For Lin Yun, this happened to be a great opportunity.

Since the Changting Army was going to expand the collection, Lin Yun could also join the Changting Army.

But the mysterious man had not sent him any message so far, which made Lin Yun start to worry.

Could it be that the other party noticed the change in his identity?

This probability is not zero, but the possibility is too low.

Now that Lin Yun has the strength to conceal his aura, it is a simple matter that cannot be simpler.

So until now, even Lin Yun did not know what happened in this process.

It's a pity that Lin Yun had no way to take the initiative to contact the other party, otherwise there would be more ways to deal with this matter.

However, for Lin Yun now, the current situation is not so bad that it gives him a headache, and joining the Changting Army first is the kingly way.

Because Dong Wenyuan has proof, it is relatively easier for him to join the Changting Army than for Lin Yun.

Originally, if Lin Yun wanted to apply, he also needed to pass many reviews, including an investigation of his background, but he finally came forward at this critical moment to help Lin Yun with a cover.

The officers in charge of conscription didn't think too much. For them, as long as they could recruit these soldiers, it was enough. As for other problems, they didn't need to worry about them at all.

After all, most of them like Lin Yun were thrown to the front line as cannon fodder.

They definitely couldn't get access to the core secrets, so they didn't need to worry about whether these people might betray them.

Lin Yun certainly knew what these guys were thinking, but under the current situation, they couldn't do much, so they could only cooperate with each other as much as possible.

Fortunately, after experiencing all the previous things, Lin Yun had some experience with his current situation.

In this way, Lin Yun and Dong Wenyuan successively obtained the qualification to participate in the Changting Army's conscription.

And the two people need to win in the next ring match.

After that, they were also taken directly to a military camp of the Changting Army.

"I really didn't expect that as a wasteland hunter, I would come to such a place one day."

Dong Wenyuan said with emotion in a low voice, thinking about how he was running around before, trying every possible way to survive.

But in the blink of an eye, he may become a soldier of Changting Army.

Because the scale of this collection is very large, the assessment of each soldier has slowed down accordingly.

This undoubtedly increases the possibility of Dong Wenyuan passing. Otherwise, Dong Wenyuan was really worried about what to do if he failed.

"The defense here is tighter than I thought. Just a soldier assessment has reached such a serious level."

There are a large number of soldiers protecting the entire military camp. Once those who are being assessed enter here, it will be very difficult to leave.

In the next few days, everyone will face nearly half a month of assessment. Whether it is physical fitness or other aspects, they must pass the test, and finally the ring finals.

Those who can pass the many tests will stay and become a part of Changting Army.

Of course, those who are eliminated don't have to worry too much. According to Lin Yun's understanding of the situation here, those who are eliminated are likely to be sent directly to the battlefield as cannon fodder.

Given the current situation of the entire Heavenly Court, they will definitely not last long.

"We don't know much about the situation in Changting Army. Now that we know someone wants to cause trouble for us."

"Then we must prepare in advance. If there are unexpected changes in the process, it will be bad."

In fact, participating in the Changting Army assessment is nothing to Lin Yun, but he is more concerned about Dong Wenyuan.

It would be bad if this kid was eliminated in the process.

Dong Wenyuan smiled and nodded. It can be seen from his face that he is quite confident about the next situation.

This also made Lin Yun feel relieved. As long as Dong Wenyuan can stabilize the situation, nothing too difficult will happen next.

Now the whole situation has been stabilized by Lin Yun.

Next, they just need to complete their mission step by step.

After joining the Changting Army, the subsequent plans will be much smoother. Now Lin Yun is not as worried about these as before.

Although the mysterious man has not contacted him so far.

But as long as Lin Yun is still in Changting Army for one day, I believe that the mysterious man will contact him soon.

In the next few days, there will be various assessments of physical fitness and willpower.

These are nothing to Lin Yun.

However, after returning home one night, Lin Yun suddenly felt very sleepy.

He was very sensitive and naturally realized that something was wrong. Otherwise, he would have directly countered it.

Fortunately, Lin Yun had obtained some information from those guys before.

Otherwise, he really couldn't establish contact with the mysterious man.

After thinking about this, Lin Yun didn't say anything more and closed his eyes directly.

Soon, he fell into a deep sleep, but this kind of sleep was only for the body.

But Lin Yun's consciousness was extremely active. When he opened his eyes, he found that he had entered a void without knowing when.

At this moment, Lin Yun saw a figure covered in white in front of him.

As soon as this person appeared, he immediately attracted Lin Yun's attention, and the powerful aura released by him made Lin Yun look sideways.

This would be a very powerful opponent. For Lin Yun, how to deal with this opponent would be something he would seriously consider in the next period of time.

"Your Excellency is finally here."

Lin Yun looked at the other party and asked lightly.

"It seems that you have successfully completed our previous agreement and now have entered the area of ​​​​Changting Army."

"And the next thing to do is to pass the assessment of Changting Army. I believe this should not be a difficult task for you, right?"

The man looked at Lin Yun blankly and spoke with a hint of disdain in his tone. He seemed to be sure that it would not be difficult for Lin Yun to solve the current problem.

And Lin Yun did as the mysterious man said, smiling and nodded.

"During this period, they have been testing their physical strength and willpower. These are nothing to me, I can pass them successfully."

The mysterious man was very satisfied with Lin Yun's answer. This was exactly what he wanted.

"Very good, it won't be long before the demon tribe will set off."

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