Lin Yun was not in a hurry to do anything, he just watched quietly here.

At the same time, his powerful consciousness spread around, locking all the practitioners active in the surrounding area.

It is very likely that he will kill people to silence them later, so what Lin Yun has to do is to ensure that no one can escape from his hands.

Now the Heavenly Court is still searching for him. Once the Heavenly Court knows that Lin Yun is still alive, they will definitely try every means. Spare no effort to catch Lin Yun.

So when facing these guys, Lin Yun must become more cunning. Only if he can escape from the hands of these guys can he be considered a smart person.

At this time, Lin Yun sent a message to Dong Wenyuan.

"I don't care how you want to arrange this matter today, but you must know that it is best not to force me to take action, otherwise no one present will be able to survive."

This is Lin Yun's advice to Dong Wenyuan. Once Lin Yun takes action, the nature of the whole thing will be completely different.

At that time, no matter how much Dong Wenyuan says, Lin Yun will definitely not show mercy.

After all, standing here, Lin Yun has made the worst plan.

Dong Wenyuan and Yu Lina were still arguing here.

At this time, Miao Changze took the initiative to step forward and stopped the two people.

"Okay, okay, I don't think there is any need for us to continue arguing here, right?"

"Dong Wenyuan, you clearly know that you are just a waste. Now that you have value, why don't you let us take advantage of this opportunity?"

"You should understand that as long as you are willing to help, I can bring Yu Lina a better life next time."

Miao Changze looked at Dong Wenyuan with a sharp look, as if he was sure that Dong Wenyuan would choose to agree in this situation.

But soon the situation disappointed Miao Changze.

As long as he heard Dong Wenyuan sneer: "At this point, do you really think I am an idiot? Will you listen to what you say now?"

"You want to kill me and replace me in the Changting Army?"

The Changting Army is a very special existence in the entire Tianshen Clan.

And Miao Changze also had the idea of ​​killing Dong Wenyuan and then replacing Dong Wenyuan in the Changting Army because he knew that Dong Wenyuan was going to join the Changting Army, so he could ascend to heaven in one step.

You should know that the commander of the Changting Army is Huo Changting, a rare Tianzun strongman in the entire Heaven Court.

The Changting Army has always been very strict in recruiting soldiers, and not everyone can join the Changting Army and become a clan.

So when Miao Changze knew about this, he knew that this was his chance, so he spared no effort to seize this opportunity and successfully jumped into the dragon gate.

What he didn't expect was that the final result was a completely different concept from what he thought.

And now for Miao Changze, he must firmly grasp all the changes that may happen at any time.

"Dong Wenyuan, Dong Wenyuan, you also know that the Changting Army's recruitment is very strict. You don't even look at your current level. Do you think you can win stably after joining the Changting Army?"

"How about this, I will give you a sum of money to ensure that you will have no worries about food and clothing in the future, and you will give me this quota to enter the South Pole."

"How about it? This is the biggest benefit I give you now."

Miao Changze said this, but at the same time he seemed to be mobilizing something around him.

Lin Yun had already noticed this, but Dong Wenyuan was still in a state of anger, so he didn't notice the changes around him at all.

"Miao Changze, you bastard."

"I won't believe your nonsense here today. I used to treat all of you as my brothers."

"But from today on, I will break off all ties with you."

When Dong Wenyuan said this, he looked at the other people around Yu Lina, who were the hunters who came with him.

Originally, I thought everyone was like-minded and wanted to survive better in this chaotic world, but I didn't expect that they came here just to laugh at me.

Dong Wenyuan didn't want to say another word now.

There is no greater sorrow than the death of the heart. For Dong Wenyuan, the only thing he wants to do now is to leave this sad place.

But just when Dong Wenyuan was about to turn around and leave, Yu Lina stopped him.

"Are you really going to leave like this? Watching the opportunity slip away from your hands."

Yu Lina looked at Dong Wenyuan with a particularly complicated expression.

"The conditions Miao Changze just gave you are enough to make you worry-free for the rest of your life, and you just paid some insignificant prices."

"You know, with your current strength and cultivation, you are not qualified to join the Changting Army at all."

Dong Wenyuan slowly turned around and looked at Yu Lina.

"You are right. With my current strength and cultivation, it is very likely that I will not be able to pass the test of the Changting Army and join the Changting Army. But do you know how this opportunity came about?"

"Now you ask me to give you this hard-won opportunity for no reason. I want to ask, why?"

Dong Wenyuan did not speak again, but walked towards the exit with firm steps.

Yu Lina glanced at Miao Changze's helpless face.

At this time, Miao Changze's eyes flashed with a fierce look.

"You rubbish."

"I have said so much to you just to give you a good result, but I didn't expect that even if we have come to this, you are still looking for death today."

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude."

"Listen to me, kill this guy no matter what means you use. Whoever can kill Dong Wenyuan will be rewarded with 10,000 spiritual stones."

The moment she heard this, even Yu Lina looked at Miao Changze in surprise.

He didn't know what Miao Changze meant now.

How could this guy suddenly become so rich? Although Miao Changze and these wasteland hunters do have aristocratic heritage from different tribes.

But he is just a declining nobleman, how could he take out tens of thousands of spiritual stones at once.

It doesn't mean that when Lina asked about the matter clearly, all the wasteland hunters around had already started to fight.

Facing these people, Dong Wenyuan did not hesitate at all and faced the challenge directly.

He wanted to break out of the encirclement of these people with his own efforts, but he still overestimated his ability after all.

Since these hunters dared to come to the Beast God Forbidden Zone, it was obvious that they could not be dealt with by ordinary means.

Sure enough, within a quarter of an hour, Dong Wenyuan was directly knocked out and hit the ground heavily, with a mouthful of blood spurting all over the ground.

At this time, Dong Wenyuan was still extremely weak.

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