

Only by catching them can we find out the truth of the matter.

"It seems that you know this guy."

Dong Wenyuan gritted his teeth and looked at the young man and said.

"Even if Miao Changze turns into ashes, I still know him."

Obviously, Miao Changze and Dong Wenyuan are rivals in love.

Lin Yun originally thought that Dong Wenyuan and Yu Lina were a pair, but now it seems that this is not the case. Yu Lina is hanging two people at the same time while squeezing Dong Wenyuan's surplus value, and at the same time she has not forgotten to continue to be on good terms with Miao Changze.

It's just that it's not clear what Yu Lina's current arrangement means. Is she really going to let Dong Wenyuan die here?

Except for Yu Lina's teammates, the remaining people are all killers brought by Miao Changze.

They are still searching for useful clues here, hoping to find Dong Wenyuan's current location.

Then Dong Wenyuan and Lin Yun saw Miao Changze sitting next to Yu Lina.

Yu Lina asked curiously: "Can we really succeed this time? If someone finds out, it will be troublesome."

Miao Changze laughed at the side: "Don't worry, those people above don't care about these little things."

"As long as we can kill Dong Wenyuan here today, I can replace him on the battlefield next time."

"I finally found out this information. Most of the wars in the future will be sunny, so there won't be too many casualties, and I can take the opportunity to make achievements in it."

"At that time, with the background of our family, we can definitely stand out, and we will be much more useful than Dong Wenyuan, the waste."

Miao Changze became more and more proud as he spoke, and at this moment Dong Wenyuan's body was shaking violently, and he finally understood what all this was for.

It turned out that Yu Lina did so many things, just to kill Dong Wenyuan here, and then let Miao Changze impersonate Dong Wenyuan and become a member of the Heavenly Court Army.

The reason for doing so was simply because Miao Changze had a background and could more easily make achievements in the army.

Everything was a huge scam.

"Impossible, this is absolutely not true. How could Yu Lina do these things to me? I don't believe it."

Dong Wenyuan's voice trembled. Now he couldn't believe what he saw in front of him. It was so strange to him.

He thought that everything was not much different from what he had guessed before.

But in the end, he was the biggest joke in the world.

"For Yu Lina, I was willing not to join the army. But I didn't expect that they were deliberately trying to take away my opportunity."

Lin Yun just stood aside and watched quietly. Everyone has a moment of transformation.

And now is the best time for Dong Wenyuan to change himself.

So under Lin Yun's gaze, Dong Wenyuan's panel began to change. Not long ago, his weakness was Yu Lina, but now he has become more cruel.

"This world is a place where the strong prey on the weak."

"You also know that he has not agreed to be with you because the potential you have released is far from enough for him to make such a big bet on you."

"It seems that Miao Changze's family has other backgrounds to help him, and he is indeed more suitable for investment than you."

Lin Yun just said calmly on the side.

And every time he said a word, he could feel that Dong Wenyuan's aura became stronger. For this guy, he could not accept the things happening at the moment.

I have always thought that what I did could move Yu Lina.

But now it seems that everything can only move him.

After thinking about this, Dong Wenyuan rushed out without thinking.

"So you guys have always wanted to deal with me like this?"

Originally, Yu Lina was chatting with Miao Changze. When she heard Dong Wenyuan's voice, she was stunned for a moment, and there was a hint of panic in her eyes. She even began to think about how to explain to Dong Wenyuan.

But when he saw Dong Wenyuan standing here and injured, he quickly calmed down.

Yes, what should I worry about now? Dong Wenyuan is already injured and has no fighting power at all.

Not to mention that they have a lot of people on their side. If they can't even deal with Dong Wenyuan, wouldn't it be a joke if it gets out?

"Dong Wenyuan, why are you here?"

"I thought you were injured by those two shadow spiders."

Yu Lina pretended to be very nervous.

But at the moment when Yu Lina approached Dong Wenyuan, Dong Wenyuan slowly took a step back.

"I heard everything you two said just now, so you don't have to pretend in front of me now."

"Let's just speak frankly."

Dong Wenyuan said lightly. He had completely figured it out. Even if he paid more, it would have no effect at all.

Yu Lina had no idea about him, that was no idea.

From the beginning to the end, he was just a pawn in the hands of others.

"Why do you treat me like this?"

"I've tried my best to help you, but everything you've done so far is hurting me."

Yu Lina looked at Dong Wenyuan, and her concerned eyes began to become ferocious.

Soon she looked up and laughed out loud.

"Why do I treat you like this?"

"The strong prey on the weak, and the fittest survive. This is the rule of this world. No matter who you are, you can't escape this iron rule."

"We are just a group of ordinary people, but we want to change our fate. Do you want to continue living so that you can see the results?"

Yu Lina roared loudly.

Indeed, they are just some ordinary civilians. Even if they have some cultivation, what can they do? After all, they can't compare with those nobles and the gods.

The gods control most of the resources, and even a thought can determine the life and death of these people.

So now Yu Lina wants to change her fate and live a better life, which is indeed right.

It's just that his methods are too cruel for Dong Wenyuan.

Dong Wenyuan looked at Yu Lina for a long time without being able to say a word. It was only now that he felt that the person in front of him looked so strange.

It turned out that from the beginning to now, Dong Wenyuan had never understood Yu Lina.

"Everyone always has a time of transformation. This kid must be hit hard now."

Chong Qingniao said jokingly.

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