Dong Wenyuan and Lin Yun first found an inn to stay in, which barely solved their current urgent needs.

The next thing Lin Yun has to do is to find some thugs to act with him.

"You said you want to select some suitable thugs from the demon clan to be our guards."

"Isn't this a bit too risky? If these guys really find out our identity, we will be in trouble."

Dong Wenyuan also knew that Lin Yun was very courageous, but he never thought that one day Lin Yun would be so courageous.

Knowing that such behavior may cause them many unimaginable dangers.

But there was no trace of nervousness in Lin Yun's eyes.

"We will inevitably encounter some very difficult opponents in the next journey. Rather than not being able to find any means to deal with them at that time, it is better to prepare in advance now."

Just like today, if Lin Yun hadn't made up a lie to deceive the guard, he would probably have taken action today.

With Lin Yun and Dong Wenyuan's current status, once they start a fight, they may not be able to escape, not to mention that Lin Yun has other purposes for coming to the Monster Clan this time.

So he also didn't want to have any conflicts with the demon clan.

Originally Dong Wenyuan wanted to say something more, but seeing Lin Yun at this moment, he slowly calmed down.

"Perhaps what the senior said is also a way. Such a cover-up method can disguise our identity."

"It's just that no one knows whether these monsters will be fooled, not to mention the information we have now.

Source, I'm afraid there is no way to find so many people to work for us. "

Lin Yun smiled and said nothing more.

He and Dong Wenyuan obviously would not leave so easily. They were going to rest here for a day or two.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the order began to wander around the City of Beasts.

The hard work paid off, and Lin Yun finally found a team of adventurers.

There are five people in this team.

A strong tiger monster.

A relatively agile leopard demon, a fox demon, and a young wolf demon.

But what really made Lin Yun feel very fearful was the old man in the team. This guy looked very old, but he actually looked very similar to humans.

And only some scales can be seen here and there on his body.

Later, it was only after Lin Yun communicated with the wolf demon that he realized that the old man was actually a very rare half-orc.

Half-orcs have always been unpopular among the demon clan. If they were not willing to fight alongside the old man, it would be difficult for the old man to find a place to survive among the demon clan.

The number of half-orcs is not uncommon among the demon clan.

The birth of most orcs means a tragedy.

Lin Yun's eyes when he saw the old man were also very complicated. Because he could see the panel, he could tell what the old man had experienced in the past with just a glance.

His mother was originally a very ordinary practitioner in heaven.

But after an accidental action, it fell into the hands of the demon clan, and it suffered inhuman abuse.

In the end, he succeeded when he was about to die.

An old man was born.

As an old half-orc, he possessed relatively strong power when he was born, which is one of the reasons why he was able to survive this tragedy.

After that, the old man grew up step by step, and the whole process was looked down upon by many people.

If it weren't for his extremely powerful means, I'm afraid he wouldn't be alive until now.

"Is it really possible for a team like yours to escort the two of us to the demon capital?"

Lin Yun looked at the fox demon in the distance with suspicion.

He walked around the entire city, but there were very few people he could find.

These guys in front of him are the only choices that Lin Yun can choose after going through so many choices. If these guys still can't succeed, then Lin Yun may not have a chance.

"Gentlemen, you should have asked many people before this, so you have a clearer understanding of whether you have any other options now."

"Of course we are not the best, but at least you can find us in the entire City of Beasts."

The fox demon did not speak, but the old man said lightly at this moment.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Akto."

"The strategist of this team."

Lin Yun looked at the old man in surprise. He originally thought that the military advisor of this team should be this fox demon.

After all, everyone recognizes how cunning the fox is.

Unexpectedly, the military advisor in this team turned out to be the old man in front of him who looked very old.

Lin Yun was very doubtful whether this old man could really figure out all these things?

"after all

At his current age, it's time for him to be confused. "

Lin Yun said calmly.

"I have looked for many people before this, but most of them are not ideal. But if a few of them can't bring me suitable benefits, I guess I can't choose others."

Of course, Lin Yun could not be threatened by the old man casually. At least he still wanted to take the initiative in this negotiation in his own hands.

Obviously, the old man also knew Lin Yun's suspicion at this moment.

"Since you are very anxious to get to the capital, then we are your best choice. Just the few of us are enough to get you through all the troubles easily."

The old man looked at Lin Yun, and then pointed out the advantages of the entire team one by one.

What I have to say is that if these guys are released individually, they may not be considered strong, but if they are united, they are indeed somewhat capable.

How can these guys survive in this cannibalistic world for so long.

If you don't have some skills these days, there's really no way you can survive in this dangerous environment.

"Since you all mentioned it, I can't hire you, but we still have to discuss the price. After all, we are not taking advantage of you."

Hearing that Lin Yun actually wanted to negotiate the price, the fox demon's face clearly showed a trace of reluctance. They originally thought that Lin Yun was going to escort a big shot to the demon capital, so he must be spending a lot of money.

But who would have thought that Lin Yun was still thinking about negotiating with them at this moment.

But the old man also looks helpless now

, it seems that there is no other choice. Even if the money is small, Lin Yun can only accept the order.

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