Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1369 Is this how you negotiate?

"Okay, I agree." As soon as Yao Baifeng heard the word "treasure weapon", he salivated in his heart. After spending so many years wandering in the dangerous jungles of southern Xinjiang, she had never obtained a treasure. If you encounter it now, you will naturally not miss it, not to mention that there is a red flame beast besides the treasure?

Although the Red Flame Beast is only a two-star mission issued by the Adventurer's Guild, the twenty points are not to be missed. Once these twenty points join, she will not be far away from becoming a two-star adventurer.

When Yao Baifeng agreed, Yin Fengzi breathed a sigh of relief. Immediately, he turned his attention to Xiao Zhuge. In Yin Fengzi's heart, Xiao Zhuge was the most difficult to deal with. The demon Bai Feng was just a slut with big breasts and no brains who could be ridden by thousands of people.

When the middle-aged man saw Yin Fengzi's gaze, the expression on his face never changed. He was still looking at the young man who was killing in front of him calmly as before.

"Brother Zhuge, what do you mean?"

It wasn't until Yin Fengzi couldn't hold back the anxiety in his heart and asked, that the middle-aged man withdrew his gaze and looked at Yin Fengzi.

The middle-aged man's eyes were like lightning. Under the middle-aged man's direct gaze, Yin Fengzi had to turn his head slightly to avoid the middle-aged man's gaze.

Seeing Yin Fengzi behave like this, a smile slowly climbed onto the middle-aged man's cheeks. "Yinfengzi, now that your brother has been slaughtered by this young man and almost completely wiped out, I can understand your eagerness for revenge. But the situation between you, me and her is extremely clear. The treasure weapon and the red flame beast belong to that young man. , after killing the young man, those two things naturally became our trophies, how can they be regarded as our reward for avenging you? So, if you want your remaining three brothers to survive, you'd better come up with other bargaining chips! "

The middle-aged man pointed to the battlefield where Yi Jiangnan was slaughtering and said confidently. On the battlefield, two more people died under the heavy sword without a sharp edge in the blink of an eye.

Yin Fengzi glanced at the battlefield, and his expression suddenly changed. Even his right-hand man Black Eagle was in crisis at this moment. If he didn't say anything, Black Eagle might die in the next moment.

"You are cruel!" Yin Fengzi gritted his teeth and spit out these two words. After his face changed rapidly, he finally said crazily as if he was risking his life: "If you can help me kill that boy, from now on I, Yin Fengzi, will be You have the sharpest knife under your helmet. "In order to save Black Eagle, he used himself as a reward. This Yinfengzi is not useless.

As soon as these words came out, the middle-aged man immediately clapped his hands and said, "Okay, as expected of Boss Yin, you really have courage, so we have a deal."

In the hearts of middle-aged people, although the young man has the acquired ninth level of cultivation and is extremely powerful in combat, but he continues to kill people, his strength may not be even 1 out of 10. And it can be said that it is very easy for so many of them to deal with a person who consumes a lot of energy, even if it is not easy to catch him. When the time comes, even if this young man has a huge origin and his corpse is destroyed, what will happen to the people behind him?

Therefore, not only will this transaction avoid losing money, but it will also be worth it, absolutely worth it!

Anyone with some brains can think of the thoughts in middle-aged people's minds. Yin Fengzi was shocked by Yi Jiangnan's strength before, so he didn't think of this. At this moment, his anger dissipated a little, and when he suddenly thought of this, a surge of regret suddenly appeared on his face.

But if he said it, he would throw water away and he could no longer regret it. After all, the word "credibility" is extremely important to cultivators. Once a cultivator breaks his promise, it will affect his state of mind and make him unable to progress in his cultivation. No matter who the cultivator is, he will never make fun of his own cultivation.

The deal was concluded between the three of them, and in a blink of an eye they were all enemies.

Yin Fengzi was first repelled by a yellow-haired boy, and then boarded a middle-aged man's pirate ship. The anger in his heart really reached an unbearable level. At this moment, before Xiao Zhuge and Yao Baifeng could take action, they jumped first, drew out their big swords, and struck at Yi Jiangnan!

At this moment, Yi Jiangnan killed six people in a row, and the murderous intention in his heart finally dissipated a lot.

As soon as the murderous intention dissipated, he regained his senses. A feeling of weakness suddenly came from the bottom of his heart. Although the Jiuli Holy Blood flowing in his body was restoring the vitality in his body all the time, it was only a drop in the bucket compared to the consumption.

As the saying goes, a house leaks only when it rains all night, and a boat breaks down when there is a headwind. Before the feeling of weakness in Yi Jiangnan's heart dissipated, another sense of crisis came over him. Cultivators always have different reactions to crises. At this moment, danger came to mind, and Yi Jiangnan couldn't help but tremble. With a glance from the corner of his eye, he saw a nine-foot-long knife coming towards his head.

Just as the sword was about to attack, Yi Jiangnan suddenly said "Ah!" and gave up the original target of the attack. He used the last ten percent of his energy left in his body to forcefully lift the sharp sword and faced the angry Yin Fengzi. .

"Boy, I want you to die!" Yin Fengzi said sinisterly when he saw that the big knife was about to chop off Yi Jiangnan's head.

Feeling the hatred and madness in Yin Fengzi, Yi Jiangnan frowned, and his murderous intention increased crazily again, "If you want me to die, you may not be able to see it!" After saying this, he just blocked the action. He suddenly changed in the air, and at the same time, a loud shout filled the sky: "Dead Soul!"

