After hearing this answer, Zhang Wendao was even more desperate. Now it seems that the trouble in the next term is more cautious.

"Now let's focus all our attention on the war against the demons."

If something similar happens, we don't need to worry about other problems.

This is also the only decision Zhang Wendao can make now. He is also more aware that he can't easily handle everything with his current ability.

Although they are only slightly at a disadvantage in the current war with the demons.

But as long as they can hold on, they will be the ones who laugh at the end.


Lin Yun and Dong Wenyuan didn't stay in Xuantong City for a long time.

They also knew that the situation in Xuantong City was not much better.

A large number of wasteland hunters poured in, resulting in extremely poor public security in Xuantong City. It is very likely that you will lose things after walking a few steps, not to mention that you are very likely to encounter some people who will take the initiative to find trouble with you on the road.

So even Lin Yun is quite troubled by the situation in Xuantong City.

However, Xuantong City is just a transit station for them, and the two did not think about staying here for a long time.


"Should we go directly to Changting Army, or take you to appreciate the local customs and practices here? Maybe it can awaken your memory."

Lin Yun glanced at Dong Wenyuan.

"You also know that the war between the Heavenly Court and the Demon Clan is very difficult now, so they can't wait to capture some wasteland hunters to become cannon fodder on the front battlefield."

"If you want to stay here, I will definitely not stop you, but I will definitely not stay here. If I am captured by these people, I will really become cannon fodder."

Lin Yun said with a faint smile, and Dong Wenyuan also scratched his head awkwardly.

It is true that the situation in the Heavenly Court is not much better now. Although the Heavenly God Clan has a lot of resources.

But when they really face some very terrible opponents, they dare not take action.

And facing these Heavenly God Clan who have a lot of resources, even if the Heavenly Court wants to solve it, there is still no particularly good way.

"In that case, let's go to Changting Army earlier. I hope the demons won't make any noise."

No one knows what kind of trouble Changting Army will face.

But through what Miao Changze said before, Dong Wenyuan was a little worried at this time. It is very likely that once they go to Changting Army, they will face a direct war with the demons.

Now the war between the demons and the Heaven is very intense. No one knows where the demons get so many soldiers.

But from the attitude of the Heaven, it can be judged that the demons seem to have been plundering people from the Shenhua Realm.

And Lin Yun is trying his best to stop the demons.

It's a pity that the Shitian League is weak after all. When facing such a powerful monster like the demons.

There is no way to play its own advantages. Now it is quite good to protect some people as much as possible.

And in the next journey, Lin Yun also saw the chaos of the entire Heaven.

Some ordinary people with cultivation can still become hunters and go out to hunt wild beasts to barely save the tiger's mouth.

But for those ordinary people, it's too far away.

But even in this situation, the Heavenly Court was still indifferent, and did not even provide the most basic help to these ordinary people, just letting them fend for themselves.

And facing such a situation, Lin Yun could not do much now.

"There are too many similar situations in the Heavenly Court. We can save one or two, but we can't save everyone."

"If you want to give them a chance to survive, you have to completely change the current rules of the Heavenly Court, but this idea is very naive."

Dong Wenyuan became angrier and angrier as he thought about it. These high-ranking gods controlled 80% of the resources of the entire Heavenly Court.

But when they were really in danger, these guys hid like some garbage and dared not act rashly.

Lin Yun just patted Dong Wenyuan on the shoulder.

"There are many things in this world that go against one's wishes, and we cannot guarantee that everything is under our control."

"Just have a clear conscience, and other things have nothing to do with us. The most urgent thing is to find the Changting Army as soon as possible."

Lin Yun could only give these people charity within the scope of his ability.

But in most cases, he must stay calm and make sure he doesn't make mistakes.

Several months passed like this.

Lin Yun and Dong Wenyuan finally crossed several continents and successfully arrived at the area where the Changting Army was located.

When they arrived here, the whole situation changed instantly.

The people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and every city had a professional patrol team.

It can be seen that this Changting Marquis still has some means, and even in the face of such an impact from the Heavenly Court, he can still ensure that he will not fall.

To be honest, the situation here is completely different from what Lin Yun had thought before.

Although he also knew that this Changting Marquis must have something extraordinary, otherwise there would be no way to get so many people to guard the border with him here.

What Lin Yun didn't expect was that the Marquis of Changting actually took care of his jurisdiction so well. No wonder the Heavenly Court was dissatisfied with him now, but didn't dare to take action easily.

Once they really took action against the current Queen of Changting, it would most likely cause dissatisfaction among the people, and the situation at that time would be something that the Heavenly Court could not imagine at all.

"Everything has a reason."

"This Marquis of Changting is much more powerful than we imagined."

If Lin Yun had doubted whether the Marquis of Changting was really such a powerful person before, then after seeing such changes in the entire area, he had already believed it a lot.

And Dong Wenyuan, who was following Lin Yun, also laughed a lot.

This was his first time to come to the area of ​​the Changting Army. It was here that he truly felt what equality meant. He didn't see any exploitation here, and everyone was working for their own lives.

Perhaps in such a place, they could truly find their own meaning.

Soon, Lin Yun and Dong Wenyuan had arrived at the collection office.

And because the war on the front line was urgent.

Therefore, the Changting Army urgently expanded its recruitment. Even those who did not receive the conscription before can participate in this recruitment.

But the prerequisite is that you must be able to pass this test.

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