Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1368 Let’s go and see it for ourselves

Dong Wenyuan originally thought that Lin Yun would comfort him and cheer him up quickly, but he didn't expect that Lin Yun was a real poisonous tongue.

It's already this time today, and Lin Yun still doesn't take his current situation to heart, and is even joking with him temporarily.

Looking at Lin Yun's serious look now, Dong Wenyuan couldn't help laughing.

"Senior is really a very interesting person. He can still joke with me at this time."

"If the senior really doesn't care about my life or death, why waste so much time on this matter? Wouldn't it be better to let these guys kill me directly?"

Just now, Dong Wenyuan's heart was completely desperate, and he even wanted everyone to kill him directly.

However, at the critical moment, Lin Yun's appearance still changed Dong Wenyuan's initial idea.

And now Dong Wenyuan's heart has indeed sprouted some desire for life.

"You may be of some use to me, but not much, so I won't waste a lot of time on you."

"If you want to live, I won't stop you."

Lin Yun just said this lightly, and then he was ready to turn around and leave.

Just like what Lin Yun said just now, for him, it doesn't matter whether Dong Wenyuan wants to live or die. Anyway, everything is in Lin Yun's plan, and now he is the one who holds the initiative.

Even Dong Wenyuan is just a chess piece.

Where to put this chess piece is up to Lin Yun.

"Now that these people have been killed, there is no way to investigate the Changting Army."

Lin Yun asked back.

"The whole heaven is the law of the jungle, is the Changting Army really so special?"

To be honest, even Lin Yun didn't dare to believe that the Changting Army really had such courage.

You have to know that the rules of the heaven are specifically for the strong, but the Changting Army must pay attention to rules and constraints, which sounds incredible.

Dong Wenyuan was very firm on this issue.

"The current situation in the Heavenly Court is indeed not optimistic."

"But the Changting Army has always maintained this fine tradition since the beginning. For them, the so-called law of the jungle has no meaning. A truly powerful army must have strict discipline and clear rewards and punishments."

"It is precisely because of this that the strength of the Changting Army is strong enough that even if the Heavenly Court is dissatisfied with this Changting Marquis, it dare not take action easily."

Lin Yun now roughly understands what is going on. Now the Heavenly Court and the Demon Clan are fighting each other.

And the owner of the Changting Army, Changting Marquis, is guarding the passage with the Demon Clan.

If there is any problem with the Demon Clan at this time, it will be a bolt from the blue for them. No matter how strong they are, they can't stop the simultaneous attack of the Demon Clan and the Demon Clan.

Not to mention that the corruption within the Heavenly Court is already very serious.

Some of the Heavenly Gods have a lot of resources, allowing them to monopolize a strong enough force.

And under this state, it can be imagined that the entire Heavenly Court actually looks strong, but it is actually fragile.

"So this is the reason for the incident."

Lin Yun only had a certain degree of cognition at this time. He had never thought that things would be completely different from what he imagined.

However, for Lin Yun now, the overall situation is not as complicated as he imagined. At least for now, Lin Yun really has a certain degree of initiative.

"Now that we know what is going on, let's solve their problems next."

Lin Yun said as he walked forward and picked up a jade token left on Miao Changze.

Through this thing, he can connect with the mysterious man.

But the problem now is that there is only one qualification to enter the Changting Army, so one of him and Dong Wenyuan must not be able to join it.

But Lin Yun will not think so much, and now he can only take one step at a time.

After Dong Wenyuan experienced this incident, he can be said to be completely desperate. He did not think about joining the Changting Army before. After all, he never cared about the so-called change of fate.

For so long, the most important thing for Dong Wenyuan was only Yu Lina.

But after experiencing these betrayals again and again, Dong Wenyuan completely woke up.

So he is determined to join the Changting Army and see what the real situation is like in the previous term.

Lin Yun was a little helpless. He thought he could get some clues about controlling wild beasts from Miao Changze.

But unfortunately, this guy has no way to control wild beasts. Everything is the means given to him by the mysterious man.

It can be seen that the means of this mysterious man are very powerful and can control such a powerful existence as wild beasts.

It's a pity that this guy didn't expect that a person like Lin Yun would come out to disrupt the situation at a critical moment.

Otherwise, with their previous means, it should be enough to easily settle all the troubles.

In this way, Lin Yun and Dong Wenyuan acted together.

Half a month later, they finally left the Beast God Forbidden Zone.

The nearest city near the Beast God Forbidden Zone is called Xuantong City, which is also where all the hunters gather.

Because other areas have begun to be monopolized by some nobles, a large number of wasteland hunters are now gathering in Xuantong City. They are ready to challenge what kind of dangerous area the Beast God Forbidden Area is.

At this time, hundreds of people are preparing outside the Beast God Forbidden Area.

"Can we really come out alive from the Beast God Forbidden Area? I heard that among the hundreds of wasteland hunters who entered the Beast God Forbidden Area, not even one person can come out alive."

"What other way is there now? If we don't enter the Beast God Forbidden Area, then there is only one way to die. Anyway, it's the same result anyway, so we might as well try our best now."

Everyone looked at each other, and their despair could be felt in their tone.

No matter how they looked at this problem before, they had no choice under the current situation.

But at this moment, someone in front suddenly shouted.

"Look what that is? It seems that someone has come out of the Beast God Forbidden Area."

At that moment, everyone widened their eyes and couldn't believe what they saw.

I saw two people slowly walking out of the entrance of the Beast God Forbidden Area.

One of them was unharmed, and although the other one was covered in blood and looked a little disheveled, it seemed that he had only suffered minor injuries.

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