Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1366 You are such a rubbish

"Brother Liu Zhong, look!" Leng Xiner pointed at the paper and shouted at Liu Zhong.

Liu Zhong looked in the direction Leng Xiner pointed, was stunned for a moment, and quickly picked up the paper. What caught his eyes were three big characters--War God Art!

"Ah, this is, this is..." Liu Zhong exclaimed, and his breathing became heavy instantly, as if he had seen something incredible.

He quickly picked up other papers as if he was possessed by a demon, and finally found something else. On another piece of paper was written the Cold Water Art.

This unexpected discovery made Liu Zhong feel like he had seen a ghost. Although he had never seen the world, he knew at this moment what great things were recorded on the two white papers in front of him.

In this world, the strong prey on the weak, the strong get stronger, and the weak die.

Generally speaking, only certain families and sects have cultivation methods, and non-large sects and large families do not have very good methods.

Therefore, even though the martial arts are popular in Xuanyuan Continent, there are still very few people who can be called strong, and generally only masters can appear in large sects and large families. Other poor families or ordinary people, without great adventures, will live like this for the rest of their lives. Some particularly poor families may be ordinary people all their lives, and cannot even get the most basic cultivation methods, so they cannot practice.

After hurriedly crumpling the papers into a ball, Liu Zhong carefully placed them on his chest, and then carefully looked around, looking like a guilty thief.

"Xin'er, hurry up, take the things, let's go!" Liu Zhong said in an urgent tone, as if someone was chasing him from behind. At this moment, he couldn't even think about where the things on the paper came from.

Although Leng Xin'er didn't know why, she knew that something extraordinary must have happened at this moment, otherwise Liu Zhong would not behave like this.

She nodded obediently, and then she and Liu Zhong walked out together, leaving the village where they had lived since childhood under the cover of night.

In the mountains of southern Xinjiang, it was not only this pair of siblings who were running around at night. In the depths of the dense forest, there was also a thin figure.

This man was thin and covered with a white robe. Although he was just a teenager, his eyes full of vicissitudes were particularly attractive. A pair of sword-like eyebrows stretched across his angular face, adding a hint of sharpness to him.

In front of this boy, a bonfire flickered, and something seemed to be buried under the bonfire.

Not long after, the boy used a wooden stick to dig out the contents of the bonfire. It turned out to be a sweet potato, which seemed to be the food for the boy.

After eating the sweet potato in a hurry, the boy decisively extinguished the bonfire.

In the dense forest at night, although the bonfire can drive away the cold and keep warm, and even scare away some wild animals, some wild animals are not afraid of light. Therefore, the best way to survive is to climb up the tree trunk and avoid danger with the help of dense leaves.

Although the boy was thin, he climbed the tree without hesitation. He climbed up a big tree in no time, sat down cross-legged on the branch, closed his eyes, and recovered his energy.

After all, the southern border is vast, and it takes at least ten days to reach the destination.

Early the next morning, the boy woke up, looked up at the sky against the branches, and enjoyed the sunshine, with a peaceful face.

After climbing down the tree trunk, the boy sipped a mouthful of dew to quench his thirst, and then set off again.

On the way, the boy ate wild fruits, drank dew, rested when he was tired, and continued to move forward after resting; there were no dangers for several days, and the boy went deeper and deeper into the dense forest.

At this moment, he knew nothing except that he was heading west.

The boring journey was not so boring for the boy, after all, he was not alone. During this period of time, although everything was the same as before, he had a lot of common sense about this foreign continent in his mind, of course, all of this was told to him by Chi You.

Night fell again, and the boy stopped moving forward as usual, but sat cross-legged on the ground, built a bonfire, and roasted a rabbit he had hunted.

Don't underestimate this rabbit. After all, this is the first meat Yi Jiangnan has eaten since entering this world. Moreover, if this rabbit had not been injured and dying from fighting with other animals, Yi Jiangnan might not be able to capture it with his current ability.

After all, everything in this alien continent is weird. For example, this rabbit is not a herbivorous animal on Earth. Here, it eats meat, and its fighting power is not ordinary.

Barbecue is not too unfamiliar to Yi Jiangnan who has traveled through time and space, and without some seasonings, this barbecue is even simpler. As long as you control the heat well, you can eat delicious barbecued rabbit meat.

Rabbit meat is delicious and not greasy, which makes Yi Jiangnan have endless aftertaste. Although he wants to catch another one, after Chi You's explanation, he knows that he is not yet able to catch this beast called canine rabbit.

Although he felt regretful, Yi Jiangnan was not discouraged. He believed that sooner or later, he would be able to catch the Red Rabbit easily.

After eating the rabbit meat, Yi Jiangnan obviously felt a little bloated.

He put out the bonfire with a smile. He felt that this world was still very interesting.

After climbing up the tree, Yi Jiangnan found a comfortable position to sit down, looked at the long dark night, and then slowly closed his eyes.

The night was getting darker and darker, and Yi Jiangnan didn't know why he kept tossing and turning this time and couldn't sleep. There was always an uneasy feeling in his heart, as if he was about to encounter some danger.

"Master, look at whether there is any danger around here. Why do I always have an uneasy feeling?" Yi Jiangnan asked in his heart. These days, he has completely recognized his and Chi You's status as master and disciple.

When Chi You heard this, he didn't say anything, as if he was investigating something.

After a while, Chi You spoke eagerly, looking very anxious. "A tide of beasts, how could it be a tide of beasts?" Judging from Chi You's intention, this tide of beasts seemed extremely terrifying.

"Beast tide?" Yi Jiangnan was puzzled, "Master, what is a beast tide? Why do your words make me feel anxious?"

