"Now is the time to hire people. I think Master Huangfu should know that the war between the demons and the heavens has consumed too many manpower recently."

"Now the demon tribe is trying to make a move. If I kill my capable generals at this juncture, I think if the border gets out of control, Master Huangfu probably won't be able to bear this responsibility."

Huo Changting came up without any hesitation and put a big hat directly on Huangfu Longdou's head.

This time, Huangfu Long Dou couldn't help it. He originally wanted to raise an army to investigate the crime, but he didn't expect that it was his own fault.

Looking at Huo Changting's confident look at this moment, it was obvious that he had thought of all the words a long time ago.

At this time, Huangfu Yuehong stood up slowly, found a walking stick from somewhere, and barely supported his body.

At this time, Lin Yun's eyes looked a little shocked.

Because he checked his body just a moment ago, he was surprised to find that Lin Yun had crushed all his bones.

How much strength does it take to be able to do this? Ordinary humans probably don't have this kind of means.

It seems that this time the Changting Army's recruitment has really recruited all the ghosts and ghosts here.

"Master, I know you are very angry now, but no matter what, the person standing in front of you is Huo Changting."

"And he has so many elite soldiers under his command. If he really takes action, it will be quite detrimental to us."

No matter how he viewed this issue before, at this time even Huangfu Yuehong had to

Admittedly, he had no particularly good solution to this matter.

Of course Huangfu Yuehong knew that Huangfu Longdou would definitely not be willing to give up easily now, but in this situation, it didn't make any sense whether he gave up or not.

With so many people standing here, no matter how powerful Huangfu Yuehong is, he will never be their opponent.

Not to mention publicity, even if he started taking action, he probably wouldn't be able to hold on for long. Lin Yun alone would be enough to bring him down.

Huangfu Longdou clenched his fists, now he had really suffered a very aggrieved fart.

"Okay, okay, originally I was representing Heaven and came here to inspect."

"I didn't expect to see Marquis Chang Ting act like this. Since Marquis Chang Ting has already mentioned this, it's hard for me to pursue this matter today."

"But this man can't escape the death penalty. If the demon clan starts a war with Heaven, I hope Changtinghou can send him to the front line."

"If he can survive, then this young master can change today's events."

When he said this, Huangfu Longdou also had a smile on his face.

At this time, Lin Yun came to Huo Changting's side: "Thank you sir for interceding for me, but if this kid wants to kill me, just let him do it."

"I don't care if he is from the Celestial Clan or not. Whenever he makes a mistake, I will make him pay the price. If he dares to kill me, I don't mind killing him in public."

Seeing that Lin Yun's words were getting more and more unpleasant, Huo Changting also looked flustered and blocked Lin Yun's mouth.

"You brat, it's already great that I'm willing to come out to save you. If I didn't appreciate you, I'd rather

If I were someone else, I would have run away. "

"You're fucking right here now. Stop talking nonsense to me. If you really make this lunatic angry, even I won't be able to protect you."

Huo Changting had a bad temper. He originally thought that Lin Yun didn't know how to live or die, but now it seemed that he was specifically looking for death.

Seeing Huo Changting's nervous look, Lin Yun also smiled awkwardly, scratched his head and stopped talking.

Huangfu Longdou in the distance was staring at Lin Yun with cold eyes. You can imagine how bad his mood was now.

In the original plan, Huangfu Longdou was able to control all situations easily, but everyone had to be obedient in front of him.

But the appearance of Lin Yun abruptly broke Huangfu Longdou's current situation.

At the same time, many soldiers in this military camp had other ideas.

Yes, in the eyes of everyone, the so-called Celestial Clan is superior, and they must respect the Celestial Clan.

But is this really the case?

The so-called Celestial Clan, in their eyes, is just that kind of stuff.

Just like the current Huangfu Longdou, they may look very powerful, but when it comes to fighting, they may not be as good as an ordinary mortal.

Huangfu Longdou knew that he could no longer pursue this matter today, so he was too lazy to say anything more now and just looked at Lin Yun.

"We'll meet again, brat. I just hope you don't die on the battlefield so soon."

After saying this, Huangfu Longdou was too embarrassed to stay here any longer, so he turned around and left with his men.

Lin Yun had a sneer on his face at this time.

"This kid doesn't know what to pull on. He was beaten severely by me just now, and now he dares to say such cruel words in front of me."

"Believe it or not, I'm going to beat him all over the place now."

Huo Changting glanced at Lin Yun angrily.

"I don't mind if you say a few words."

"With all the nonsense you're talking about now, do you know what kind of trouble you're going to get yourself into next?"

Huo Changting knew that Lin Yun was not afraid of death, but he didn't expect this kid to be so brave.

Even someone with Huangfu Longdou's personality dared to go up to him and give him a tough blow.

If Huo Changting hadn't appeared here at this critical moment today, I don't know what would have happened next. The more Huo Changting thought about it, the more he became afraid.

With this kid's character, once he is cornered, he will most likely kill Huangfu Longdou directly.

If this is the case, it will be a big trouble by then. Even if the King of Heaven comes, I really can't protect this kid.

But even though the words had reached this point, Lin Yun still ignored him.

It can also be seen from his eyes that he is quite contemptuous of this situation.

"Okay, don't stay here anymore, come with me."

Seeing Lin Yun like this, Huo Changting sighed helplessly, then patted Lin Yun on the shoulder and took him away from here.

At this time, many candidates in the military camp showed envious eyes.

If they had known it was like this, they would have followed suit.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that

Not very good, after all, not everyone can be as lucky as Lin Yun, who happens to meet Huo Changting here.

If it weren't for Huo Changting, Lin Yun would definitely die today.

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