Lin Yun certainly knew that the mysterious man would know some inside information, but he did not expect that this guy actually knew about the Changting Army.

At this time, Lin Yun looked at the mysterious man and his eyes changed.

"What did you say?"

"Heaven is currently fighting a war with the demon clan. If the demon clan launches an attack on heaven at this moment, I'm afraid the current heaven will not be able to withstand it at all."

Although before this, Lin Yun also thought that something like this might happen.

But when this thing actually happened, Lin Yun was still very surprised. It was obvious that the whole thing was a completely different concept from what he had guessed before.

Especially now that he has just joined the Changting Army, if a war breaks out here, Heavenly Court will be attacked from both sides and will not be able to mobilize any strength to resist in a short period of time.

"Of course we know, so what you have to do this time is very simple."

"During the battle between the Changting Army and the demon clan, try to destroy the Changting Army's plan as much as possible."

When he heard what the mysterious man said, Lin Yun roughly knew what would happen next.

On the surface, Heavenly Court is currently fighting against the demons, but in fact Heavenly Court should still have enough energy left to wait for the change of power to be completed in the coming time.

It's no wonder that even though things have reached this stage, there is still no movement from the Heavenly God Clan on the Heavenly side.

He originally thought it was because the people of the Celestial Clan were not very powerful, but if he thought about it carefully, these guys had inherited the ancient bloodline.

Then its strength must not be much different.

Of course, there must be some idiots among the Celestials.

But there are definitely not many idiots. What they see now is just something that others whitewash.

If you just see these things and naively think that everything you see is the truth, you are totally wrong.

The moment he thought about this, Lin Yun immediately realized that his knowledge and opinions on this matter from the beginning were wrong.

"What, do you think you can't do this?"

The mysterious man looked at Lin Yun coldly.

Lin Yun hurriedly bowed: "Sir, I don't know why I am doing this. Once the Changting Army falls, doesn't it mean that the entire heaven will suffer."

The mysterious man's attitude obviously became calmer.

"Just follow my orders and do whatever I say. Other than that, you don't need to think too much about other things."

"You are just a pawn in our hands now. Your best choice is to be obedient. If you have other ideas, I don't mind erasing you from this world."

Hearing that Lin Yun had different ideas, the mysterious man immediately suppressed Lin Yun with a tougher attitude.

In his opinion, Lin Yun now has no other choice.

"That's what the adults said. I'm just a little person. I will obey your orders whatever the adults say."

Lin Yun may have had other ideas before, but at this time he had completely given up the idea.

It seems that this mysterious man has a bad attitude, and he probably doesn't like others interrupting him.

So when Lin Yun wanted to raise different objections, the mysterious man directly stopped Lin Yun's idea with other attitudes.

In this regard, Lin Yun had no other expression. He just smiled indifferently. To him, this was a reasonable thing.

"Of course what you said is correct, but I don't know if I have this qualification. You must know that the situation within the Changting Army is very complicated."

"Without anyone's cooperation, I really can't imagine how I can destroy all the plans of the Changting Army."

The mysterious man just sneered at this.

"You can rest assured of this."

"The reason why I asked you to participate in this operation is naturally because of your life experience. Someone will help you arrange everything that follows."

"You don't need to think too much, you just need to do things according to our ideas, and you will be indispensable when the time comes."

After the mysterious man finished speaking, his figure gradually disappeared, and Lin Yun quickly woke up from his sleep.

At this time, Lin Yun could still recall all the things that happened in the dream.

At this moment, I have a basic understanding of the identity of this mysterious person. It seems that I really don’t know enough about this mysterious person.

The various means and abilities this guy now has are definitely not a good thing for Lin Yun.

"No matter what your identity is, if you want to attack me, you have to see if you have the ability."

Lin Yun sneered. If he still had some doubts about these things before, now he had no other ideas at all.

What is certain now is that the ultimate goal of these guys should be to overthrow Changtinghou.

Lin Yun had just received the test on this day.

I just happened to run into Dong Wenyuan when I returned to the camp.

Unexpectedly, Dong Wenyuan was beaten so badly that his nose and face were bruised and swollen, and he was even carried back on a stretcher.

After seeing this scene, Lin Yun immediately stepped forward to greet him.

"What happened to this little brother? How did he become like this now?"

Not to mention how surprised Lin Yun was when he saw Dong Wenyuan like this.

You should know that this is the Changting Army, and there are no rules for fighting. How did it turn out like this?

The soldier in charge of carrying people sighed: "Don't mention it. I just happened to meet a Tianshen tribe on the road. He is protected by masters. This kid is naturally no match."

Tianshen tribe?

At this time, Lin Yun thought that if he wanted to show up in front of Changting Hou, this was the best way.

If he could give this Tianshen a good beating this time, maybe Changting Hou would look at him with new eyes.

In this way, the two of them would naturally have the opportunity to cooperate next.

After thinking about this, Lin Yun no longer hesitated and turned to the direction he came from.

He really wanted to see where the Tianshen tribe had such courage to act so wildly on the territory of Changting Army.

If you don't teach him a lesson today, wouldn't it damage the prestige of Changting Hou?

What to say, but then think about it, with Lin Yun's strength, how could he be the opponent of the Tianshen tribe's men?

So there is no need to waste time explaining so much to Lin Yun.

But what he didn't know was that Lin Yun's move this time would soon bring an earthquake to them!

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