As soon as the word "broken soul" came out, there was a huge pressure like a mountain pressing on Yin Fengzi. Even though Yin Fengzi attacked with anger, he was still forced to slow down his attack under the pressure. As soon as his speed slowed down, the power of his angry strike was no longer as powerful as before, but Yi Jiangnan's soul-destroying strike became more and more powerful and powerful.

This time, Yi Jiangnan forced himself to squeeze out his own energy to perform the Soul-breaking Move. It can be said that he hurt the enemy by one thousand and hurt himself by eight hundred.

When he forced himself to use his one-tenth of his vitality to perform this move, a strange suction force instantly spread throughout his body, sucking power from his bones, flesh, and even blood. This power is not vitality, but the residual blood energy in the Nine Li Holy Blood.

When the Soul-breaking Move was injected with the remaining Holy Blood Essence in Yi Jiangnan's body, the original feeling of weakness disappeared in an instant, and at the same time, Yi Jiangnan actually felt that he was about to be blown up by the energy.

The Holy Blood Essence is so powerful that even if it is only some residual blood energy, it is not something that Yi Jiangnan, a small post-natal cultivator, can fully absorb. At this moment, Yi Jiangnan has to absorb the energy in the blood energy with all his strength, or volatilize this energy. And the Soul-breaking Move, which consumes a lot of energy, immediately became the volatilization point of this blood energy. With the infusion of blood energy, Yi Jiangnan's body was suddenly shrouded in a layer of golden light.

The golden light is dazzling, as bright as the morning sun. At this moment, Yi Jiangnan was like a god of war, swinging his earth-shattering blow in the golden light.

Under the infusion of the residual blood of Jiuli Holy Blood, the power of the Soul-breaking Style, which was already extremely powerful, was instantly increased again. That power is probably unbearable even for cultivators in the late Nascent Soul stage.

After the power of the Soul-breaking Style was magnified geometrically, even Xiao Zhuge and Yao Baifeng, who had not yet taken action, were oppressed by the pressure and spit out blood. As for the others, they were even more unbearable at this moment. Not only did they spit out blood, but their faces were pale and their spirits were depressed.

Looking at Yin Fengzi, who was at the center of the attack, he fell to the ground like a puddle of mud under this huge pressure. He was already breathing out more than breathing in. However, once the Soul-breaking Style came out, there was no possibility of retracting it. Without the slightest delay, the Soul-breaking Style was chopped down directly, and the Yin Fengzi, who fell to the ground, was instantly crushed into meat paste.

Shocking, there was nothing else that could describe Yi Jiangnan's attack except these two words.

After this attack, Xiao Zhuge, Yao Baifeng and others on the periphery could only stare blankly at Yin Fengzi who was crushed into mud, and did not dare to make any other moves.

As for the creator of this shocking scene, he quickly sat down cross-legged at this moment and entered the state of cultivation.

Yes, under the violent impact of the residual blood of Jiuli Holy Blood, Yi Jiangnan finally faced a breakthrough again.

Now, the bottleneck between the acquired and the innate in his body has been broken. As long as he absorbs enough spiritual energy and transforms it into vital energy, it is easy to achieve the innate state. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a natural outcome.

Seeing a layer of colorful outer clothes slowly rising from Yi Jiangnan who was sitting cross-legged, Xiao Zhuge and Yao Baifeng were surprised again. After all, Yi Jiangnan's way of absorbing spiritual energy was too weird.

In fact, for them, as long as they killed Yi Jiangnan at this moment, everything would be over. However, they did not dare. The previous scene was like a sharp knife across their hearts, making them lack the courage to break through the obstacles. This was also the reason why Yi Jiangnan dared to break through like this.

However, just because they did not dare did not mean that everyone did not dare, such as the masters within a radius of fifty miles near the dense forest.

"What's going on? An earthquake?" A man in animal skins looked at the direction of Yi Jiangnan in confusion after stripping off the second-level demon beast Qingwei Wolf he hunted. Then, he ran towards the place where Yi Jiangnan was.

In another valley, a middle-aged man in a green silk robe frowned slightly after feeling the vibration brought by Yi Jiangnan's super version of the soul-breaking blow. "This fluctuation? An old monster in the Return to Origin period?" With a murmur, the middle-aged man stepped on the ground and immediately floated up into the air, landing after a while. Flying in the air for a short time, the cultivation of the Nascent Soul period?

Except for these two people, more or less people from other places rushed to where Yi Jiangnan was. Among these people, except for the middle-aged man in the green silk robe in the Nascent Soul stage, the cultivation of the others was actually in the Xiantian realm. A rough calculation showed that there were no less than fifteen people.

After these people took action, four people at a certain place in the Soul-breaking Hill also changed the direction of their walking. Among these four people, the old man in the lead had a gleam in his eyes, and his white hair did not show any signs of aging. Next to him, there was a girl in red with worried eyes.

The girl felt the vibration, and her eyes were more worried, "Grandpa, what happened to the vibration just now?"

The old man heard the worried words of the girl in red, and touched her head lovingly, "Luan'er, don't worry! The boy is fine, but he just encountered a little trouble."

"Trouble?" Chi Luan shouted, and the anxious look on her face became more intense, "Grandpa, let's go quickly, otherwise my brother Jiangnan will be in danger."

After saying this, Chi Luan pulled the old man's hand and wanted to rush forward.

However, her action did not succeed. When she pulled the old man forward, the old man shook his head gently, "It's too late, let's go this way!" As soon as the voice fell, the old man pulled Chi Luan and both of them flew into the air.

Then, the old man nodded to the old woman and the middle-aged fat man, and took the lead to fly towards the place where Yi Jiangnan was.

As soon as the old man flew away, the old woman and the middle-aged fat man also flew into the air, following the old man's figure and flying forward.

