"Senior, do we really want to act like this?"

At this time, Lin Yun and Dong Wenyuan had arrived at another large city called Gushou City.

If you go further here, you can enter the Baijue Mountains in nearly half a month.

As long as they can reach Baijue Mountain, they can find a way to contact Prince Shengyang. At that time, even the Golden Wing King and Peacock Ming King will have no way to help them.

But because of this, when the two of them came here, they found that this place was still under martial law throughout the city.

Lin Yun thought that this would only last for a short while and that he didn't need to take it to heart at all.

After all, this period of time has given Lin Yun a general understanding of the rules at Yaoting.

Most of the time, they are just thundering but not raining, so there is no need to worry too much.

But Lin Yun soon realized that he might have thought too much this time, because the other party was making quite a move.

At the same time, I didn't expect it to end so easily. On the contrary, this matter is still making a bigger fuss.

In desperation, Lin Yun and Dong Wenyuan had no choice but to stay in the inn.

Lin Yun was sure that King Jin-winged Peng and King Peacock Ming would not be able to catch them.

But just then the waiter from the shop downstairs knocked on the door.

"Two guests."

"The military master of the Demon Court just informed that all the demons in the entire ancient Shoucheng City will go to the central square after one stick of incense."

"Those who are not present will be killed without mercy!"

When he heard the news, the expression on Lin Yun's face had become very solemn.

Of course he knew that this must be the last struggle between the Golden Wing King and the Peacock King.

these two

People also know what will happen after Dong Wenyuan arrives in the Demon City, so now they are trying every means to stop Dong Wenyuan.

But Lin Yun was curious about what method they were going to use?

In this way, in public, if Dong Wenyuan is found, Dong Wenyuan's identity is confirmed.

Doesn't this make all the criminal police officers before them secure?

Lin Yun certainly didn't think that King Golden Wing Peng and King Peacock Ming were fools, so these two guys would inevitably make up a rumor.

But what is going on? Lin Yun couldn't tell clearly for a while.

On the contrary, Dong Wenyuan behaved relatively calmly at this time, although the current situation does make people feel a little nervous.

But since it was Lin Yun who took action personally, no matter how difficult the matter was, it could be settled smoothly in the end.

"Senior is feeling embarrassed about what's going on right now. After all, no one else would be able to deal with this situation easily."

Seeing Lin Yun like this, Dong Wenyuan certainly understood in his heart what kind of patient Lin Yun was thinking about now. Others might be able to easily handle these troubles, but it would really be no better when Lin Yun appeared on the scene.

Hearing Dong Wenyuan asking him, Lin Yun just smiled indifferently.

"Although these guys did cause me a lot of trouble, we don't have to worry about them in the short term."

Of course Lin Yun knew what Dong Wenyuan was thinking, but he didn't think it was as complicated as he thought.

"In the final analysis, the purpose of King Golden Wings and King Peacock Ming is to find you out among everyone. For them, as long as they can find your traces,

It is the greatest success. "

"So what I have to do next is to try every means to hide you. As long as they can't find you and we can reach the territory of Prince Shengyang, then we will be successful."

Lin Yun did not forget what Huo Changting said to him before, so his attitude gradually became serious at this moment.

Dong Wenyuan was still a little nervous, but Lin Yun was a little confident now.

Not to mention that King Golden Wings and King Peacock Ming couldn't find out their identities at all, so what if they were found in public?

Lin Yun held the magic talisman in his hand.

It didn't work before because it wasn't yet time to use such a move.

But now they are very close to Baijue Mountain.

As long as you use the magic talisman after encountering danger, you can distance yourself, but the current situation is still unclear.

Lin Yun didn't know whether this thing could really help him escape.

But if you think about it carefully, the probability of being intercepted should be very low.

Otherwise, Huo Changting would not have handed this thing over to him so solemnly.

Dong Wenyuan came to his senses when he heard what Lin Yun said.

Yes, Huo Changting taught them four treasures when they left.

These things have never been put to use before. After all, no matter what kind of trouble they encounter, as long as Lin Yun is around, they can be easily solved quickly.

So much so that they had forgotten that there were so many treasures.

But it's different now. Since King Golden Wing Peng and King Peacock Ming personally arranged for people to do these methods, it is very likely that they will make some targeted arrangements.


If this is the case, no matter how strong they are, they may not be able to resist forcefully.

But now that there is a magical talisman, it's different. No matter how powerful the other party is, they can't take this opportunity to stop them.

"So we don't need to worry too much this time."

"But in order to ensure that no accidents occur, I will still make some disguises for you. These things are all means of confidentiality. It is of course best if you don't use them."

Before he figured out his opponent's confidence, Lin Yun couldn't guarantee that the things in his hands would really work.

In case they have pinned all their hopes on these objects.

But at the critical moment, these objects did not show the strength they should have, and that is what really makes people feel scared.

Judging from the current situation, the situation should not be so bad, so Lin Yun is more or less relaxed now.

Now that he heard Lin Yun say this, Dong Wenyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon the group of people followed to the central square, and by this time Dong Wenyuan had been transformed by Lin Yun, and he looked completely different from his previous appearance.

However, in order to ensure that Dong Wenyuan would not expose Lin Yun, some special methods were even used to change Dong Wenyuan's bloodline.

Of course, this can only change the situation for a while. If the opponent's methods are more sophisticated, it is very likely to be found out. These methods were discovered by Lin Yun using the Eight Realms Tower.

After all, the people he imprisoned in the Eight Realms Tower were all extremely vicious big shots, and it was not a big deal to get some information from them.

Difficult matter.

After doing all this, Lin Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

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