Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1376 The plan was successful

Lin Yun followed Huo Changting. He was also curious about how far his operation had led Huo Changting.

"Did you know that the young master you just beat was a young master from the famous Huangfu family?"

"As the top royal family among the Celestial Clan, even the Celestial Emperor has to give them a little more respect."

"And what you are doing now is really unimaginable."

Huo Changting looked at Lin Yun and didn't know what to say for a moment, and judging from Lin Yun's current performance, it was not a coincidence, but a deliberate move.

In other words, he knew what this kid was doing better than anyone else, but even so, he still had no intention of stopping.

"Of course I know what I said, but what can I do even if I know this? I still have to insist on performing my duties."

"This guy Huangfu Longdou will definitely become a black sheep if he continues to stay here. Many people here were bullied by Huangfu Longdou."

"Because they are afraid of the power of the Celestials, they don't dare to take action easily, but I am not afraid. Anyway, I am alone. Even if the Celestials want to kill me, I will probably run far away."

Seeing Lin Yun's open-minded look, Huo Changting smiled helplessly and shook his head.

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense here."

"It's just Huangfu Longdou. There's no need to alert the heavens about this matter. You won't die so easily."

"The Demon Clan and the Heavenly Court have been at peace with each other for so many years. I don't know how long it will take to restart the war. Don't look at the war between the Heavenly Clan and the Demon Clan now.

Come, but friction between Heavenly Court and Monster Clan is absolutely impossible. "

Huo Changting was quite confident at this time.

In his opinion, it is impossible for the Demon Clan and Heaven to start a war at this juncture, otherwise even the Demon Clan will most likely suffer betrayal from the Demon Clan.

By that time. The demon clan can easily wipe out the demon clan and the heaven together with its own power.

Seeing Huo Changting's innocent look, Lin Yun didn't know what to say. It was obvious that Huo Changting thought these guys were too simple now.

"When the adults said these words, they probably didn't think about this matter carefully. It is very likely that some unexpected changes will occur."

Lin Yun looked at Huo Changting in front of him, and his expression became quite complicated at this time. He was sure that Huo Changting was not aware of any unexpected changes that might occur in this matter.

But Huo Changting obviously didn't care about this at all.

"Okay, okay, there is nothing to worry about those things. I am calling you here now just to ask if you are willing to join our Changting Army."

"You have to know that the selection of the Changting Army is very strict. After someone with your strength comes here, you can directly become a squad leader."

Huo Changting had already seen Lin Yun's ability just now, so he wanted to train this boy well.

Someone with Lin Yun's strength is even among the young people participating in the assessment.

Those are rare existences, so letting him join the Changting Army directly is not a back door.

But since Lin Yun had the strength, they just made things progress faster.

"Senior wants me to join

Naturally, I have no objection to joining the Changting Army, but if I am asked to be a squad leader, forget it. "

"I'm used to being careless by nature, so I don't want to take any responsibility. But if you need me to take action, even if you say it's where the wind stops, I won't dare to back down."

Lin Yun looked at what Huo Changting said seriously.

After hearing Lin Yun's words, Huo Changting's expression became quite complicated.

Judging from this young man's current performance, what he just said was indeed not a joke.

And this kid is probably already ready to die for it.

"I think your strength is really good. If you become a squad leader, there will be no problem."

"Most of the people who come to me have the same idea, either for the people or for profit."

"You're a good boy. You don't want any spiritual stones, and you don't want to be a squad leader. Why are you really here to serve Heaven?"

Seeing Huo Changting's serious look, Lin Yun smiled and said nothing.

But at this time, his attention was more focused on Huo Changting. After all, this deputy general was still worried that this guy was also a traitor.

While Lin Yun was talking to Huo Changting, Wang Yue was also observing Lin Yun.

He could clearly feel that although Lin Yun had been chatting with Huo Changting, his attention was inexplicably diverted to him.

Of course Wang Yue didn't know what Lin Yun meant, but at the same time he was also curious about what methods this young man had.

Attacking the Celestials in public is a major crime for the entire heaven. This kid shouldn't have

Don't know about this.

Could it be that he did this just to take the opportunity to provoke a conflict between the Celestial Clan and them?

At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through Wang Yue's mind, but no matter what, there was still no way to straighten out the matter.

"I came here just to pursue a way to make myself stronger, that's all."

Facing Huo Changting's doubts, Lin Yun was able to give his answer easily. Just like what he said now, he went to the Changting Army just to make himself stronger.

At the same time, I also want to see what the entire last session was like.

Huo Changting looked at Lin Yun and couldn't help but admit that he really liked this young man more and more.

"Well, since I've already told you this, let it be whatever you say, and I won't force you."

"But from today on, you have to adapt to life here in Changting Army, and without other orders, you cannot leave here privately."

Lin Yun nodded and agreed, and at the same time made a small request to Huo Changting when they parted, that is, to help him treat Dong Wenyuan as soon as possible.

Huo Changting would not refuse this. After all, Dong Wenyuan's injury was a trouble for him.

If Dong Wenyuan is not cured as soon as possible, the root cause of the disease is likely to be revealed.

After Lin Yun took care of everything, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that today's plan is very successful.

After Huo Changting has seen Lin Yun's methods, he will definitely think of Lin Yun when he encounters some problems. In this way, Lin Yun can also be considered

He successfully broke into the Changting Army.

Lin Yun couldn't help but become even more excited when he thought of this.

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