Although Chi You was anxious at the moment, his spiritual consciousness had already noticed that the beast tide was about to begin. This was an unavoidable fact and there was nowhere to hide. Just then he explained: "The beast tide is an extremely troublesome thing. It can be divided into two types, the beast tide and the monster tide. What is about to happen here is the beast tide. The beast tide, as the name suggests, is the beasts pouring out like a tide. , a riot broke out. Just imagine, there are so many wild beasts in the dense forests of southern Xinjiang. Once these wild beasts riot, not only ordinary people will die, but also people who have reached the realm of Yuanying will escape death. It is conceivable that the beasts will die. The tide is so terrifying. However, the beast tide usually occurs when the Nine Yins cover the sun. Normally, unless something happens that makes the beast king furious, there will be no beast tide. The reason for the beast tide happening at this moment is obvious. It’s the latter.”

When Yi Jiangnan heard this, his eyes flickered. No one knew what he was thinking, but looking at the aura on his body that remained calm, it could be seen that Yi Jiangnan was not frightened by this.

"Master, what should I do to survive when I encounter a tide of beasts now?" Yi Jiangnan asked. In his mind, ordinary people have death and no life, but it does not mean that he must have death and no life. After all, in his mind Next to him is a man who stood at the top of the world fifty thousand years ago.

When Chi You heard Yi Jiangnan's inquiry, his words were full of bitterness, "Disciple, if the master can come out of the Chaos Bead, he will naturally have nothing to fear from the beast tide, but I can't get out. For the current plan, the master can only You can use spiritual consciousness to cover your aura so that all beasts cannot detect you, and you can find a hidden place to hide and wait for the tide of beasts to recede, so that you can avoid this disaster. "

"That's it!" Yi Jiangnan said calmly, then jumped off the big tree and quickly headed into the distance under Chi You's guidance. Although he could hide in a big tree, no one knew what would happen when the beast tide changed, so he had to find another hiding place.

Not long after Yi Jiangnan left, the big tree where he was originally was hit by a wave of beasts. Hundreds of wild boar-like beasts rushed past under the big trees, causing the entire forest to tremble.

It seems that this tide of beasts is really terrifying. No wonder even the masters at the Nascent Soul stage have a narrow escape. After all, they cannot fly in the air for a long time. Once they fall into the dense forest, they will be attacked endlessly.

In the deep night, Yi Jiangnan's expression was vaguely dignified.

After being reminded by Chi You, he felt a tremor not long after he left. The source of this tremor was the resting place where he was before. It seemed that the beast tide had undoubtedly arrived.

When a tide of beasts came, Yi Jiangnan, an ordinary boy, had foresight, but how fast could he escape?

Therefore, not long after walking, he noticed that the vibration was getting closer and closer to him. Although Chi You helped him isolate his breath, it was obvious that this alone could not allow him to escape from the desperate situation.

"Apprentice, go a hundred meters forward and turn left. There is a cave there. You can take shelter there temporarily." Just as Yi Jiangnan's mind was spinning rapidly to think of ways to escape, Chi You's voice came into his heart.

"Okay!" Yi Jiangnan was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately rushed forward. After walking a hundred meters, he found a cave there.

The cave is not very big. It looks like it is almost two people wide. With Yi Jiangnan's size, it is very appropriate to hide in it.

This is indeed an excellent hiding place for one party. When this beast wave comes, it is undoubtedly a life-saving straw for Yi Jiangnan.

As soon as he entered the cave, he immediately felt a chill rushing towards his face. Although the cold was overwhelming, compared to the tide of beasts outside, this place was indeed a paradise.

After looking around, Yi Jiangnan suddenly rushed out of the cave and came back again. Several dense branches appeared in his hands. After densely covering the entrance of the cave, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Hiding in the cave, through the gaps between the branches, Yi Jiangnan stared at the outside world with unblinking eyes. The tide of beasts in the outside world surged by, and he was already shocked beyond measure.

While shocked, he couldn't help but shout that he was lucky. If he hadn't had such a place to stay, he would have been shattered into pieces in the galloping beasts.

A wave of beasts surged through again, and Yi Jiangnan couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh of relief. However, at this moment, Yi Jiangnan clearly heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground not far from the cave.

Although the beast tide was raging, the sound of the heavy object falling to the ground was still so clear.

"What is it?" Yi Jiangnan asked in his mind.

Soon, a voice of reply sounded, "There is an open space on your right hand side. A woman is lying on the open space at the moment. Judging from her breath, this woman has the cultivation of the late Nascent Soul stage. However, she is now lacking in true essence and is seriously injured. It seems that she escaped here after being injured in the beast tide."

"Woman? The cultivation of the late Nascent Soul stage?" Yi Jiangnan was speechless.

On the road of cultivation, although there are many realms, they are generally divided into nine realms, which everyone knows. The nine levels of the acquired heaven, the three realms of the innate, the golden elixir, the Nascent Soul, the return to the origin, the tribulation, the three flowers, the five qi, and the heavenly master. On this Xuanyuan continent, the Nascent Soul stage is probably already a great master. Such masters are undoubtedly superior to Yi Jiangnan at this moment.

And it is this kind of high-ranking master who has become the third person he has officially met at this moment, although it cannot be considered as an encounter at this moment.

Yi Jiangnan was silent in his heart. He had already known before that this world is a world where the strong are respected and the weak are destroyed. In this world, everything exists for the sake of profit. Therefore, in this world, it can be said that everyone is for themselves, and as for me for everyone, it may be rare to see it in a hundred years, not to mention the virtue of helping others when seeing injustice on the road in China.

