In this way, Lin Yun successfully recruited this team and used them to protect himself and Dong Wenyuan on their way to the Demon City.

All the expenses along the way must have come from Lin Yun's side.

But these are nothing to Lin Yun. He has a lot of precious medicinal materials on hand. Even if he has no money, he can just sell one or two.

Anyway, the Monster Clan doesn't care that much, and sometimes selling things here is much more expensive than selling things in the Human Clan's territory.

In this way, Lin Yun and Dong Wenyuan took several people on the road together, and at this time they even disguised themselves as a chamber of commerce heading abroad.

In this way, basically no one would be able to pay attention to their every move, and Lin Yun could finally breathe a sigh of relief at this time.

In the next half month, they left the City of Beasts and embarked on the route to the Demon City.

According to the previous estimate given by the old man to Lin Yun, at their current speed, it would probably take several months to reach the demon capital.

And this was during the entire process, and they chose to rest without some other external factors.

So it can be seen that it is not an easy task to go to the Medicine Capital this time. Even if you follow their group, you may not be able to solve everything casually.

But now, looking at Lin Yun's face, the expression is still the same as before.

It was obvious that the person standing in front of them had never thought about giving up so easily.

Dong Wenyuan came to Lin Yun's side at this time.

Although it seems safe along the way, Dong Wenyuan can always feel the

To the feeling of being watched anytime and anywhere.

You must know that their team seems to be pretty good. Under normal circumstances, no one should be willing to fight with them.

At least this team has a perfect lineup.

"Senior, I have been feeling as if someone is watching my every move during this time. Do you think there is really some creature that is spying on us secretly?"

Dong Wenyuan didn't dare to ask the old man, so he could only come here to ask Lin Yun.

Lin Yun nodded very solemnly at this time and finally discovered what had happened. Lin Yun had discovered it a long time ago, and he also understood that someone was following them.

But it seems that he is not among the team, now at this juncture.

The only people Lin Yun could think of were the people from Ten Thousand Beasts City.

He also knew that it would be impossible for the Ten Thousand Beasts City to let them pass so easily, and they would inevitably cause trouble for them in the future.

It's just that Lin Yun doesn't know the reason why these guys from Ten Thousand Beasts City took the initiative to find trouble with him. You must know that Lin Yun has always been cautious during the whole process.

He didn't show any flaws. Even if these guys want to deal with him, there must be a reason.

"I also feel like you are being spied on, but I'm not in a hurry to tell them this right now."

At first, Lin Yun also wanted to see what the capabilities of this team were, and then he would determine how to save them next.

The second reason is because the opponent is still very cautious.

If Lin Yun acts rashly, it is very likely that

It is absolutely unacceptable to Lin Yun to directly alert the enemy.

Hearing what Lin Yun said, although Dong Wenyuan was still a little worried, he could only put aside his nervousness for the time being.

"I hope there will be no trouble this time. We have tried our best to protect ourselves."

Dong Wenyuan whispered in a low voice that Lin Yun had made a lot of efforts to protect him along the way, and Dong Wenyuan himself knew this well.

"Don't worry. So far, no one has found any trace of us, and no one has taken the initiative to come to our door."

Seeing Dong Wenyuan's nervous look, Lin Yun acted very relaxed at this moment.

Although it is safe now, it does not mean that it will be safe later, but for now, the situation should not be that bad.

So Lin Yun was more or less relieved. Even if someone really wanted to cause trouble for them and came to their door, Lin Yun would be able to detect every move of these guys at the first time.

After some comfort from Lin Yun, Dong Wenyuan slowly let go of the panic in his heart.

Although the subsequent situation is still unknown, at least Dong Wenyuan can withstand the pressure now.

The team continued to move forward and soon came to a dense forest.

At this moment, Lin Yun seemed to be as completely indifferent as before, but he was already on guard in his heart.

At this time, even the old man raised his hand high, causing all the companions behind him to stop. It seems that the old man also raised his hand at this moment.

Perceived something.

This was quite unexpected from Lin Yun's previous guess. He thought he could judge this matter through the panel, but others could not see clearly at all.

The strange thing is that even through the panel, Lin Yun did not notice anything unusual about the current situation.

But that feeling of spying still existed, and now Lin Yun certainly couldn't think that their perception was wrong.

It can only be said that the man is still waiting for the opportunity in secret. It is precisely because he has no intention of taking action that Lin Yun can't detect any abnormality from the panel now.

"This guy is really patient. He has already come to this place, but he can still keep his composure?"

Lin Yun muttered softly. Logically, the position they are in now should be the best time to take action.

But after so long, there is still no problem.

The old man looked around cautiously: "Something is wrong. There must be something in this forest?"

The old man walked forward slowly, and a cane appeared in his hand, and then he smashed it heavily on the ground.

At the same time, his cold eyes looked around, as if he was ready to fight to the death with these guys.

But unfortunately, those people hiding in the dark are not so easy to deal with. At least so far, they have not revealed any flaws.

And Lin Yun also knew that these guys could take action at any time and anywhere, so he must not be too careless.

So during the whole process, Lin Yun was waiting for the right opportunity, and at the same time observing the changes in his own panel.

But up to now, he really didn't notice any changes.

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