This scene was really shocking.

At this moment, Chi Luan looked completely stupid, "Grandpa can fly?" This was the only thought in her mind at this moment. After all, her grandfather, who had only acquired the fifth level of cultivation, was suddenly able to fly in the air. This did not shock Chi Luan. It's impossible.

The old man seemed to see through Chi Luan's thoughts, with a kind smile on his face, "Luan'er, don't think too much, I will tell you everything after I solve the trouble for that kid. It's time!"

After hearing Yi Jiangnan's comfort, Chi Luan nodded obediently, without the arrogance he had before. In fact, what does the old man’s level of cultivation matter? As long as you know that he is your grandfather, isn't it ok?

In the dense forest, a place of killing.

Among several disgusting corpses, Yi Jiangnan was still practicing cross-legged. At this moment, the faint layer of colorful coat outside his body has become more and more vivid, while the surrounding area of ​​the colorful coat is completely hazy. This is the result of the crazy gathering of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

In Yi Jiangnan's body, the continuously compressed spiritual energy of heaven and earth is running along the trajectory of the second turn of the Nine-turn Holy Spirit Art. After each circle of movement, the flesh, blood, muscles and bones of Yi Jiangnan's body will be strengthened, and the energy in his body will be strengthened. The meridians will also be expanded, and his own physical potential will be tapped unconsciously.

Along with the refining of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, Jiuli's holy blood in Yi Jiangnan's body was also running crazily in his body at this moment. With every flow of Jiuli's holy blood, the blood vessels in Yi Jiangnan's body would rupture, and at the same time there would be a burst of pain in his heart.

However, these are temporary. His muscles, bones, flesh and blood are often torn apart and will be repaired the next moment by the spiritual energy and holy blood in his body. Under this alternation of destruction and repair, Yi Jiangnan's physical fitness has improved extremely obviously, and it can almost be said that he is moving towards perfection.

When this cycle of destruction and repair can no longer help Yi Jiangnan strengthen his body, the continuously running spiritual energy of heaven and earth will converge into Yi Jiangnan's Dantian, and finally form a hazy circle in Yi Jiangnan's Dantian. Energy group. As soon as the energy ball was formed, a powerful force was fed back into Yi Jiangnan's body. Upon initial induction, Yi Jiangnan discovered that he was dozens of times stronger than when he was at the ninth level the day after tomorrow.

"The second level of the Nine Transformation Holy Spirit Technique, the three innate realms, gathering energy!" Yi Jiangnan's eyes suddenly opened, and a ray of light burst out, telling how powerful Yi Jiangnan was at this moment.

Due to breaking through the original realm, the original injuries in Yi Jiangnan's body have been completely repaired. At this moment, his condition can be said to be back to its peak.

After recovering from the joy of breaking through the ninth level of the acquired world and entering the innate world, Yi Jiangnan was startled by the sharp fluctuations in his heart.

"Master, what's wrong?" Yi Jiangnan sank into his heart and realized that Chi You was a little anxious at this moment.

"Apprentice, have you made a breakthrough?" Chi You was happy at first, but then became serious, "Hurry up and leave here. My spiritual sense has discovered that all the masters within fifty miles of this place are gathering here. It should be you. The remaining blood energy of Jiuli's holy blood was accidentally stimulated and used the super soul-breaking force to attract them. Those with the lowest cultivation level are all in the Qi gathering stage, and the highest ones have reached the Nascent Soul stage. He has gathered energy and has extraordinary fighting power, but he will never be a match for these people, so don’t think about fighting these people head-on, and get out of here as soon as possible.”

At this moment, Yi Jiangnan's cultivation level has surpassed the innate level, coupled with the fact that he has never failed in the battles he has experienced in the past few days, the original confidence in his heart has grown rapidly, and now it has even become blind arrogance. When Chi You finished saying that there were many masters coming around him, he was still thinking about fighting them to test his current fighting power. However, Chi You's last words were like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, waking Yi Jiangnan up.

Awakened from that arrogance, Yi Jiangnan had a little cold sweat on his forehead. Thinking about what he had done before, Yi Jiangnan found that he seemed to be constantly changing. Yes, it is change. Whether it was the previous killings or the arrogance and arrogance at this moment, it was not the character of Jiangnan and Yi Xiaohu, but another character. Perhaps this was the character of the new Yi Jiangnan.

Thinking of this, a wry smile appeared on Yi Jiangnan's handsome face. With the personalities of three people, it's no wonder that he couldn't calm down. It is normal to feel unstable, angry and arrogant. To get rid of this state, unless Jiangnan and Yi Xiaohu in the past can no longer have any influence on him, and he is no longer fettered by Jiangnan and Yi Xiaohu, which means that Yi Jiangnan's character finally becomes his personality.

However, no matter how he changes, he is still him! Just let nature take its course and just pay more attention in the future.

After thinking about all this, the focus in Yi Jiangnan's eyes focused again. He looked up at the people in front of him, Yao Bai Feng, who were looking at him warily, and then glanced at the three Black Eagles who were seriously injured and fell on the ground. He sighed softly, "You go, I won't do what I did before. Calculate.”

When Yao Baifeng and others left, he put the sharp sword on his back again and turned around to leave. However, a harsh sound broke through the air, causing Yi Jiangnan to stop moving forward, "Are you here? A master at the Nascent Soul Stage?"

"Kids, please stay!" Before Yi Jiangnan could turn around, someone said after the voice broke through the air.

Hearing this, Yi Jiangnan turned around calmly. What caught his eye was a middle-aged man wearing a blue silk robe. This man had a square face and looked very noble.