If the person who knew the woman's situation at this moment was an orthodox person in Xuanyuan Continent, I am afraid that when the beast tide attacked and he was unable to take care of himself, that person would definitely be indifferent, and the woman would die.

However, the person who knew the woman's situation at this moment was not an orthodox person in Xuanyuan Continent. This person was an accident, an accident that came through time and space, and it happened that in that person's memory there was a virtue called helping others. So it can be said that this woman is extremely lucky.

Yi Jiangnan pondered for a while, and then made a decision in his heart. He couldn't just stand by and watch the death. "Master, can you help me see when the next wave of beast tide will come?"

Chi You was silent. The Chaos Pearl has always been by Yi Jiangnan's side, and it has accompanied him through time and space, so Chi You, who lives in the Chaos Pearl, knows very well about the suffering Yi Jiangnan has suffered. In this strange world where the strong are respected, Yi Jiangnan, who has come back once again, can still maintain such a kind character, which makes Chi You look quite complicated. He doesn't know whether this is good or bad.

The powerful soul power spreads rapidly, and a spiritual consciousness spreads over a large area. In just a moment, Chi You has the answer to Yi Jiangnan's question. "The impact of the next wave of beast tide will be in ten minutes, so if you want to save people, you must hurry up. Otherwise, you will be drowned by the beast tide and you will definitely die."

Hearing Chi You say this, Yi Jiangnan's expression can't help but be stern. It seems that he must hurry up.

He quickly moved the branches he had broken off before to one side, and then rushed out flexibly. Just after turning right, he saw an open space.

On the open space, there is indeed a woman lying there at this moment.

The woman doesn't look too old, about 27 or 28 years old, wearing elegant and luxurious clothes, and her jade-like face is so beautiful even with a frown, which makes Yi Jiangnan, who has lived two lives, tremble and be stunned.

Fortunately, Chi You was by Yi Jiangnan's side. As soon as he was distracted, he was awakened by Chi You, otherwise he would have been buried in the beast tide.

After waking up from his daze, Yi Jiangnan was already sweating profusely. It was true that beauty is a disaster.

After the first daze, Yi Jiangnan looked at the woman again, and there was a trace of indifference in his heart. The woman's beautiful face could not affect him at all. "Haha, I didn't expect that the third person I, Yi Jiangnan, met on this continent was such a beauty."

Shaking his head and abandoning some inappropriate thoughts, he quickly circled the woman's body and quickly returned to the cave with her in his arms.

After covering the cave entrance again, Yi Jiangnan finally breathed a sigh of relief. He finally rescued the woman without any danger.

The beauty was by his side, exhaling like orchids, and the cave instantly had many more beautiful scenery. However, at this moment, Yi Jiangnan was like an old monk in meditation, sitting on the ground, motionless. The scene in front of him could hardly have any effect on his rock-hard heart.

The next morning, hundreds of birds were singing, and beams of sunlight shone into the dense forest, reflecting the crystal-clear dewdrops.

In such a peaceful scene, the beast tide last night seemed to have never happened.

The scenes in the night seemed to make people feel like they were in a dream. If the boy and the girl in the cave were not still there, people would probably think that the terrifying scene was just a dream.

The beautiful woman frowned, and after a tremor, she suddenly opened her eyes. A flash of pain flashed in her eyes, and then was replaced by indifference.

"Where am I?" The woman murmured, and then looked around, "I'm not...ah!" The woman seemed to be ready to say something, but the subsequent scream made her swallow what she wanted to say.

The woman looked at the boy sitting cross-legged beside him in panic, and seemed to think of something she shouldn't think of, and screamed in fear.

The boy opened his eyes, with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth, giving people a feeling of being bathed in spring breeze. "Girl, you're awake! The beast tide has passed!"

This sentence was like a tranquilizer that calmed the woman from her fear. The woman looked at the boy in front of her for several times before she regained her calmness as if she had confirmed something.

In the woman's mind, such a boy would not do anything to take advantage of others' misfortune.

If Yi Jiangnan knew what the woman was thinking, he would probably smile bitterly. He thought the woman was still frightened by the beast tide last night.

Throwing away the messy thoughts, the thrilling scenes of last night in the woman's mind were played like a movie. In her memory, didn't she faint from exhaustion?

"You saved me?" The woman looked at the thin boy in front of her, her beautiful eyes full of disbelief.

Yi Jiangnan did not deny it, and there was nothing to deny. He nodded lightly, which had already made everything clear.

"But you...?" The woman seemed to have some doubts.

Yi Jiangnan ignored it, just stood up from the cave, lifted the covering, and stepped out.

Seeing that Yi Jiangnan actually ignored her, the woman's indifferent expression immediately turned into anger. Although the other party was just a child, with her peerless appearance, she would not be ignored like this!

Women have always been most concerned about others' performance of their appearance. At this moment, Yi Jiangnan's indifferent attitude undoubtedly angered the woman.

" stop right there!" The woman seemed to be used to being in a high position. When she woke up, she was a little arrogant.

Yi Jiangnan didn't buy it and walked out without hesitation.

The woman was even more angry and didn't care about her injuries. She stood up quickly, but she cried out, "Ah!" The woman fell to the ground without a doubt. She was seriously injured and couldn't recover overnight.

After all, this person was a woman. Although her high-handed attitude was a bit unpleasant, Yi Jiangnan couldn't be indifferent to the woman's wailing. He shook his head helplessly and turned to the woman, "Girl, are you okay?"

The woman seemed to be angry. She snorted coldly and ignored Yi Jiangnan.

Yi Jiangnan smiled bitterly, "If you are okay, I will leave. It's a long way to go. See you later!"

After leaving this, Yi Jiangnan turned around again and prepared to leave. After all, his blood transfusion was imminent and could not be delayed at all.

