Lin Yun looked at Dong Wenyuan with very clear eyes.

Some people might think that at this critical moment, even Lin Yun would become a little confused.

But in fact this is not the case. Lin Yun knows better than anyone else what the current situation is for him.

Therefore, Lin Yun had already started arranging things a long time ago, and today, most of them are under Lin Yun's control.

After all, this is an internal matter within their demon clan, and Dong Wenyuan is the future king of the demon clan, so what to do next is naturally his own business, and Lin Yun will not change anything easily.

At this time, Dong Wenyuan was also thinking seriously. Of course he understood what this matter meant.

But as Lin Yun said before, if he is asked to give up all this now, can he really accept this result in his heart?

In any case, Akto was fighting alongside him at the beginning, and in order to save him, he was even willing to hand over his soul blood.

The requirement is the most important one, so Dong Wenyuan's emotions suddenly became quite complicated at this time.

He couldn't really just watch Akto die in front of him without any movement from him.

So after some thoughts flashed through his mind, Dong Wenyuan took a deep breath and finally looked at Lin Yun beside him.

"I know that senior is very powerful, so I also want to take this opportunity to see what senior is capable of."

"Since I will become the new king of the demon clan in the future, now is the best time to reveal my identity."

Dong Wenyuan saw that Lin Yun had made up his mind at this moment, or that he

I also understand that if I don’t come forward at this time, no matter what I do in the future, some of the essence will be missing.

Lin Yun looked at Dong Wenyuan, who was looking serious at this moment, and nodded after thinking for a while. He had to say that his decision at this moment might be really smart.

Although this is indeed a bit risky, after Lin Yun conducted some panel surveys, he also felt that this matter may not be as complicated as he imagined, and maybe he can really change something by taking this opportunity.

This is not to mention the current situation. Although it seems very complicated, in fact they are still very sure.

Precisely because of the panel, Lin Yun can be more or less relieved. If they really want to take action, few of these guys will be their opponents.

Dong Wenyuan originally thought that Lin Yun might stop him.

But what he didn't expect was that Lin Yun actually nodded and agreed. This was obviously still the territory of the two princes.

The closer they get to Baijue Mountain, the crazier these two princes will become.

But at this time, Lin Yun still agreed to his request, which made Dong Wenyuan not know what to say at this time.

Sure enough, this senior was really reliable. Even at this time, he still didn't think of leaving him alone.

"Senior is so kind and kind, and I will never forget it. I will repay you generously for all the things I have done before."

Lin Yun looked at Dong Wenyuan's excited expression, but the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"If there is such an opportunity, I will see it soon."

"But now we still have to resolve this matter, no matter what

, these guys are not so easy to deal with now. "

Lin Yun acted very relaxed, and there was no trace of nervousness in his eyes.

The white-robed monster was about to kill Akto and the others.

At this moment, Akto had closed his eyes in despair. Although he was unconvinced in his heart, what could he do?

If he had known that it would be such a result, he would not have dared to act rashly before.

Lin Yun saw all this in his eyes and didn't say much.

At this moment, Dong Wenyuan suddenly took action.

The white-robed monster also relied on having two princes, so he was more or less arrogant.

But he didn't expect that there would actually be someone who dared to attack him in the ancient Shoucheng area, and he was beheaded by Dong Wenyuan unprepared.

For a moment, the entire central square was in an uproar. No one thought that at this critical moment, someone would dare to take action at this moment.

But soon another young monster came next to the white-robed monster.

He raised his arms and shouted: "Who dares to take action at this time? Are you the companion of these spies?"

At this moment, the crowd separated, and Dong Wenyuan and Lin Yun were exposed at the same time.

The demon clan wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Lin Yun's roar.

And Dong Wenyuan took this opportunity to say: "I am about to go to the Demon City to inherit the throne, why are you here massacring my compatriots?"

When he said this, Dong Wenyuan actually didn't have much confidence in his heart, but at this point, he definitely couldn't give up and could only muster up the courage.

As soon as these words came out,

It really left many people dumbfounded and didn't know what to say for a while, including the demon clan on the stage.

However, this demon clan was only sluggish for a moment and soon came to his senses. Although he did not know what happened to Dong Wenyuan.

But at least this time I still know what I should do.

"It is well known to everyone that the succession to the throne is handled by the current king in the imperial city."

"And who are you? You are so brazen that you dare to say that you are going to inherit the throne. Believe it or not, I will ask people to arrest you right now."

The young demon clan said proudly.

And everyone next to them looked at Dong Wenyuan with a hint of suspicion.

Not bad indeed.

Although this generation of kings is not of the orthodox lineage of the demon clan.

But he is indeed very capable.

At this moment, Lin Yun sneered and stepped forward: "If the demon clan is really so capable, how could it be reduced to this situation?"

"When the demons take action, Heaven must go all out."

"But now that the demon clan is attacking, the Changting Army has still been unable to take it. Even if the Changting Army is indeed the elite of Heaven, it is not to this point."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other and some got angry, wanting to argue with Lin Yun.

But no matter what, what Lin Yun said just now is indeed true.

The whole central square was in an uproar for a while, and no words were spoken for a long time.

And the young demon clan's eyes wandered for a long time before he quickly came to his senses.

"Does this mean that if you sit on the throne, we can defeat the Changting Army?"

He said this with a hint of disdain.

What the two princes cannot do yet

Love, can you, a young junior, do it?

What's more, who knows if your bloodline is really that pure.

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