Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1388 No One Can Be Missing

The moment Lin Yun's sword energy hit Huangfu Yue Hong, the strange mask had absorbed all the energy.

But Huangfu Yuehong would not stop like this.

I saw him crossing his hands, and then quickly pinching out the magic formula.

Then another red vortex appeared behind him.

Before Lin Yun could react, countless flying spears were spit out from the red vortex.

The number of flying spears is extremely large.

The forest clouds were as dense as rain.

In Huangfu Yuehong's view, it was impossible for Lin Yun, who was weakened by all aspects at this time, to resist.

But at this moment something strange happened, and Lin Yun didn't even think about stopping it.

He allowed these attacks to fall on his body, and soon his whole body was broken.

But the scary thing is that no matter how powerful the attack is, it has no effect on Lin Yun.

"How can it be?"

Huangfu Yuehong's eyes widened at this time, and even Huangfu Longdou had an expression of disbelief.

They have seen many strange scenes, but you must know that this is the territory controlled by Heaven, and even the most powerful human practitioners cannot have such terrifying physical fitness.

Huangfu Longdou knew how powerful Huangfu Yuehong's methods were. Not everyone could stop the move he just showed.

But Lin Yun not only blocked it, he also didn't use any means, and he didn't even use the force in his body.

Just relying on strong physical fitness to block this method.

Huangfu Longdou's voice was trembling.

"No, it's absolutely impossible

. "

"The only people I can think of who can block this move in this way are demon clansmen at the demon emperor level."

The demon clan's physical strength is strong, so they can have this opportunity to block this move, but when Huangfu Longdou saw the scene in front of him, he still couldn't believe that everything he thought before was true.

Who would have thought that Lin Yun standing in front of him would have such powerful means?

They would never have thought that Lin Yun at this moment was much more powerful than they imagined.

Lin Yun's cold eyes were seen looking at Huangfu Yue Hong.

"There are so many things you don't know. Do you think you can really pose any threat to me with your own means?"

"If I want to kill you, I don't need to waste too much time at all. You can't pose any threat to me now."

Lin Yun patted his shoulder gently.

After saying this, he just took a step forward, and in that moment he came directly in front of Huangfu Yuehong.

Huangfu Yuehong's eyes widened and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

At the same time, other people around the formation seemed to be aware of the danger. Without any hesitation, they sacrificed the treasures in their hands.

In an instant, colorful lights and different energies all bombarded Lin Yun's body.

But the strange thing is that no matter how powerful these attacks are, Lin Yun remains motionless, as if his body is completely immune to Yuan Power attacks.

The next moment, he just shook his body slightly, followed by a powerful

Power reflects from within.


Huge waves surged, and several people who originally had the advantage vomited blood at the same time, and then quickly retreated.

They stared at Lin Yun in the distance with wide eyes and an expression of disbelief.

Even Huangfu Yuehong couldn't say a word at this moment. They originally wanted to ambush Lin Yun here and kill this guy directly when Lin Yun had no defense. This could be regarded as fulfilling their long-cherished wish.

But they didn't expect that all their attack methods would be completely useless.

Lin Yun was able to resist their offensive just by relying on his strong physical fitness, and at the same time, he could counterattack them at will.

"Didn't I make it clear before? You have no ability to defeat me."

"I let you go before because it was really not easy to kill you so-called gods in public."

"But it's different now. In this wilderness and the border area, even if you die, everyone will think it was the demon clan that killed you."

"As for you guys, you're not a big shot. I believe Heavenly Court won't go to war with the monsters for you guys."

If Huangfu Longdou and Huangfu Yuehong still had some sense of security before.

So after hearing Lin Yun's words, they were already half-hearted.

There is no doubt that Lin Yun standing here is not joking with them.

Methods to deal with them have been prepared a long time ago, so what awaits them at this moment is likely to be another outcome.

Originally Huangfu Yuehong still had a slight chance of winning, but when he saw what he

When some of the tricks had no effect on Lin Yun, he started to panic.

Huangfu Longdou, on the other hand, was more decisive. Without any hesitation, he shot a signal directly into the sky, and at the same time turned around and eliminated him from behind.

In just an instant, there were already several talismans on his body.

The eldest son of the Huangfu family still had some skills. After realizing that the people under him had no way to deal with Lin Yun, the first thing he thought of was to escape from here.

As the saying goes, the future is long, and as long as he can live now, he can make other choices.

Lin Yun looked at Huangfu Longdou in the distance and wanted to escape, but he didn't say anything and just moved his right foot.

The Vientiane Formation quickly unfolded in an instant.

At the same time, Huangfu Longdou hit the edge, and then he felt like he had hit a big mountain.

"Since you are here, don't think about leaving in a hurry. None of those here today can even think about leaving."

Compared with Huangfu Yuehong's formation, Lin Yun's Vientiane Formation is more powerful, and the suppression of these people is also more terrifying.

At this time, when the formation is in operation, it means that they have no chance to reverse it.

Huangfu Long's face was bruised and bruised from the collision, and blood was flowing from his forehead.

He looked around and had no idea what to do about this inexplicable formation.

The next moment, Huangfu Longdou was seen throwing several different treasures one after another.

His purpose was naturally to forcefully break through the formation, but unfortunately, no matter how he tried, it had no effect.

In this formation

Not only Huangfu Yuehong, but others also started to panic.

They can all feel that the energy in their bodies is gradually drying up.

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