Hundreds of mountains, the capital of monsters and monsters.

In the huge palace, I only saw a middle-aged man humming a tune and walking between the palaces with his hands behind his back.

Occasionally, some servants bowed their heads and said hello when they saw him.

"I've met Prince Shengyang."

This is Prince Shengyang, who is famous throughout the Demon Court.

It's just that most of the people in the Demon Court didn't pay much attention to this person.

There are three princes in the Demon Court.

King Jin-Wing Peng and King Peacock Ming are indeed powerful, and they hold great power in their hands.

Many people in the entire demon clan had experienced them, but Prince Shengyang only relied on himself to control the demon capital's guards and gain the trust of the king.

So at least he has absolute dominion over the Baijue Mountains. Even the Golden Wing King and the Peacock Ming King have never dared to offend him.

But speaking of it, these monsters didn't actually take Prince Shengyang to heart at all.

After all, Prince Shengyang has never thought about developing the power under his command over the years.

Just doing ordinary things day after day.

It seemed that he placed all his hopes on the acting king in the palace.

But everyone knows that there is no real royal bloodline, and even if he sits on the throne of the Demon Court, it is still meaningless.

At this time, Prince Shengyang passed by everyone at an extremely fast speed and soon arrived at the magnificent palace.

I saw a man with an extremely strange appearance sitting on the throne above the main hall.

After seeing that it was Prince Shengyang, he stood up hastily.

"Teacher, why are you here at this time?"

In the past, holy

It would take several hours for Prince Yang to enter the palace, but he didn't expect that this time he would take a few steps first.

Prince Shengyang looked up at Prince Dai.

"Your Majesty, does your Majesty know how the frontline soldiers are doing these days?"

Dai Wang shook his head.

"Didn't I, the king, leave all these matters to you, teacher?"

Seeing that King Dai didn't care at all, even Prince Shengyang couldn't help but sigh.

Prince Shengyang knew that King Dai did not have pure royal blood.

But since he has the ability to sit in this position, he naturally wants to help him do it more steadily.

Therefore, Prince Shengyang can be said to be helping in every possible way, hoping to give King Dai more control over some means.

But it is a pity that Prince Shengyang tried his best, but the final result was completely different from what he thought.

This generation of kings seems to have no thoughts in this regard at all. After so many years, he still doesn't care about the government affairs of the entire Demon Court.

"Your Majesty, you should know that those two princes have been keeping an eye on your position."

"If one day the two of them really come up with this idea, I'm afraid that they and the demon clan will fall into endless civil strife again. Are you really ready to witness all this?"

Prince Shengyang was a little disappointed when he saw the king. After all, this was the king he had personally trained.

Although he is only acting on behalf of the throne now, in any case, he may become the orthodox King of Demon Court in the future.

"Of course I know what the teacher said."

"But the teacher also saw that I don't have this ability."

"What's more, whether it's the Golden Winged Peng King or the Peacock King Ming, they are basically

They don't take me as the acting king seriously, so what if I give them an order? Didn't the teacher emphasize many times before that we must never challenge the Changting Army? "

When Dai Wang said this, there was also a look of helplessness on his face.

They all know that the current Changting Army is like a tiger's butt that cannot be touched.

Although the Heavenly Court and the Demon Clan are fighting fiercely, the elite Changting Army has not moved at all. The reason why these things are happening now is just that the Celestial Clan wants to use their swords to kill people.

With the help of their demon clan, they drove Huo Changting from his position.

In this way, after being able to control the elite Changting Army in their hands, there may even be a counterattack in Heaven.

This is something that everyone knows very well, but since this thing has never happened, no one dares to be sure easily.

Prince Shengyang was more or less disappointed when he heard the answer from the king in front of him.

But then King Dai did bring him a glimmer of hope.

"But there is one thing that I hope the teacher can know more about."

"The spies I arranged to go out not long ago just happened in our territory and discovered some strange things."

"The two princes seem to be looking for something. While they are withstanding the pressure from the front line of the Changting Army, what can they focus on looking for in the entire Demon Court?"

"It seems that the person they are looking for is not a simple person."

As soon as these words came out, Prince Shengyang's expression changed slightly.

Compared with the king in front of me, I don't know much about things outside the palace. All I want to do is hope that I will see him.

Can the former king truly grow up?

But now hearing what Dai Wang said made Prince Shengyang realize that the situation seemed to be different.

Over the years, whether they were the Golden Winged King or the Peacock King, both of them had been quite steady in doing things, but this time they were somewhat reckless.

First launched on the front line, the attack on the Changting Army was something he did not support.

Now, while they are holding the front line, the pressure on the battlefield is still looking for people in the rear.

This is very likely to shake the foundation of the rear and even affect the front battlefield. Anyone would think that this is absolutely a taboo in military strategy.

But since these two guys dare to do this, they must have their own reasons.

"That is to say, they must have noticed something unusual on the front line, so they are so anxious to find home."

"But before we have enough evidence, it is probably difficult to guess what these two guys want."

Although he was quite curious, Prince Shengyang also knew that with the cunningness of these two guys, he would never let him catch the handle of this matter so easily.

So now he is still unsure of what he should do next.

I only saw the King of Dai sitting on the throne laugh.

"Teacher, you have been making plans for so many years, but you really don't have the means to check and balance these two princes?"

"If that's the case, I'm afraid these two princes would have entered the palace to force the emperor to abdicate."

"What can make the two princes so anxious is probably something related to the throne. If that's the case, it's better for you to put in more effort."

The King of Dai looked at the Prince of Shengyang with hope, as if he couldn't wait to hand over these things in his hands to others.

Prince Shengyang looked at the King of Dai like this, and his heart was also extremely complicated.

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