"What's the matter?" Yi Jiangnan said two words lightly, as if he didn't know that this person came from the sky.

The middle-aged man did not pay attention to the coldness in the words of the young man in front of him, but asked: "I want to know who was fighting here before?"

After finishing speaking, he pointed at the several miserable corpses in front of Yi Jiangnan.

Looking in the direction pointed by the middle-aged man, Yi Jiangnan shrugged his shoulders innocently, "Sorry, I'm just a passerby and don't know anything about things here. But just now I saw a group of adventurers coming from here. He ran away in panic, I think they should know, you can catch up and ask them."

"So that's it. I'm really sorry for disturbing my little friend." The middle-aged man in green robe smiled apologetically and said politely. However, he did not leave, obviously not believing Yi Jiangnan's words.

People respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot. At this moment, the middle-aged man was so understanding that Yi Jiangnan politely bowed his hand, "Senior, I have said everything that needs to be said. If you have anything else to do, please leave first!"

After saying that, he turned around again and prepared to leave.

However, there are too many ignorant people in this world. For example, at this moment, another person appeared in front of Yi Jiangnan, blocking his way. "Boy, I haven't spoken yet, where are you going?"

The man blocking the road was strong, covered in animal skins, and full of wildness. After feeling this person's cultivation level, he was almost in the Bigu realm, which was two small realms higher than Yi Jiangnan, who had just broken through to the Qi gathering realm.

Jian's eyebrows furrowed. His senses were not very good for the man in front of him, Yi Jiangnan, so he did not intend to have too much interaction with him. He changed his direction as soon as he turned around and continued to walk out.

When the strong man saw Yi Jiangnan, he didn't give him any face at all. His rough face suddenly turned the color of pig liver, "Boy, sir, I'm talking to you again, didn't you hear me?" As soon as the words fell, his figure The changes at the same time once again blocked Yi Jiangnan's way.

Yi Jiangnan's expression finally turned completely cold under this man's entanglement. Originally there was only one Nascent Soul stage master, but under this person's repeated obstruction, dozens more people arrived here in the blink of an eye. Except for two people in the Qi Gathering Realm, all of these people were in the innate high-level, Bigu stage. This undoubtedly aggravated Yi Jiangnan's crisis.

Feeling the sudden chill emanating from Yi Jiangnan's body, the strong man in animal skin didn't care. "Boy, if you dare to ignore me, please apologize to me obediently, or else I'll beat you all over the floor."

At this moment, Yi Jiangnan's eyes suddenly froze, and his hands suddenly rose up to attack.

At this moment, Yi Jiangnan is very clear about his current situation. It can be said that if he is not careful, his life and death will disappear. There are too many masters here, and it is obviously unwise to fight head-on, so the only way to escape unexpectedly is to escape.

Therefore, Yi Jiangnan was prepared to temporarily force away the big man in animal skins in front of him and hide in the dense jungle. With Chi You's cover, his certainty of escape would be greatly increased.

Although Yi Jiangnan's fist was unexpected, how rich is the fighting experience of the big man? As soon as Yi Jiangnan made his move, the big man in animal skin had already noticed his attack. However, the big man's eyes were full of disdain for Yi Jiangnan's fists.

He raised his hands gently and faced the young man in front of him lightly. It seemed that he didn't use much force.

The big man was originally a master of strength. Not to mention other things, his fists alone were twice as big as Yi Jiangnan's. At this moment, the two pairs of fists were about to collide. Everyone knew that the young man was here. One blow will result in defeat.

However, the results were surprising. When these two pairs of contrasting fists collided together, the big man let out an extremely sudden roar and stomped back as if he had received a huge impact.

But the young man used the force to roll after this blow and disappeared into the lush forest.

As soon as Yi Jiangnan entered the dense forest, his figure suddenly shot into the distance. At the same time, his aura completely disappeared with Chi You's help.

After releasing the shackles of the sharp sword and pouring rich vitality into his feet, Yi Jiangnan's speed increased several times compared to before. He escaped hundreds of meters in just a few breaths. Such a speed is probably comparable to that of a cultivator at the Golden Core Stage walking on the wind.

After escaping like this for several minutes, Yi Jiangnan stopped running. He carefully found a hiding place to hide, but after waiting for a long time, no one came after him, which made him feel strange.

Although his aura was obscured by Chi You, there were many traces left behind by this wild run. If those people really wanted to chase them, they would certainly be able to catch up, but now, why did he run away inexplicably?

Where Yi Jiangnan was before, the big man in animal skin was knocked back by Yi Jiangnan's double fists, and he couldn't help but stand there in a daze.

He didn't understand why he was repelled by a skinny boy. In terms of cultivation, he is taller; in terms of physique, he is also strong. But he couldn't believe the scene that actually happened.

When he recovered from the shock and looked at the young man in front of him, he was nowhere to be seen. Seeing that there was nothing in front of him, the big man in animal skin could only roar in humiliation, and planned to chase the young man in the direction of escape.

However, just as he flashed his body and before he could hide in the jungle, he suddenly fell to the ground with a "Bang!" as if he had been hit hard.

This made everyone who was previously surprised by the boy's unrealistic strength open their mouths again.

Only the middle-aged man in a green silk robe frowned, then bowed slightly towards a certain place in the void, respectfully raised his hands and said: "Qingyang Sect Qingxu Zi, please see me, senior!"

As soon as Qing Xuzi finished speaking, four figures appeared in the void he was facing. If these four figures were seen by those adventurers in the acquired world, they would definitely scream in surprise. After all, no matter who the strange combination of these four people is, they will never forget it if they see it once.