But how could the woman let him have his wish, "Stop, in such a barren mountain, dense forest, and a place full of wild beasts, you really have the heart to let a weak woman who is seriously injured stay here? Then why did you save me before? It would be better to let me die in the beast tide!"

If someone who knows the woman sees the coquettish look at this moment, he will probably be extremely surprised and wonder if he has recognized the wrong person.

Yi Jiangnan was speechless again. He was really ready to say: "Sister, if you, a late Yuanying master, are a weak woman, what is a child like me?" But he never spoke. Yi Jiangnan knew that this woman was so unruly. Once he said this, the matter would probably never end.

Reluctantly, he walked back to the cave. Yi Jiangnan had a bitter smile on his lips. It seemed that he had saved a trouble this time!

When the woman saw Yi Jiangnan coming back, she showed a charming smile on her face again, and said charmingly: "Little brother, is this right!"

Yi Jiangnan was extremely depressed. Although he was indeed just a child now, the woman's calling him like this made him feel quite unhappy. But he didn't dare to show anything at this moment, otherwise he would suffer if the woman started to act like a spoiled child again.

Ignoring the woman's words, Yi Jiangnan asked, "Girl, now that the beast tide has passed, it's safe outside. I have something urgent to do, so I don't have much time. I have to hurry on my way. What do you think..."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? I'll just go with you. After all, you're not too relieved to leave a weak woman like me here!" The woman was straightforward this time, and she spoke to herself before Yi Jiangnan could speak.

Yi Jiangnan was stunned by the woman's sudden change, but quickly responded, "That's good, let's go!" After that, he was ready to turn around and leave.

"Stop!" Seeing Yi Jiangnan was about to leave again, the woman shouted again, "Can't you see that I'm injured? How can I leave? Come and help me!"

Yi Jiangnan was stunned, "Girl, this... this is not good, after all, men and women should not touch each other!"

As soon as these words came out, the woman's expression was shocked, and she shouted again in an instant: "You little brat, what do you know about men and women not touching each other? I can be your aunt, but you are not allowed to call me aunt, you have to call me sister in the future, understand? What are you standing there for? Come and help me!"

Yi Jiangnan was speechless. He didn't understand what logic this was, what was the relationship between sister and aunt, but at this moment, naturally, what the woman said was what it was.

He walked to the woman's side very reluctantly, gently helped the woman up, felt the temperature of the woman's soft hands, smelled the pleasant fragrance on the woman's body, and the softness of the woman's chest leaned against him from time to time. Even though Yi Jiangnan could ignore the woman's peerless posture, he could no longer remain calm, and his mind was turbulent. After all, although he was a child, he was already 19 years old in his previous life, so he was very clear about some things.

Forcibly suppressing the turmoil in his heart, Yi Jiangnan looked at his nose, his nose looked at his mouth, his mouth looked at his heart, and silently chanted in his heart that color is not different from emptiness, and emptiness is not different from color. Only in this way can he keep his mind clear and support the woman and walk out of the cave.

The woman was obviously very surprised that Yi Jiangnan could still maintain his normal state under such circumstances, and she was even more curious about the boy in front of her.

Although the young man in front of her was dressed in ordinary clothes, the indifference in his words and deeds made him look like someone who was used to big events, so the woman had already concluded in her heart that this young man was not an ordinary person.

And the vicissitudes of life in his eyes cannot be ignored. What on earth has such a weak young man gone through to have such a pair of eyes that seem to have been acquired after going through vicissitudes of life.

What's more, the boy was able to save himself from the beast tide. Although the woman's spiritual consciousness had already detected that the boy was an ordinary person, could the boy survive the beast tide if he were an ordinary person?

This kind of situation is enough to show that the young man in front of her is definitely not a human being, and it is also enough to arouse the curiosity of the beauty in front of her. Therefore, the previous scene happened that the woman seemed to never do or say in this life. if.

Yi Jiangnan helped the woman out, looked around for a while, and after confirming a certain direction, he helped the woman go in that direction.

Yi Jiangnan had already asked Chi You about the woman's injury. Although it was serious, it was not serious, which made him feel relieved.

At night, Yi Jiangnan lit a bonfire and sat quietly opposite the woman.

He spread out the wild fruits and some food he had picked along the way, divided it into two portions, and started eating on his own.

The woman took one look at such simple food and seemed to have no appetite. Instead, she looked at the young man in front of her and wondered what she was thinking. Only her eyes shone brightly in the dark night.

"Why are you looking at me if you don't want to eat?" Yi Jiangnan felt uncomfortable with the woman's gaze, so he asked.

The woman still stared at Yi Jiangnan closely, "I'm wondering who you are. At such a young age, you dare to walk alone in the dense forests of southern Xinjiang, which is so dangerous. I'm still wondering what you want. Go and do it. It seems that your walking direction is still heading towards the depths of the jungle. Don't you know that there is Chiyou Demon Cave, one of the four most dangerous places on the mainland, and there is also one of the four most dangerous places on the mainland, Wan Yao? forest."

Yi Jiangnan smiled slightly when he heard this, "You and I just met by chance, and I just happened to save your life. Maybe after you recover from your injury and leave, we won't have any intersection again, so you don't need to know about me. , I will not ask about your affairs. Just as I wonder why you, a woman, appeared here and was seriously injured, or why the beast tide suddenly appeared in the dense forest of southern Xinjiang at this time. "

"Haha!" The woman smiled calmly, "You are right. Xuanyuan Continent is so big. Maybe we won't have any intersection in the future, so we don't need to know too much about each other. My injury will be worse. It will probably take two days to recover, and I will leave at that time. We will never see each other again until we say goodbye!”

