Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1414 City-wide blood test

Dong Wenyuan knew in his heart that Lin Yun was not having an easy time.

Now that he has helped himself solve so many troubles, it is really not easy. He has secretly made up his mind.

If he could really sit in that position, he would definitely try his best to help Lin Yun. He is a guy with clear grudges.

Soon Lin Yun and Dong Wenyuan came to the central square, and everyone here was bleeding on a stone.

Just by looking at this scene, Lin Yun knew what was going on. It was obvious that King Golden Wing Peng and King Peacock Ming hoped to use this method to find Dong Wenyuan.

This idea is good, but if Lin Yun takes some measures in advance, it is not impossible to cover up the past.

However, in order to ensure that there would be no unexpected situations, Lin Yun personally arranged Dong Wenyuan to the front of the team.

In this way, Dong Wenyuan can successfully bleed before his own methods fail.

What no one noticed was that it was on a tall building on the left side of the central square.

Two middle-aged men in colorful clothes were also watching every move in the square.

"Is this really possible?"

"What if these guys are too cunning and can avoid us?"

The Golden Winged King looked at the handsome Peacock King in front of him and asked in a low voice.

These methods were naturally the work of King Peacock Ming, but King Jin-winged Peng was still somewhat opposed to them in his heart.

The main reason is that this method seems too simple, but anyone with some brains can break it in a short time.

The Peacock King just glanced at the Golden-winged Peng King: "For you and me, I'm afraid this

It's the simplest stupid way. "

"If we use another method, the time and difficulty required will increase exponentially. For you and me, the most precious thing now should be our own time, isn't it?"

Seeing that King Jin-winged Peng was somewhat doubtful about his arrangement.

King Peacock Ming just smiled indifferently, and his next words stopped King Golden Winged Peng.

Indeed, it is indeed easy for others to seize opportunities with such actions, but do they really have the time now?

"Besides, I have captured many emotional intelligences from the human race before this, and even many orcs."

"Don't worry, I have prepared a foolproof plan this time. No matter who these guys are, I will teach them how to come back."

When King Peacock Ming said this, a murderous look flashed in his eyes. Compared with the King of Golden Wings, King Peacock Ming's aura was more restrained.

It seems that King Peacock Ming is weak, but in fact he is much more powerful than King Golden Wings.

And the most terrifying thing is that this guy, the Golden Wing King, is just a fool and doesn't think twice about doing things.

But King Peacock Ming was different. He had a lot of tricks, including this method of searching for Dong Wenyuan, which was personally arranged by King Peacock Ming.

Even though King Jin-winged Peng was a little doubtful about this situation at this stage, King Peacock Ming was always certain.

Originally King Jin-winged Peng wanted to say something, but seeing that King Peacock Ming was so serious now, he did not continue to say anything more on this issue.

"You also know where we are now.

What he did was likely to attract the attention of someone in the palace. "

"Although he has not cared about the external situation over the years, who can be sure that this guy has really given up."

Regardless of whether it was King Jin-winged Peng or King Peacock Ming, they were still somewhat afraid of Prince Shengyang in their hearts.

At this moment, I heard the King of Golden Wings mention Prince Shengyang.

King Peacock Ming also snorted coldly.

"This guy has been weighing on you and me for so many years that we haven't even been able to make the decisions we wanted to make."

"In my opinion, this time is an excellent opportunity. Maybe we can use this opportunity to completely eradicate this damn thing."

When King Peacock Ming said this, even his tone became much colder.

Prince Shengyang has always been suppressing them. Over the years, Prince Peacock Ming has tried to kill Prince Shengyang more than once.

But he also knew that this guy must be unique in his ability to last for such a long time.

Therefore, King Peacock Ming did not dare to take action before he found out his confidence. However, after years of hard work, King Peacock Ming finally got some useful information.

Now that Prince Peacock Ming has begun to change his mind, he might be able to set his sights on Prince Shengyang.

The Golden Winged King looks like Peacock King Ming, so I didn't expect this guy to suddenly become so serious.

On the other hand, with the help of Lin Yun, Dong Wenyuan soon became the next person to have his blood tested.

But at this time, Dong Wenyuan still seemed a little nervous. Although Lin Yun made it clear after helping him hide his aura and bloodline, there would be no intention.

Unexpected situation.

But Dong Wenyuan was still very worried. If anything went wrong, he would be doomed.

Soon Dong Wenyuan came to the stage. All he had to do was cut his finger and then drip a drop of blood onto the stone.

The other party didn't tell them what they were going to do. Lin Yun also had a guess through Dong Wenyuan's identity.

At this moment, Dong Wenyuan is standing here, with a somewhat nervous expression on his face.

"Don't just stand here stupidly, there are so many people waiting behind."

"Hurry up."

An old man who was taking the test next to him urged.

Although Dong Wenyuan was still a little nervous, he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, cut his finger fiercely, and then dripped blood on it.

After a while, everyone saw that the stone was flashing a red light as if it was possessed.

But this was only a moment, and soon the red light went out.

The guard in charge of recording took a look and sighed: "Not this, the next one."

Dong Wenyuan was still a little nervous. What if these guys recognized his identity, what should he do next?

With his current ability, it was not enough for these guys to warm up.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yun's method actually worked.

Dong Wenyuan, who successfully avoided this difficulty, was naturally very happy.

And in the next few hours, although everyone in the city was left online.

But in the end, after all the bloodshed, it seemed that they did not find what the Golden Wing King and the Peacock King wanted.

Just when Lin Yun thought that this matter might just pass, he

unexpectedly found that a group of people were pressed to the central square.

At this time, the people of the entire Gushou City were also talking about it.

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