However, it is very embarrassing that no one above the Xiantian realm in front of them knows them.

When these four people appeared, the other cultivators of the three innate realms gathered in the open space also respectfully raised their hands and shouted: "See you, senior." This world will always be like this, the strong are respected.

Seeing the respectful looks of everyone and the neither humble nor arrogant attitude of the middle-aged man in green robe, the four old men standing in the sky nodded slightly and landed on the ground.

"Who caused the power here before is not for you people to find out, so you should leave as soon as possible! In addition, no one is allowed to cause trouble for the young man from before. If any of you people have a lucky mentality Go find that young man, he will not let you go if he is found out." After saying this, the old man who was originally unremarkable suddenly exuded a strong aura.

This aura was so oppressive that these people in the Three Innate Realms couldn't even resist and collapsed to the ground. The middle-aged man in green robes was flashing with green light, and it seemed that he was struggling to resist this oppressive force. Even so, his face still turned pale.

"Master of overcoming tribulation!" Qing Xuzi, a middle-aged man in green robe, gritted his teeth and spit out these four words.

As soon as these four words came out, those cultivators of the Three Innate Realms were like a bolt from the blue.

Master of tribulation, just these four words are a chasm that they can never cross. How could they still have the courage to resist? They immediately swore to God that they would never cause trouble for that young man, nor would they pursue the previous shock here. Later, they left in a panic under the instruction of the old man.

In the three innate realms, these masters in the eyes of ordinary people are just mediocre in the face of absolute strength.

After a burst of noise, all the experts in the clearing in the dense forest were silent except Qing Xuzi, and everyone else left. Qing Xuzi is the fifth generation disciple of the Qingyang Sect among the eight sects in Xuanyuan Continent, and is also the younger brother of the current leader of the Qingyang Sect. Therefore, although a master of transcending tribulation is terrifying to him, it is not that unattainable. In his heart, he just needs to maintain due respect for such a master.

Seeing everyone leaving, except Qingyangzi who was still standing here, the old man glanced at him with a hint of warning. "Junior, no matter what your plans are, what I said is always valid. So you have to think clearly before you do something. After all, besides me, there are two other masters who have transcended the tribulation period. So others are afraid of your infatuation. Yang Zong, I’m not afraid of this old bone.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man didn't say a word anymore. He just nodded to the two people behind him, then pulled the girl in red to float into the air and speed towards the southern part of the dense forest in southern Xinjiang.

Only Qing Xuzi's eyes were flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Even the Qingyang Sect was unwilling to offend the three masters of the Tribulation Stage. Shaking his head helplessly, Qing Xuzi's figure suddenly rose from the ground and disappeared into the dense forest.

Yi Jiangnan's hiding place. After waiting for nearly an hour, Yi Jiangnan finally couldn't bear the doubts in his heart and walked out of his hiding place. Although I don’t understand why I escaped from danger inexplicably, it is a good thing after all, right?

Glancing lightly at the red flame beast in his arms, Yi Jiangnan smiled slightly and then took a circuitous route towards the place where he and Chi Luan were separated.

However, when he made a long circle and returned to the place where he had separated from Chi Luan and the other four, the building was already empty.

Shaking his head, Yi Jiangnan didn't remember much. After all, it was a chance encounter, so why should he worry about it?

He looked blankly at the dense forest in the northern part of southern Xinjiang. It no longer posed much danger to Yi Jiangnan, who had broken through the Qi Gathering Realm. He didn't know where to go next or what to do, but he didn't forget that there was a guide and commander living in the Chaos Pearl, his master Chi You.

"Master, now that the danger has passed, what should I do next? Should I continue to practice and improve my cultivation in southern Xinjiang or go elsewhere?" Thinking of Chi You, Yi Jiangnan asked in his heart.

Soon, Chi You's voice sounded in Yi Jiangnan's heart, "Now that your cultivation has reached the Qi Gathering realm, you have officially entered the door of cultivation, and it's almost time to go back to that place. So. Let's go to Jiuli City, the royal city of the Jiuli Clan, to see how far the Jiuli Clan has fallen. If the opportunity allows, you can take the opportunity to take back your status as the emperor of the Jiuli Clan. It is also time to do what you will do in the future. Things are ready.”

After receiving Chi You's arrangements and guidance, Yi Jiangnan took the step towards Jiuli City, the royal city of the Jiuli tribe.

Jiuli City, one of the top ten ancient cities in mainland China, is located at the southernmost tip of southern Xinjiang.

Yi Jiangnan turned around and went straight down from the northern part of Southern Xinjiang. He walked for more than ten days according to the Qi Gathering Realm's footsteps, and finally reached the southern part of the dense forest in Southern Xinjiang. According to Chi You, he could reach Jiuli City in one day's walk.

At night, Yi Jiangnan built a bonfire and quietly roasted the meat of the rodent rabbit he had hunted. As a wild animal, the rodent rabbit is now easy for Yi Jiangnan to catch. Walking in the dense forest of southern Xinjiang again, not to mention that things have changed, his state of mind is completely different. After all, he was powerless at the beginning, but now he can be called a master by ordinary people.

Thinking of the past, Yi Jiangnan couldn't help but think of the beautiful and elegant woman he saved from the beast tide in the past, Mingyue Ningxiang, the head of Mingyue Sect.

Just when Yi Jiangnan was in a daze, he suddenly felt his shoulder tighten suddenly. This was because something fell on his shoulder. Almost as soon as he came to his senses, Yi Jiangnan understood what fell on his shoulder.

