"Ahem...Wang Yue, did I read it right just now?"

Huo Changting always thought that he had seen all kinds of people, whether they were good people, bad people or those without fear.

But when he saw Lin Yun, he immediately felt that his previous judgments about these people were all wrong.

Judging from Lin Yun's appearance, he should be just an ordinary boy who had just come to Changting Army to take the assessment.

Although his strength may not be bad, no one expected that Lin Yun would dare to directly attack the famous Celestial Clan in this capacity.

You must know that for a small person like him, if the Celestial Clan wanted to destroy him, it would be like crushing an ant.

Looking at Huangfu Longdou, he really didn't expect Lin Yun to really kill him.

Moreover, the power of Lin Yun's punch was quite huge. Huangfu Longdou felt that his head was almost knocked off by Lin Yun's hammer.

At this time, he fell to the ground, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Huangfu Yuehong, whose leg was broken by Lin Yun, looked at Lin Yun with gritted teeth.

"You brat, you are so brave and dare to attack members of our Imperial Family. Do you know that we are from the Celestial Clan, and touching us would be enough to wipe out the clan."

Huangfu Yuehong said through gritted teeth.

At this moment, watching Huangfu Longdou fall to the ground, Huangfu Yuehong felt as if his spiritual world had collapsed. He had seen too many ruthless people, but someone like Lin Yun, who was desperate for his life, was really First time seeing it.

"What about the Celestial Clan?"

"This is the territory of the Changting Army, not the territory of your Celestial Clan. You came here and directly attacked the soldiers of the Changting Army. Shouldn't you be responsible?"

"What's more, I just punched him casually, but I didn't expect that the eldest son of the God Clan would be so fragile today. He couldn't even withstand a punch from me, and he was still pretending to be stupid."

Lin Yun said mockingly, and the surrounding soldiers also laughed softly.

Indeed, who would have thought that the famous Celestial Clan could not even receive a punch.

At this time, Huangfu Longdou slowly stood up amidst the laughter of everyone, and looked around with his cold eyes: "Let me see who dares to laugh."

For a moment, everyone had a straight face and lowered their heads, not daring to say another word.

I saw Huangfu Longdou slowly wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth: "You brat, you have the guts."

"For all these years, no one has dared to touch me. You dare to take action against me."

"It seems that the Celestial Clan has not taken action against these untouchables for so many years that they seem to have forgotten what the rules of heaven are."

Huangfu Longdou's right hand was seen, and a whip appeared in his hand.

"Let me teach you a lesson today, a pariah, so that you can know what it means to have a humble status."

Seeing the tension between the two sides, even though Huangfu Longdou had already said this, Lin Yun still had no intention of backing down.

And at this critical moment, a figure appeared here at an extremely fast speed.

Huo Changting knew that it was time for him to show up. If he continued to turn a blind eye, I was afraid that the matter would become completely uncontrollable later.

What's more, Lin Yun just vented his anger on his behalf, and he was also quite curious about this young man.

As a soldier of their Changting Army, they must be so unafraid of power. No matter who violates the rules of the Changting Army, they must pay the price.

"Master Huangfu, this is the military camp of the Changting Army. Even if your father is here, he must obey my orders."

"Why are you going to attack my soldiers now?"

When Huo Changting appeared here, Huangfu Longdou stopped the movement of his hands abruptly.

Although he was very arrogant, the person standing in front of him was Changtinghou, who was famous in the entire heaven.

Huangfu Longdou was not stupid enough to compete head-on with the Changting Marquis.

"It turns out to be Lord Changtinghou."

"I think this kid must have just participated in the assessment. Why is he already a soldier under Changting Monkey?"

Huangfu Longdou glanced at Lin Yun coldly, then looked at Huo Changting, with a smile on his face.

The meaning of these words was obvious. He knew that Huo Changting was protecting Lin Yun.

But Huangfu Longdou would never allow this to happen, so Huo Changting had better give him a reasonable explanation today.

"Young Master Huangfu should understand that we have been conducting assessments recently. It just so happens that this boy is very strong in both physical fitness and willpower, and his behavioral level is not bad, so we are preparing to approve him to join the Changting Army as a special case. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone present widened their eyes. You must know Huo Changting's character and would never give anyone a back door.

But now he is willing to give Lin Yun the green light, which shows that he very much approves of what Lin Yun is doing. At the same time, he also recognized Lin Yun's ability.

Huo Changting was not a fool. When Lin Yun could casually kill the bodyguards around Huangfu Longdou, it proved that Lin Yun was definitely much stronger than Huangfu Yue Hong.

Such a young man, coupled with such a straightforward temperament.

This is very much in line with Huo Changting's appetite.

So even though he knew that what he did would probably make Huangfu Longdou in front of him very unhappy, Huo Changting still made some arrangements after some thought.

For him, even if Huangfu Longdou is unhappy, what can he do?

Sure enough, after Huangfu Longdou heard what Huo Changting said, the expression on his face became more and more ugly. He suffered a lot under Lin Yun's punch.

He was beaten.

He was injured.

Now he has no way to make his opponent take all the responsibility. No one can accept this reality.

So it is reasonable for Huangfu Longdou to be in such a state now.

"Marquis Changting is not kidding me, do you know what this kid did just now?"

"To attack the Celestial Clan is a capital crime in the Heavenly Court."

Huangfu Longdou stared at Huo Changting, and now he didn't know what Huo Changting wanted to do. It stands to reason that with Huo Changting's character, he would never protect such a young man.

But now Huo Changting did this, so Huangfu Longdou also wanted to know what Huo Changting was thinking about this issue. Wasn't he really afraid that his actions would cause dissatisfaction in the Heavenly Court?

Once the Changting Army completely breaks with their Tianshen Clan.

Then what will happen next is something that none of them want to see.

Facing Huangfu Longdou's question, Huo Changting's expression was still as calm as before, and he didn't even show a bit of nervousness.

The Huangfu family was just a mere family, and it wasn't enough to scare him, the Marquis of Changting.

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