Hearing this, Yi Jiangnan smiled slightly. Is this what this woman usually looks like? She does seem to have the attitude of a superior. The origin of this woman must be very complicated.

The two of them were together, and two days passed in the blink of an eye.

The woman's injury has almost healed. As the woman's injury recovers, the little girl's posture when she first met no longer appears on her body. Instead, the aura of a superior person becomes stronger and stronger. For her, Yi Jiangnan doesn't like this kind of smell.

Under the shade of a tree, the two stood opposite each other. The woman always had a calm smile on her face, which matched with her appearance, giving people a sense of elegance.

"The injury is almost healed! So, it's time for you and I to say goodbye today!" Yi Jiangnan spoke softly, looking at the woman in front of him, with a trace of reluctance in his eyes.

Although the two only stayed together for three or four days, it was long enough for Yi Jiangnan. It can be said that this woman is the person Yi Jiangnan has known for the longest time on this continent so far.

The woman nodded, her smile still on her face. "It's time to leave. You have to be careful when you go alone in the future. I look forward to seeing you again on the mainland in the future. I don't know what you will look like at that time."

"Haha! If you don't die in this trip, you will see what I will look like in the future..." Before Yi Jiangnan finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed, and the topic changed, and he was very anxious: "Hurry up and find a place to hide. There is a fifth-level silver wolf approaching here quickly and will arrive here soon."

"Fifth-level silver wolf? Howling Moon Wolf King? Damn it, why did it come here?" The woman's face suddenly changed when she heard this, even though she didn't even have time to ask why Yi Jiangnan discovered the danger earlier than she did.

Monsters are divided into nine levels, which correspond to the level of human cultivation. A fifth-level monster is already equivalent to a human master in the Guiyuan realm. Such masters can be said to be rare in Xuanyuan Continent. They are usually immortal-level figures in some big families and sects. It is quite shocking to meet them here now.

Although the woman in front of her has the cultivation level of the late Nascent Soul, and even if she has some trump cards to fight against the masters of the human Guiyuan realm, the monsters are much more difficult to deal with than the masters of the same realm of humans, so Their situation can be said to be precarious at this moment.

Yi Jiangnan was not naive enough to think that it was a coincidence that such monsters came here. After thinking about it carefully, he already understood that the current fifth-level monsters and the previous wave of beasts might all come for one person. He sighed slightly, it seems that this woman has caused a lot of trouble!

"Let's hide quickly, it's coming soon!" Yi Jiangnan repeated it again, but the woman remained unmoved.

In the woman's mind, a fifth-level monster or a master of the Guiyuan realm can't just hide and be fine. As long as such a master's spiritual consciousness scans, they will have to show up obediently. Therefore, the woman doesn't want to do the method the young man in front of her said.

Yi Jiangnan shook his head helplessly, and simply pulled the woman's hand and rushed to the dense woods beside, and finally hid behind a big tree.

Although the woman didn't want to do this useless work, since she had already hidden here, she just let it go.

As soon as the two left, a huge figure fell from the sky. Yi Jiangnan could feel the fishy smell in the mouth of the silver wolf when he glanced at it.

After the silver wolf fell, it looked around for a while, as if looking for something, which made the woman next to Yi Jiangnan nervous instantly.

However, after a long time, the silver wolf seemed to have no gains. A pair of copper bell-like eyes showed a strong doubt. Then he lay down on the spot, and it seemed that he would not leave until he found a clue.

Silver Wolf's performance made the woman breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time, she became more curious about the boy in front of her. The spiritual sense search of the Guiyuan master could not find the two people. How did such a powerless boy do it? What was his origin?

Of course, the woman did not know that all this was not done by the boy in front of her, but by a remnant soul that existed beside the boy.

Behind the tree, the danger is over.

Yi Jiangnan looked at the big guy in front of him, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The woman, at this moment, was looking at the boy in front of her, hesitating in her heart.

The two of them had their own thoughts, which made the atmosphere behind the tree temporarily depressed.

"What are you..."

"What are you..."

After a while, the two of them actually spoke at the same time, and the words in their words were exactly the same. This made the two of them stunned, looking at each other, with a strong sense of inexplicable meaning in their eyes.

"You go first!" After being stunned, Yi Jiangnan gave way.

The woman smiled, her eyes sparkling, "You should speak first!"

Yi Jiangnan did not continue to be polite, and smiled slightly: "What I want to ask is what did you do to anger such a big guy. You should know that the fifth-level monster only exists in the Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters, and at this moment, this big guy actually came out of the Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters, it must be to find you!"

"This Howling Moon Wolf King is indeed the overlord living in the Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters. It came out of the Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters to find me, but I'm sorry I can't tell you why." The woman did not deny Yi Jiangnan's words, but agreed to it openly, which was a fair and upright performance.

Yi Jiangnan looked at the woman in front of him meaningfully, and his smile became even bigger. "So that's how it is. If you don't want to tell me the reason, then don't tell me! But what did you want to ask me before?"

The woman frowned slightly, and looked at Yi Jiangnan with endless doubts, "I wonder who you are? At such an age, without any cultivation, you dare to break into the dense forest of southern Xinjiang, and you can survive the beast tide. At this moment, you can also discover the attack of the Howling Moon Wolf King before me, and block the spiritual consciousness query of the Howling Moon Wolf King without any flaws. You say, can I not be confused?"

"Hehe..." With a faint smile, Yi Jiangnan seemed particularly unfathomable at this moment, "You have asked the same question twice, and my answer has not changed at all. You only need to know that our meeting is accidental, and I rescued you twice just by chance. As for my basis, I can't tell you either."