"Little beast!" Yi Jiangnan exclaimed softly and gently caught the little thing on his shoulder. What caught his eye was indeed an extremely strange little beast. This beast had a dragon head, a tiger body, phoenix wings, a unicorn tail and eagle claws. If it wasn't the little beast that caused the Chaos Pearl to tremble, what else could it be?

The little beast was obviously not happy to be caught by Yi Jiangnan. Not only did it struggle constantly, but it also bared its teeth and claws at Yi Jiangnan.

Yi Jiangnan saw the little beast's actions, and his face showed a smile again. He gently put the little beast down, twisted a thigh from his roasted rodent rabbit and handed it to it, and then ate the other rabbit leg.

For some reason, Yi Jiangnan always had an inexplicable sense of closeness to the little beast in front of him, as if there was some special connection between him and the little beast.

The little beast obviously didn't understand what the rabbit leg handed to him by Yi Jiangnan was for. When he saw Yi Jiangnan chewing it in big mouthfuls, he followed suit and clumsily held the rabbit leg with his little paws and chewed it with his mouth.

After chewing a mouthful of rabbit meat, it seemed that because it tasted good, the little beast winked and cried for a while, making Yi Jiangnan laugh.

At this time, the little beast threw away the remains of the rabbit meat in his hand, swayed and rubbed Yi Jiangnan's thigh, as if he had some request.

Following the little beast's eager eyes, Yi Jiangnan saw the red flame beast that had fallen asleep in his arms, "Do you want it?" Yi Jiangnan asked.

The little beast seemed to understand Yi Jiangnan's words, and shook its head again, which obviously meant nodding.

"Why do you want it?" Yi Jiangnan frowned slightly. The red flame beast has been with him all this time. Although the red flame beast is not as psychic as the little beast, he has developed feelings for it over time, and Yi Jiangnan is still reluctant to part with the very cute red flame beast.

In response to Yi Jiangnan's question, the little beast opened its mouth and hummed, as if explaining something. However, Yi Jiangnan obviously did not understand this way of communication.

After the little beast hummed for a while, it seemed to find that Yi Jiangnan did not understand its language, and the humming suddenly became urgent.

There is a difference between humans and beasts. There is no special way. Humans and beasts cannot communicate. Facing such an embarrassing situation at this moment, Yi Jiangnan doesn't care, but the little beast is unwilling, because this red flame beast is related to its future evolution.

After a quick low roar, the little beast looked up at Yi Jiangnan's bewildered expression, and a hint of thinking appeared in its pair of shining eyes. Then the little beast actually paced back and forth in a humane manner. This series of actions made Yi Jiangnan confused.

At this moment, the little beast actually bit its own little paw almost self-harmingly. The bite was very fierce. When the little beast's mouth was removed from its paw, the paw was already bleeding.

While the paw was still bleeding, the little beast suddenly moved, and the speed was beyond the reach of Yi Jiangnan even if he tried his best.

When the little beast's movement stopped abruptly, a complex square drawn with animal blood appeared in front of the little beast.

Yi Jiangnan only took a look at the square in front of him, and he inexplicably felt dizzy.

As soon as the dizziness arose, he felt a pain in his hand again. He looked down and saw a row of tooth marks on his right hand. The little beast quickly dodged to the center of the square.

The little beast in the center of the square suddenly opened its mouth, and a drop of golden blood fell on a symbol in the center of the target.

At this time, the square drawn with blood suddenly glowed red, and two red lights suddenly extended from the square, one shot at the center of Yi Jiangnan's eyebrows, and the other shot into the center of the little beast's eyebrows.

In an instant, the red light disappeared, and the red light completely sank into the center of the eyebrows of the little beast and Yi Jiangnan.

When all this was over, Yi Jiangnan suddenly understood the meaning of the little beast's previous actions, which turned out to be "devour the red flame beast!"

"Contract, equal contract?" Chi You's surprised voice suddenly sounded after the strange red light sank into the center of the forehead of the little beast and Yi Jiangnan.

Yi Jiangnan was still surprised that he could suddenly understand the meaning of the little beast's words, but who would have thought that Chi You suddenly exclaimed, which was really frightening.

"Master, what's wrong?" Yi Jiangnan asked in confusion. In his mind, Chi You had always been calm in the face of adversity, but at this moment, he actually shouted out loud, which was really strange.

"Alas!" Chi You sighed softly, as if he also realized his own loss of composure, "I didn't expect that after so many years, my temper is still so impatient. However, my disciple, you are really lucky. Do you know what an equal contract is, what it means, and what benefits it has?"

Chi You asked three questions in a row, leaving Yi Jiangnan at a loss. "Master, please tell me now, don't keep me in suspense."

"Okay!" Chi You nodded, "An equal contract is a contract with monsters as the main body and humans as the auxiliary body. Unless the monsters are willing, no matter how powerful the masters are, they cannot force the monsters to sign such a contract. In addition, the monsters that can sign equal contracts on their own must be divine beasts or above. Generally speaking, as long as an equal contract is formed, the fate of the divine beast and the contract object will be tied together. They will prosper together and suffer together. Moreover, the two can communicate in a special way at this moment, which is the meaning of equality. However, the potential of the divine beast is unlimited. Once you sign an equal contract with it, it is equivalent to having the best and most capable helper in the future. Therefore, even if there are risks, there are still many people who pursue signing equal contracts with divine beasts. However, this kind of thing can only be encountered by chance, and you unexpectedly encountered it inexplicably, so I said you are really lucky."

Hearing Chi You's explanation, Yi Jiangnan nodded in sudden enlightenment. He glanced at the mighty little beast in front of him, and gently touched the little beast's head, "I didn't expect you to be a divine beast."

When these words came out, the little beast rolled his eyes, "I look so mighty, the only one in the world, if not a divine beast, what else can I be?"

