Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1387 This is your choice!

Huangfu Longdou looked at Huangfu Yuehong's confident look, and then he felt relieved.

In any case, Huangfu Yuehong was a well-known figure in their Huangfu family.

Even in the entire Celestial Clan, it is an existence that is watched and praised by many people.

Therefore, Huangfu Yuehong takes action this time, which actually means that they will basically not encounter unexpected situations in this battle.

Huangfu Yuehong also prepared very carefully for a long time to deal with Lin Yun this time, so at this moment he was sure that Lin Yun would not be able to control him.

At this time, Lin Yunzhen just stood there indifferently.

You must know that they have already set up what they think is a dragnet here.

Therefore, during this process, Lin Yun was unable to escape.

But one thing is obvious, that is, for Lin Yun now, what they think does not seem to exist.

Only Huangfu Yuehong was seen walking forward slowly, and at the same time several other people reflected on each other with him.

However, Lin Yun, who was surrounded, still held his back with one hand, and there was only a sword in his hand, as if he had a chance to win.

"There is no Changting Army here to help you now. Changting Hou will not come to a place like this."

"It's too late to beg for mercy now. I'm afraid that if you continue to persist like this, no one will be able to save you."

Lin Yun just answered in a calm tone.

"The Celestial Clan has always thought that they are superior to others. If you are so kind as to let me go, I'm afraid you wish you could eat me alive."

"Can I still hold my hands and let you marry me without any effort?"

As he spoke, he took two steps forward. Although he was surrounded by enemies at the moment, he was still standing tall and motionless, full of confidence.

At this time, Huangfu Yuehong also lost interest in continuing to chat with Lin Yun.

He knew that no matter what he said, Lin Yun would always have the same attitude. Instead of this, it would be better to change his approach.

Anyway, they have already set up a formation here.

Lin Yun was currently in the middle of the formation. No matter how powerful he had been before, he could not escape now.

"Everyone, be careful. This guy is very cunning. You must not take him lightly to avoid falling into his tricks."

Lin Yun is currently in the formation. No matter what means he has, he will not be able to use them in a short time. Because of this, Huangfu Yue Hongcai doesn't take it to heart at all.

At this moment, Lin Yun had no intention of nagging Huangfu Yue Hongduo, but slowly pulled out the Chaoyang Sword in his hand.

"There is no need to continue to hold on here. Since you guys want to come over there together, let me see what special methods your Celestial Clan has."

"If it's just your level, I don't think there's anything more to say."

Lin Yun did not forget to laugh at these guys in front of him, even though these people seemed to be very powerful.

But now in such a battle, Lin Yun still has the final say on what the situation will be.

However, in the face of Lin Yun's taunt, Huangfu Yue Hong didn't say anything more, but rushed over with the others.

At that moment, Lin Yun's murderous aura unfolded.

Huangfu Yuehong and others all felt a pressure hanging on themselves.


How is it possible? With this kid's current state, he shouldn't be so powerful. "

When Huangfu Yuehong felt this strong pressure, he immediately felt cold sweat breaking out on his body.

You must know that he is not paddling now, but is actually using his own methods.

Therefore, in his opinion, it was already good that Lin Yun, who was completely trapped by the formation, could use 30% of his own power at this time.

But what he didn't expect was that Lin Yun was now more powerful than he had imagined. The powerful aura he was constantly releasing from his body made even him speechless at this moment.

Obviously, the young man in front of him is not as simple as he thought, and if he really wants to take action, he may not have a full chance of winning now.

"Don't waste time. Use full firepower and suppress this guy as quickly as possible. Otherwise, you and I will be in trouble today."

After Huangfu Yuehong finished speaking, he rushed towards Lin Yun without any hesitation, and his speed also increased to the extreme at this moment.

He quickly summoned four strange-looking masks in his hand, like a cluster of flames surrounding him.

The moment Huangfu Yue Hong started to move, these four strange-looking masks shone with black, yellow, blue, and green light respectively.

Lin Yun knew at just one glance that these four strange-looking masks should be one holy weapon, but the power of this holy weapon was stronger than ordinary ones.

Sure enough, there are many unexpected places in a place like the Upper Realm.

Lin Yun didn't even think about it, and attacked directly with Yamato swordsmanship.

The next moment, he only saw a disdainful smile on Huangfu Yuehong's face.

Rong: "I was really no match for you before, but you are only stronger because of your strong physical fitness."

"If it really comes down to a fight, you still can't kill me."

Huangfu Yuehong now circumvented everything Lin Yun might be good at.

In his opinion, he was accidentally approached by Lin Yun last time, so he was physically unable to deal with Lin Yun. In the end, he only had the chance to be pinned to the ground and beaten violently by Lin Yun.

But it's different now. Now he directly uses the treasure, and at the same time, there are so many people around him cooperating.

Therefore, Huangfu Yuehong never thought that Lin Yun would have a chance to break through his defense line.

At this time, the eyebrows of several people standing nearby also lit up with lights of different colors.

At the same time, a huge formation appeared on the ground. The entire formation was carved like a maze. The runes were obscure and difficult to understand, with a sense of ancient vicissitudes.

At this moment, with the push of several people, the formation was fully operational.

At the same time, Lin Yun could also feel the pressure in his body surging like a tide.

The function of this formation is to greatly limit Lin Yun's ability. Not only does it prevent him from getting close to Huangfu Yuehong, but the Yuan force in his body will also be disturbed to a certain extent.

Just like there is no way to control the Yuan Power in his body well now, it means that Lin Yun is likely to be completely suppressed by Huangfu Yuehong in front of him in the next battle.

At the same time, the rolling swordsmanship had directly bombarded Huangfu Yuehong's body.

But the strange thing is that the powerful sword energy has no effect at all.

Only see the emperor

The mask flying around Fu Yuehong seemed to have completely absorbed this power.

Chongqingniao's voice also sounded in his mind at this moment: "This treasure can absorb your attacks."

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