On the other side, Dong Wenyuan was also unconscious for a long time, and then he slowly woke up.

When I first woke up, I heard a few people next to me seeming to be discussing something.

"Did you notice yesterday? The eldest young man of the Celestial Clan seemed to have been beaten violently in our place."

Others sneered.

"You are talking about that Huangfu Longdou, of course we know it. I was still there at the time, so I said that kid is much more powerful than we thought."

"The bodyguard brought by the Protoss today had one of his legs broken before he even had time to make a real move."

"As for the eldest young master of the Huangfu family, that is even more of a joke. I thought that the famous families of the God Clan today are all powerful characters, but I didn't expect that this guy can't even block a punch."

"I have to say that Lin Yun's methods are really powerful."

Everyone was muttering on the sidelines, Dong Wenyuan was yearning for it, but Lin Yun also had mixed emotions and didn't know what to say.

He didn't expect that he would become like this just by taking a random shot.

Lin Yun has suddenly become a serious celebrity. This will also lead to Lin Yun's inevitable trouble when he carries out some tasks next.

But for Lin Yun now, it's nothing.

The key point is how to contact Huo Changting. This is the key to the problem.

And because of what the mysterious man said before, Lin Yun can be sure that Heavenly Court will not do anything about this matter in a short period of time.

Therefore, Lin Yun could completely pretend that nothing had ever happened.

Early the next morning, Lin Yunxian

He already belonged to the regular army of the Changting Army, so he went out to drill with the soldiers early.

It has to be said that the training mode of the Changting Army is very difficult, and even ordinary practitioners cannot persist.

However, Lin Yun's physical fitness is indeed far superior to ordinary people, so he can barely persevere during this process.

Just as Lin Yun was circling around the perimeter, he suddenly felt a murderous aura coming from behind him.

In just an instant, Lin Yun knew that his opponent was coming, and looking at him, he was indeed an acquaintance of his.

"It seems that there is no particularly good way to settle this matter today."

Lin Yun murmured in a low voice, never expecting that Huangfu Longdou was going to use assassins to deal with him.

However, given the current situation on the Changting Army side, even if a killer is hired, he may not be Lin Yun's opponent.

After all, Huangfu Longdou thought that he was too powerful. He thought that these killers would be able to complete their tasks quickly after arriving here. After all, Lin Yun was so weak.

But what he didn't expect was that Lin Yun was still in a state of field expansion near him.

Therefore, whenever someone shows murderous intent towards him, Lin Yun can be keenly aware of it immediately.

Lin Yun naturally had other means to deal with this killer.

After confirming that the other party had been following him, Lin Yun turned directly into a remote corner.

As expected, the killer took this opportunity to launch a direct surprise attack on Lin Yun.

But when he came behind Lin Yun with a dagger in his hand, he found that what he encountered was just an afterimage of Lin Yun.

At that moment, the killer was dumbfounded.

What is this situation called? You must know that he was Lin Yun who attacked secretly. Even if he moved too fast, he would not be able to disappear in front of him in such a short period of time.

At this moment, Lin Yun's voice sounded from behind the killer.

"Did you come here to find me?"

"I'm really sorry. I may not let you get what you want today."

Seeing Lin Yun's killer appearing behind him, he did not dare to hesitate and attacked Lin Yun one after another, directly attacking Lin Yun.

His purpose is very simple, that is, he hopes to deal with Lin Yun severely in the process.

But soon the killer became desperate.

He originally thought that with his own ability, he would be more or less qualified to compete with Lin Yun.

But he never expected that the young man standing in front of him was much more powerful than he imagined.

He actually dodged the attack instantly and completely subdued him at the same time.

"Tell me, who arranged for you to come here to assassinate me? You'd better give me a suitable reason, otherwise I will have many ways to make your life worse than death."

Lin Yun pressed the killer to the ground and said calmly.

You could tell from his tone that he wasn't joking.

The killer was also sweating on his back at this time. He looked at Lin Yun and didn't know what he should say for a while.

And he was certain that the young man standing in front of him was not joking.

Lin Yun was really ready to wipe him out of this world.

"Don't kill me, I'm just entrusted by someone, but I can't tell you the person who entrusted me

Who is it, otherwise I will commit a big taboo, and it will be a dead end by then. "

The killer looked at Lin Yun with a pleading look on his face.

But Lin Yun snorted contemptuously at this moment.

"When you make this decision, you should understand that there will be such a day, but don't worry, I won't let you die in my hands."

As he spoke, Lin Yun released a soul-eating beast.

The moment he saw the bug, the killer instinctively stepped back.

But unfortunately, his current body was completely restricted by Lin Yun and he could not move.

He could only watch helplessly as Lin Yun put this soul-eating beast on him.

After a while, the soul-eating beast merged perfectly with the killer in front of him.

At this moment, the killer's will has not been completely wiped out, and Lin Yun is not anxious at all, but has a smile on his face.

"I didn't expect that the eldest young master of the Huangfu family would be so interested in me."

"In that case, please go back and tell the young master of the Huangfu family what will happen next, right?"

As the saying goes, treat others in their own way.

Lin Yun now wanted to make Huangfu Longdou understand that in the territory of the Changting Army, he had better be more honest.

If he dares to mess around again, Lin Yun does not recommend completely erasing him from this world.

As for the killer, he may be dead after completing this mission.

After doing all this, Lin Yuncai hid his merit and fame and disappeared directly in the alley.

In the next few days, everything went as usual, until one morning the entire Changting Army suddenly shook.

Huangfu Longdou was actually assassinated by a killer.

But not

What was very strange was that Huangfu Longdou didn't make too much noise about such a big thing.

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