This is what the little beast meant. Although he didn't know why he understood what the little beast meant, he did understand what the little beast wanted to express.

With a slight smile, Yi Jiangnan looked at the cute red flame beast in his arms, and his sword eyebrows slightly wrinkled, "Little beast, what exactly do you mean by devouring the red flame beast? How are you going to devour the red flame beast? And why do you want to devour the red flame beast?"

Hearing Yi Jiangnan asking questions about the red flame beast, the little beast's bright eyes suddenly showed a hint of urgency. "I don't know what it means to devour the Red Flame Beast, but this idea has been in my mind since I was born. I remember when I was born, five monsters appeared around me at the same time. In addition to the Red Flame Beast, there were also the Water Pattern Beast, the Golden Hair Beast, the Life Beast and the Sandsling Beast. As soon as they appeared, I felt a great danger, but at this time, the thought of devouring them appeared in my mind, so I started to devour them. However, the Red Flame Beast escaped during this process, so I was not devoured by me."

"Devouring the five elements companion beasts?" Yi Jiangnan screamed, with a look of disbelief in his eyes. Isn't it said that only one companion beast will appear when a divine beast is born? And the companion beast will devour the divine beast, but now five companion beasts appear at the same time, and they are also devoured by the so-called divine beasts. This really subverts Yi Jiangnan's previous understanding.

Seeing Yi Jiangnan's surprise, the little beast suddenly cried out in triumph, "What's the big deal? Once I devour the Red Flame Beast, there will be a great change. As for how I devour the Red Flame Beast, it can't be considered devouring, it's just fusing their five elements' origins."

"Disciple, you've found a treasure, really a treasure!" Before Yi Jiangnan's shock dissipated, Chi You's cheers rang out again. "As far as I know, no divine beast can devour, but the divine beast in front of you has done it. I think he should not be a divine beast, but a super divine beast, the king among divine beast kings. In addition, he can actually fuse the five elements' origins, the origins, which only masters of the Tianzun realm dare to try."

"It can't be that exaggerated, right?" Yi Jiangnan opened his mouth wide, and seemed a little speechless. Is this little beast really that exaggerated?

"I'm going to devour!" Seeing Yi Jiangnan's mouth wide open in shock, the little beast cried out happily again. Then he jumped lightly to the place where the Red Flame Beast was in Yi Jiangnan's arms.

The Red Flame Beast was still sleeping, but when the little beast jumped into Yi Jiangnan's arms, it seemed to have encountered some danger, and suddenly woke up from its sleep, followed by a frantic struggle. No one would compromise so easily when facing the threat of disappearing.

Feeling the madness of the Red Flame Beast in his arms, looking at the hysterical eyes of the Red Flame Beast in his arms, Yi Jiangnan suddenly felt that he was a little cruel. A little beast that has been with him for dozens of days, is it going to disappear in front of him?

Although he couldn't bear it, Yi Jiangnan understood that some things had to be done. After all, once he set foot on the road he chose, he could never turn back.

Perhaps it was because he felt the hesitation in Yi Jiangnan's heart at the moment, the little beast cried low, then raised his head high and roared to the sky. Although it was not a beast, Yi Jiangnan could still understand the domineering aura of the emperor through this roar.

After the roar, the Red Flame Beast, which was struggling frantically, suddenly became quiet. Its body kept shaking, and it seemed that it was frightened by the little beast's roar.

At the same time, not only the Red Flame Beast, but also the monsters and wild beasts in the entire southern forest were trembling and crawling on the ground, as if they had encountered something they could not resist.

In the far west, there is a forest of all monsters.

Ao Qing, the demon king of the dragon clan, stood facing the moon with his hands behind his back. When the little beast roared, Ao Qing seemed to have sensed something and looked towards the dense forest of southern Xinjiang. He sighed softly, perhaps it was the sound of the wind, or perhaps it was the language of the trees, "The emperor reappears, and the world of chaos will begin!"

However, our protagonist Yi Jiangnan could not know all this. At this moment, he looked at the little beast in his arms that was gradually wrapped by the flames of the Red Flame Beast, and a strange color appeared in his eyes involuntarily.

When the little beast roared and the Red Flame Beast calmed down, a faint milky white hazy light slowly rose from the little beast.

This rising white hazy light was not too much, just lightly covering the whole body of the little beast. Then, a hazy white thin tube condensed from the little beast, and this tube extended to the body of the Red Flame Beast as if it had consciousness.

At this moment, something unexpected happened. The inserted white thin tube on the Red Flame Beast was like a pump, and began to extract the essence from the Red Flame Beast's body. As soon as the extracted essence entered the white thin tube, it could be clearly seen that the white thin tube turned red. When the red color in the thin tube touched the little beast, the milky white light covering the little beast immediately disappeared into the body of the little beast like a tide.

At this moment, a red and vigorous burning flame slowly rose from the little beast, which was the scene that Yi Jiangnan saw of the little beast being wrapped in flames.

The scene of the little beast being wrapped in flames lasted for a long time before slowly fading away. At this time, if you look at the Red Flame Beast next to the little beast, you will find that the size of the Red Flame Beast has become too small. The Red Flame Beast, which was originally the size of an adult cat, is now only the size of a kitten, and its size is still continuing to decrease.

In an instant, the size of the Red Flame Beast is only the size of a mouse, and the flames on the little beast have been compressed onto its fur.

At this moment, Yi Jiangnan has understood that when the flames on the surface of the little beast completely enter its body, the Red Flame Beast will completely disappear.