"I knew you would answer like this!" Hearing this, the woman rolled her eyes at Yi Jiangnan angrily, as if she was indignant.

Yi Jiangnan did not answer the woman's words, but fell silent, as if he had discovered something.

"Twenty miles ahead of us, more than ten women appeared. These women were all dressed in white and had long swords on their waists. They seemed to be looking for something. Among these ten people, there were five people in the Nascent Soul stage and five people in the Golden Core stage; among the Nascent Soul stage, there were two in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, three in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, and the five people in the Golden Core stage were all in the late stage. Judging from their direction and speed, they will arrive here in about twenty minutes and meet the Howling Moon Wolf King. Look, the big guy on the opposite side seems to have discovered them too!"

"Ah? It's my senior sister and the others!" The woman exclaimed when she heard the words. When she looked in the direction pointed by Yi Jiangnan, she found that the Howling Moon Wolf King's eyes, which were originally closed, suddenly opened and stared in a certain direction with murderous intent.

"Oh no, my senior sisters must have come to find me. If so, they will definitely fight with the Howling Moon Wolf King. With their strength, it is probably dangerous to face the Howling Moon Wolf King!" The beautiful woman frowned, with a lot of worry in her eyes. She moved her feet and wanted to walk out from behind the tree.

Generally speaking, a person's spiritual consciousness depends on the person's soul. Those with strong cultivation naturally have strong souls and strong spiritual consciousness. Of course, some people with weak cultivation but strong souls are not excluded, but this is just an exception.

Therefore, on this continent, people within the nine levels of the acquired realm can only slightly leave their bodies with spiritual consciousness. The corresponding range of the three realms of innate cultivation is one to three miles, the Jindan stage is five miles, the Yuanying stage is ten miles, the Guiyuan stage is twenty miles, the Dujie stage is fifty miles, the Sanhua realm is one hundred and fifty miles, the Wuqi realm is five hundred miles, and the realm of Tianzun reaches one thousand miles.

The functions of spiritual consciousness are many and complex. In addition to detection, it can also attack, coerce, etc. through specific methods. It can be said that it has endless magical uses.

Although Chi You is said to be just a remnant soul at this moment, it is still the remnant soul of a person in the peak realm of Tianzun. Therefore, the power of spiritual consciousness is comparable to that of a master in the Five Qi realm, but it is not comparable to the fifth-level monster of Xiaoyue Wolf King.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing the woman's actions, Yi Jiangnan shouted, "Don't be impulsive. You can't stop things from happening even if you go out at this moment, so you might as well just wait and see what happens. In my opinion, your senior sister and the others have ten People, and each of the ten people has extraordinary cultivation. Although the Howling Moon Wolf King is a fifth-level monster, ten of them can't be defeated together. Moreover, even if you are here, even if they are invincible, you can catch them by surprise. Even if the sneak attack cannot injure the Howling Moon Wolf King, your combat power may not be enough to save his life."

Everything Yi Jiangnan said made sense. Although the woman was a little impulsive at first, after thinking about it, she understood the pros and cons. After thanking Yi Jiangnan, she became completely quiet.

Twenty minutes passed in an instant. In the sight of the two of them, a team walked out of the dense forest ahead. This team was no different from what Yi Jiangnan had said before in terms of cultivation level and clothing. They are the women’s senior sisters.

The group of women in white walked out of the dense forest and kept looking around, but obviously they found nothing, which made them look slightly disappointed.

Just when they were about to continue moving forward, a loud roar suddenly came from not far in front of them, and the expressions of all the women in the group suddenly changed.

"What is it?" The leading woman raised her eyebrows and asked.

However, apparently no one could answer her.

Seeing that no one answered her question, the woman seemed to understand something and waved her hand: "Junior sisters, follow me and continue moving forward. I want to see what kind of monsters the roaring in front of me is."

"Yes, Senior Sister!" Everyone around the woman responded in unison.

Then, under the leadership of the woman, they walked towards the place where the sound came from.

Behind the big tree, Yi Jiangnan raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the roar of the Howling Moon Wolf King, "Are we going to start?"

The woman beside him clenched her fists, obviously worried about the safety of her senior sisters and others.

This group of women in white, led by the woman called Senior Sister, quickly followed the sound, but when they saw the behemoth in front of them, their faces suddenly turned pale.

"Howling Moon Wolf King?" The leading woman exclaimed, naming the behemoth in front of her.

The body of the Howling Moon Wolf King that was originally lying on the ground suddenly stood up after seeing these ten women in white, and then let out a long roar to the sky.

The huge head immediately faced the dozen or so women, with a pair of big copper bell-like eyes filled with murderous intent.

The performance of the Howling Moon Wolf King caused the leading woman's expression to change instantly. She couldn't help but draw her sword out of its sheath and pointed at the Howling Moon Wolf King.

When the other women saw their senior sister's performance, they all drew out their weapons at the same time. Dozens of long swords pointed at the Howling Moon Wolf King. In an instant, there was a cold light flashing in the open space under the big tree, and the momentum was sudden. Condensed to the extreme.

Seeing the performance of these junior sisters, the pale face of the leading woman regained a lot of color, but her expression was still extremely awe-inspiring, "Howling Moon Wolf King, since you are here, then my junior sister Mingyue Ningxiang will definitely Is it more dangerous than good?"

There was a chill in the woman's words, and it seemed that as long as the Howling Moon Wolf King responded, she would point her sword at him.

The biggest difference between monsters and beasts is that the former have wisdom and know how to practice. Therefore, the Howling Moon Wolf King understood the meaning of the woman's words very well. As soon as the woman finished speaking, it roared angrily, as if it wanted to express something.

