"What's going on? Why did you catch so many orcs here?"

"That's right. Although this half-orc has human blood, he still puts his demon blood first anyway. Why are they all being arrested now?"

"That bullshit Orc is clearly a spy planted by Renzhu on our side. I heard that the defeat on the front line was all because of these Orcs."

At this time, the demon clan in the entire city were talking about it.

Many people didn't understand what was going on with these orcs who were suddenly pressed into the central square.

But just after these orcs were escorted up, a monster wearing a white robe and a tall hat walked up.

"I believe everyone here is very curious about what exactly we encountered, so it is worth our while to go to war."

"We also have the permission of the two princes, so now I will tell you what happened."

He only saw this monster, pointing at the orc behind him as he spoke, with a contemptuous smile on his lips.

"Not long ago, when our clan was waging a war with the Changting Army, the Changting Army took advantage of them at every turn. As a result, the situation on the battlefield is not optimistic now."

"The two princes were furious when they found out that someone in our group had a secret conspiracy."

"So we ordered us to investigate, and finally we found some clues, but so far we haven't been able to pinpoint who it is."

"But what we can be sure of is that among the entire demon clan, some half-orcs have formed an organization specifically to fight against our two princes."

This white-robed monster puts it lightly

Coincidentally, this tall hat was brought directly to these orcs as soon as it came up.

After hearing this, all the monsters below also nodded in approval.

"Who says otherwise? I thought there must be something wrong with these orcs before, even if the blood of our demon race flows in their bodies."

"But there is no way to change the arrogance deep in our bones. They look down on me and there is no way they will join us."

After the white-robed monster on the stage finished speaking, many monsters below agreed.

Lin Yun also clenched his fists after seeing this scene.

Is this thing actually capable of empathy?

Then I heard the white-robed monster on the stage continue to say: "It's a pity that these spies are too cunning. We don't have their specific number yet."

"But the guys who caught us today are indeed one of these spies."

"I also received orders from the two princes to kill all the spies here."

The white-robed monster said it lightly, but Lin Yun's face was already very ugly at this time, because Akto was among the captured orcs.

Originally, Akto was also looking for a suitable way to enter Baijue Mountain and tell Prince Shengyang about the situation here.

But what he didn't expect was that he would be caught not long after he arrived in Gushou City.

And the reason is very simple, just because he is a half-orc.

At this moment, Akto didn't take it to heart. It was only after he was escorted to the execution ground and looked at the half-handed people tied up that he realized that these two princes were going to kill them.

It's just that Akto doesn't understand.

Why did the two princes attack these orcs?

Obviously, half-orcs were considered part of the demon clan a long time ago, and for so many years, the half-orcs and the demon clan have been living in harmony.

There is even good cooperation to a certain extent.

Things are different now. After the two princes said a word, the entire ancient Shoucheng became a tomb of orcs.

Akto still didn't know what happened, but he thought that there were so many goblins watching.

These two princes should not do anything to these half-orcs.

Just listening to what the white-robed monster said, Akto had some bad premonitions in his heart.

But now that everyone is a slave and I am a fish, even if he wants to change the situation, it seems that it is too late.

Look at the white-robed monster on the stage. After finishing speaking, he waved his hand.

"In that case, I'll start."

At this time, Akto was not aware of what would happen next.

He thought that it actually meant that the white-robed monsters had the ability to identify spies, so they were shouting so loudly here, but he never thought that these guys would attack him at this time.

At this moment, Lin Yun knew what these guys were going to do, so the expression on his face became even colder.

I thought they would find the spy in this person and take action.

But Lin Yun knew that the purpose of these guys was very simple from the beginning, that is, to kill all the orcs.

Lin Yun didn't know the purpose of these two princes doing this, but it was indeed related to him.

He glanced at Dong Wenyuan beside him,

At this time, Lin Yun was also thinking about what he should do.

If they really had to show up at this critical moment, it would most likely lead them into this troublesome vortex.

But no matter what, Akto had fought alongside them before, so he couldn't just watch this guy die without any movement.

Lin Yun took a deep breath and looked at Dong Wenyuan beside him, then said: "You have also seen what the situation is now. Now it depends on whether you are willing to help. If we don't do it, I'm afraid they won't be able to survive today."

Lin Yun was very serious when he said this. He didn't expect that these people would be caught in such a place. Now even if Lin Yun wanted to save them, it was still unknown whether he could do it.

Dong Wenyuan looked at the monsters in front of him.

You must know that this is Gushou City, and there are a large number of subordinates of King Jin Chi Peng and King Kongque Ming Wang.

Even these two princes are likely to be here.

Their strength has reached the level of Tianzun.

This is already the most powerful existence in the entire upper world.

No matter who encounters such a terrible opponent, I am afraid they will not have the idea of ​​fighting each other.

"Senior should understand that if the two princes are here, you and I will not be able to survive at all."

Dong Wenyuan took a deep breath and said seriously.

And Lin Yun smiled and nodded.

"You are right. If those two princes were really here, we would all be in trouble today."

"So I give you the choice. After all, you are their king."

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