Sure enough, the next moment the Red Flame Beast, which is the size of a mouse, completely disappeared under the extraction of the white tube, and the flames on the surface of the little beast also completely disappeared into its body. Did this devouring end like this?

No, no, this time the devouring did not end. When the red flames on the surface of the little beast completely disappeared into the little beast's body, this was not the end, but the beginning.

The retreat of the red flames represents the rise of black water waves. At this moment, a layer of black water ripples appeared on the surface of the little beast again, and the water ripples completely covered the little beast, which looked very strange.

Not long after the black water ripples appeared, they slowly retreated, and then a layer of white light flickered and flickered alternately. When the white light disappeared, a layer of green leaves covered the whole body of the little beast, and then the green leaves were replaced by a layer of dense yellow bumps.

When the red hand flame to the yellow bumps appeared on the body of the little beast in turn, a burst of colorful light suddenly lit up on the body of the little beast. The five-color light of white, green, black, red, and yellow enveloped the little beast, flickering continuously at a predetermined frequency, but the frequency was constantly accelerating, until a certain moment, the colorful light completely turned into a ball of light cocoon, and the little beast was wrapped in the light cocoon.

Yi Jiangnan saw all the changes of the little beast in his eyes, and he was no longer surprised at the beginning. He just held the light cocoon, hoping that something would happen when the little beast appeared again.

The light cocoon lasted for a long time. After three days of Yi Jiangnan extinguishing the bonfire and renewing it, he knew that the little beast was about to wake up, relying on the equal contract signed between him and the little beast.

Sure enough, the light cocoon cracked open under Yi Jiangnan's gaze. In the light cocoon, the little beast had grown a circle compared to before, and was now almost the size of an adult cat. As for other parts, there were not many changes, but at this moment, the kingly aura of the little beast became more and more obvious, and its fur would occasionally flash with milky white light, looking unusually majestic.

"Little beast!" Seeing the little beast break out of the cocoon, Yi Jiangnan couldn't help calling out.

As if hearing Yi Jiangnan's call, the little beast, which was still confused because it had just broken out of the cocoon, suddenly became smart. It wagged its tail and walked happily on the ground, and from time to time it made a nice and indescribable cry.

Looking at the excitement of the little beast, Yi Jiangnan's mouth slightly raised a lonely arc. Gently touching the little beast in front of him, his eyes were suddenly attracted by a stream of light. Looking towards the stream of light, it turned out to be the outer shell of the little beast that had just broken out of the cocoon.

"Good stuff!" Not only Yi Jiangnan discovered the strangeness of the cocoon shell, but even Chi You noticed this scene, so he couldn't help but sigh.

Hearing Chi You's sigh, Yi Jiangnan reached out and gently picked up the cocoon shell. The cocoon shell in his hand was as heavy as a gold nugget. In addition to giving people a heavy feeling, this cocoon shell will also speed up the flow of vitality in the body inadvertently. This is the mystery that Yi Jiangnan discovered after picking up the cocoon shell.

Feeling these two strange things, Yi Jiangnan couldn't help but ask: "Master, what is this?"

"This is the essence of the five elements. It can not only be used as a top-grade refining material, but also can assist people's cultivation. On Xuanyuan Continent, the essence of the five elements is a rare thing that is rarely seen in a hundred years. Once it leaks out, it will probably cause a bloody storm on Xuanyuan Continent." Chi You's voice came slowly, and there was a hint of excitement in his tone.

Hearing Chi You's words, Yi Jiangnan was speechless for a moment. At this moment, even he himself had to sigh about how his luck was against the sky. Not only was he able to inexplicably recover a super beast, but now even the waste after the evolution of this beast was told to be a priceless treasure. This luck is really indescribable.

No matter how much you sigh, you still have to do things. Yi Jiangnan thought about it, and the five pieces of the five elements were collected into the Xuanxin Ring. Looking at the Xuanxin Ring, the huge space seemed a bit empty at the moment. In addition to the package of the Five Evils of Broken Soul Hill that he had taken in at the beginning, there was a pile of monster materials and a stack of silver bills.

After a quick glance at the package left by the Five Evils of Broken Soul Hill after their death, Yi Jiangnan was really speechless about the wealth of these five people. Except for a few first-level monster cores and 1,000 taels of silver bills, there was nothing valuable.

In fact, this was a misunderstanding caused by Yi Jiangnan's lack of understanding of the current situation of Xuanyuan Continent. Although the Five Evils of Broken Soul Hill were fierce, their cultivation was only the ninth level of the acquired realm. It can be said that they were still in the realm of ants. Where can such people find so many good things? He made money from the dead and made it to people like the Five Evils of Broken Soul Hill, which was really speechless.

However, after seeing the baggage of the Five Evils of Broken Soul Hill, Yi Jiangnan was relieved that he had not collected the belongings of Yin Fengzi and others because he left in a hurry. After all, there is no good stuff, so just throw it away!

After throwing away all the useless things, Yi Jiangnan took out a rodent rabbit that he had killed a few days ago from the Xuanxin Ring and grilled it. I don’t know whether Yi Jiangnan is intoxicated with his cooking skills or the taste of the rodent rabbit meat. He eats the meat of the rodent rabbit almost every day.

In the southern part of the dense forest of Southern Xinjiang, on the only way to Jiuli City.

Under a big tree on the side of the road, a middle-aged man is lying at this moment.

The middle-aged man has a sad face, blood all over his body, and exudes a shocking hatred, but this hatred seems to hide a very faint despair.

Next to the middle-aged man is a sixteen-year-old girl. Although the girl's face is gentle, her eyebrows are full of sharpness at this moment. The black hair cascaded down like a waterfall, and his haggard face was full of determination.

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