The woman's eyebrows were condensed, and her eyes were full of fierceness. "In this case, we ten sisters will definitely make your blood splash here today."

This woman's expression was sharp and murderous, and her words were obviously true.

Although Mingyue Ningxiang is the woman's junior sister, she is extremely talented, so she is also the leader of Mingyue Sect's generation. Although she is the leader, Mingyue Ningxiang treats them very well, so the sisterly relationship between the ten of them and Mingyue Ningxiang is naturally very deep.

Previously, Mingyue Ningxiang wanted to enter the Forest of Ten Thousand Demons. In order to avoid danger, they left them waiting outside. However, more than ten days had passed and Mingyue Ningxiang had not left. This made them worried, so they came in to search.

The purpose of Mingyue Ningxiang entering the Forest of Ten Thousand Demons is extremely obvious, and they all know it in their hearts. But now that the Howling Moon Wolf King is here, Mingyue Ningxiang is nowhere to be seen. How can this not make the woman's murderous intention surge in her heart.

Therefore, not to mention the leading woman, the nine people behind her also exuded terrifying murderous intent at the same time.

Behind the big tree, the woman looked at everything in front of her, feeling extremely moved. She felt extremely relieved to have such a group of fellow disciples and sisters.

But Yi Jiangnan looked at the woman in front of him quite strangely, "Mingyue Ningxiang, a very good name!"

The Howling Moon Wolf King felt the strong murderous intent emanating from the ten people opposite him, and there was a hint of disdain in his eyes. The Howling Moon Wolf King was a majestic fifth-level monster, the king of wolf-type monsters. How could it be afraid of the one in front of it? What about women who are in the Nascent Soul stage or even the Golden Core stage?

Roaring again, the Howling Moon Wolf King opened his bloody mouth. Suddenly, a gust of fishy wind hit his face, and a powerful momentum enveloped him, casting a thick shadow over the hearts of the ten women in front of him.

In order to seize the initiative, the leading woman took a wrong step when the Howling Moon Wolf King roared again, and the whole person floated up into the air. Although the Yuanying masters could not fly in the air for a long time, it was enough for the battle.

At the same time, the remaining four Yuanying stage women also floated up into the air, divided into five directions, and went towards the Howling Moon Wolf King.

As for the remaining five women in the late Jindan stage, they fully mobilized the true essence in their bodies, and suddenly a soft light emerged from the five women. Then, the long swords in their hands trembled, and they actually flew away from their hands with silver light and flew towards the Howling Moon Wolf King.

Flying swords to attack is an ability that can only be possessed after the Jindan stage.

Although the ten women in white caught the opportunity to attack, the gap in realm is always there.

Although they used extremely fierce moves as soon as they attacked, the besieged Howling Moon Wolf King never showed any fear. Instead, he looked like he was teasing.

The strength of the leading woman was the highest among the nine people, and she was only a hair's breadth away from the late Nascent Soul stage. At this moment, she flew into the air and attacked the Wolf King, her body turned into cold light, and the long sword in her hand flashed with silver light, with unparalleled power, as if she could split the mountains.

Behind the woman, there were four other people who were also doing their best. Judging from their appearance, although they were not desperate at the moment, they were also unreserved.

Facing the five attacks that came first, the Howling Moon Wolf King suddenly raised his wolf head, "Awoo!" After a long howl, the five women who jointly attacked the Wolf King actually retreated back at a speed faster than when they attacked, like a kite with a broken string. When the five people stabilized their bodies, there were already traces of blood flowing from the corners of their mouths.

The power of the Wolf King and the power of the Guiyuan master are indeed not to be challenged. With just a roar, the five Nascent Soul masters were seriously injured.

After the five people, the five masters in the late Jindan stage were even more vulnerable. Facing the long swords of these people, the Wolf King did not dodge at all, and just stood there with his head held high.

Five long swords stabbed fiercely at the Howling Moon Wolf King. After a dull sound, the five people's treasured long swords suddenly broke. The five women also raised their heads and spit out blood at the same time, and their expressions became depressed.

The monster's physique is indeed strong. It is amazing that the strength of its physical body is comparable to that of a treasure at the Guiyuan realm. It is really amazing. It is not unreasonable to say that monsters of the same realm are stronger than human masters.

In Xuanyuan Continent, there are many types of weapons, but their power also divides weapons into different levels. Ordinary weapons, treasure weapons, spiritual weapons, and heavenly weapons are the realm divisions of known weapons on the continent. Among them, ordinary weapons and treasure weapons are used by people below the Yuanying stage, while spiritual weapons and heavenly weapons are used by people above the Yuanying stage, and weapons above the spiritual weapon level can be stored in the body. However, due to the prevalence of martial arts in Xuanyuan Continent, many people like to carry weapons with them when walking on the continent.

Excellent weapon refiners are very rare on Xuanyuan Continent, so spiritual weapons and heavenly weapons basically only appear in large families and large sects. Among the ten people of Mingyue Sect, except for the five women in the Jindan stage who are still using treasure weapons due to their realm, the other five people in the Yuanying stage all use low-grade spiritual weapons, which shows how great the foundation of Mingyue Sect is.

In addition, whether it is a mortal weapon or a heavenly weapon, if you want to use it, you must use spiritual consciousness to refine it, so as to establish a connection with the weapon. Therefore, if the weapon is damaged, the owner of the weapon will also suffer considerable damage.

In a short moment, all ten women were injured, which made Yi Jiangnan and Mingyue Ningxiang, who were hiding behind the big tree, look deeply solemn. In their hearts, they already understood that the realm of Xiaoyue Wolf King was probably at the late stage of Guiyuan, otherwise the ten sisters of Mingyue Sect would not be so embarrassed.

Yi Jiangnan grabbed Mingyue Ningxiang who wanted to rush out again excitedly, and shook his head heavily at the latter. Mingyue Ningxiang then forced herself to stabilize her body and looked at everything in front of her.

Outside, the ten women of Mingyue Sect looked at each other, and saw deep helplessness in each other's eyes.

They knew that Xiaoyue Wolf King was very strong, but they didn't expect it to be so strong that a team of five Yuanying stage and five Jindan stage could not shake it at all.

The leading woman saw that although her side was at a disadvantage, her eyes were still cold and there was no gloom. The same was true for the nine people behind her. Although helpless, they still exuded a strong fighting atmosphere, and seemed unwilling to give up.

"Howling Moon Wolf King, you are really strong. It seems that Junior Sister Ningxiang is in danger! After the previous test, I know that the ten of us cannot cause much damage to you, but don't think that we will surrender. Even if we die, we will not weaken the prestige of Mingyue Sect! Watch out!" After the woman said this, her eyes were filled with murderous intent, and the silver light of the long sword in her hand flashed even more fiercely. It seemed that she was going to fight to the death.

Howling Moon Wolf King was too strong. If they didn't use 120% of their strength, they would probably die miserably.

Howling Moon Wolf King seemed to be very clear about the meaning of the woman's words. Therefore, when the woman just launched the attack, it stood up like a human, closed its front paws, and flashed fiercely in its eyes.

"Moonlight Slash!" The woman shouted tenderly, and her body suddenly floated up again. In her hand, the long sword was slowly raised. When the long sword rose to a certain position, it suddenly chopped down vertically at a speed several times faster than before. A crescent-shaped silver light slowly left the sword as the long sword chopped down, and it grew in the wind. In the blink of an eye, it was several feet in size, and then it chopped towards the Howling Moon Wolf King with unstoppable force!

Following the woman, there were also four delicate shouts, and then a large crescent-shaped silver light and three small crescent-shaped silver lights followed the largest silver light without hesitation and chopped towards the Howling Moon Wolf King.

When the silver light came, even the powerful Howling Moon Wolf King could not ignore the five attacks that came the second time.

Howling Moon Jue, the strongest skill of Mingyue Sect, the power of the martial arts mixed in it can be imagined.

A trace of fear flashed across the copper bell-like eyes of the Howling Moon Wolf King, and then he howled again, and a silver-white hazy light ball appeared on his wolf claws. Although the light ball was only the size of a fist, the various heart-pounding auras emanating from it had already shown how powerful the Howling Moon Wolf King's attack was this time.

Seeing that the silver light was about to attack, the hazy light ball was thrown out fiercely by the Howling Moon Wolf King, and it bombarded the silver light.

"Bang!" A deafening sound resounded throughout the dense forest of southern Xinjiang. After the loud noise, a huge pit appeared where the original ten people and one wolf were. On the left side of the pit, the silver light on the Howling Moon Wolf King's wolf hair dimmed, and the originally beautiful hair turned gray. On the right, five women knelt on one knee, their faces as pale as a piece of paper. Looking at their appearance, it was probably difficult for them to stand up.

Beside these five women, there were five intact women holding swords, looking stern, as if protecting the five injured women. These people were the five people in the late Jindan stage. Although the long swords were destroyed, they were obviously prepared. Although the spare long swords at this moment were not refined, they were better than being unarmed.

Such a shocking blow, the effect was really shocking. Behind the big tree, Yi Jiangnan's eyes were full of surprise. Will he have such power in the future?

Next to her, Mingyue Ningxiang saw her sisters and Xiaoyue Wolf King fighting in such a state, and she could no longer suppress her anxiety. Before Yi Jiangnan could react, she floated out, leaving Yi Jiangnan speechless. Why was this woman so impulsive?

Mingyue Ningxiang flew out of the air, with a deep murderous look in her eyes. With a wave of her slender hand, a long sword with flowing light appeared in her hand. The waves of pressure passing over the long sword told the extraordinaryness of this sword.

"Top-grade spiritual weapon!" The information that suddenly came to Yi Jiangnan's mind surprised him. The Mingyue Sect was indeed rich and powerful.

With the top-grade spiritual weapon in hand and a murderous look on her face, Mingyue Ningxiang gave people a particularly shocking feeling at this moment. Even the powerful Howling Moon Wolf King looked as if he was facing a great enemy.

On the right side of the pit, the ten women of the Mingyue Sect were located. When they saw this scene that seemed like a goddess descending from the sky, they could not suppress the joy in their hearts and shouted: "Master!" It seems that in their hearts, Mingyue Ningxiang not only won their respect, but also their recognition of her strength.

After hearing these calls, Mingyue Ningxiang nodded slightly and said, "Five senior sisters, you can heal your wounds with peace of mind. The five junior sisters Qingkong will protect you. The Howling Moon Wolf King will be handed over to me!"

"I will follow the master's orders!" The ten people of the Mingyue Sect responded respectfully, as if they were not worried at all that Mingyue Ningxiang could not fight the God Howling Moon Wolf King. Perhaps in their hearts, Mingyue Ningxiang is omnipotent.

Seeing that her fellow apprentices were as respectful as ever to her orders, Mingyue Ningxiang felt relieved, and then she gathered her mind to face the Howling Moon Wolf King.

Pointing her long sword diagonally, Mingyue Ningxiang looked majestic, "Howling Moon Wolf King, my previous plan was wrong, so I angered you and you want to kill me. I don't mind, but you should never attack my fellow apprentices. Today, let me experience your majesty again, and see whether it is you who is more powerful than me, the Howling Moon Technique!"

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