Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1421 Are you crazy? He is a royal family!

Dong Wenyuan next to him naturally didn't know what he should do to help.

But what is certain is that just don't disturb Lin Yun at this juncture, otherwise all the previous efforts will most likely be wasted.

However, his eyes were focused on Akto and others in the distance. They were still alive now, but it was not certain whether they would have such luck later.

And the half-orcs who were about to be killed also began to resist.

While everyone's attention was focused on the battle between several great masters, Dong Wenyuan turned his attention to Akto.

At the same time, several other companions of Akto also appeared here.

Before, they didn't dare to take action easily. They just carefully observed and thought about whether there was a foolproof strategy.

But what I have to admit is that in today's place, how can they solve it so easily.

They had been looking for opportunities before, but this place was not an area they could easily control.

I originally thought that it would be difficult to rescue Akto, and seeing that the two princes were personally going to kill them, these people felt even more desperate.

But it was at this critical moment that a glimmer of hope was rekindled.

No one thought that although the two princes wanted to kill them, Lin Yun took action at this critical moment and saved them.

Everything has taken a different turn now.

While Lin Yun was still restraining King Golden Wing Peng and King Peacock Ming, they would certainly not forget to take action at this critical moment to save Akto first.

And this coincides with Dong Wenyuan.

The scene became extremely chaotic for a while. King Peacock Ming saw all this with a dark look.

He looked at Dong Wenyuan coldly.

"It's your boy who has inherited the bloodline of the demon clan."

"If I really ask you to take the medicine, I don't know what will happen next. I'm used to being idle and free, so I can't be restrained."

Peacock King Ming said this, and then he really froze his hands towards Dong Wenyuan, and looking at this, it would be a killing move.

No matter Lin Yun or Dong Wenyuan, they cannot let go easily now.

The problems with these two people are not small. If there is a chance to completely remove them, this is the most critical thing.

Although King Peacock Ming was now full of confidence, he did not notice that in the dark corner, there were people watching his every move.

Just when King Peacock Ming was about to kill Dong Wenyuan.

Dong Wenyuan also noticed this at this time.

But by the time Dong Wenyuan reacted, it was already too late. King Peacock Ming had already attacked him.

I don't know when I took a hammer in my hand and was about to hit Dong Wenyuan's body.

With the strength of King Peacock Ming, if he really succeeds, I am afraid that no matter how powerful Dong Wenyuan is, his soul will be destroyed.

I have to say that this Peacock King is really fierce.

It not only wants to kill Dong Wenyuan, but also wants to disperse Dong Wenyuan's soul. Only in this way can the problem be completely solved.

It's a pity that King Peacock Ming had a good idea.

But he forgot that not everyone in this three-quarter acre of land was qualified to do such a thing.

At the critical moment when King Peacock Ming wanted to kill Dong Wenyuan so easily, a whine came from the surrounding area.

Then a hand suddenly appeared in front of Dong Wenyuan.

In front of him, at the same time, he roared: "Peacock King Ming, what do you want to do?"

The moment he heard this sound, King Peacock Ming suddenly woke up.

Especially when he saw the person standing in front of him, his expression became even more ugly.

Prince Shengyang is actually here?

When King Kongque Ming looked at Prince Shengyang, he already knew in his heart that their plan this time was a complete failure.

I originally thought that Prince Shengyang might not care much about the situation here, so naturally he would not take action.

But who would have thought that Prince Shengyang didn't care, but had been waiting for the right time, and now he just happened to catch them both.

"You have been waiting in the dark for us to take the initiative."

King Peacock Ming's mood became quite complicated when he saw the sudden appearance of Prince Shengyang.

"Here are the people of the ancient Shoucheng City with so many monsters watching, but you are attacking and killing the descendants of the royal family in the street."

"It seems that you guys are getting more and more outrageous. You have even forgotten who took your position today from you."

Prince Shengyang looked at King Peacock Ming with very disappointed eyes, and King Peacock Ming was indeed very scared at this time.

Others may not take this matter seriously, but not King Peacock Ming.

He knows better than anyone what it means for Prince Shengyang to appear here.

If Prince Shengyang had not appeared this time, there would have been no other possibility for what happened today.

But now that Prince Shengyang is here, it means that his handling of this matter may become quite difficult.

But it's a pity

The sad thing is that even the current King Peacock Ming seems to have no way to stop this.

"The current Demon Court is pretty good, but if he were to take control of all this, it would probably make the current Demon Court even more chaotic."

"For so many years, wouldn't it be good if you just left these things to us and let us do whatever you want outside? Why do you have to change everything with your own hands this time?"

"Do you really think that finding such a royal bloodline can make our demon race raise our heads?"

King Peacock Ming looked at Prince Shengyang and was very puzzled. If everything could be solved so easily, they wouldn't have spent so much trouble between them.

It is precisely because these things are not as easy to handle as they imagined, so he has the thoughts he has now.

"The Demon Clan is what it is today because it is divided internally. Only when the demons are truly united can the Demon Clan be truly powerful."

Prince Shengyang has completely different ideas from Prince Peacock Ming. Does he know what the orthodoxy of the demon clan’s bloodline means?

Such a good opportunity is placed in front of you. It would be a pity if you don't seize it.

Prince Peacock Ming stared at Prince Shengyang, feeling really unwilling at this time, and Dong Wenyuan, who was behind Prince Shengyang, didn't know what to say for a moment.

Could it be that this was part of the senior's plan? Did he know that once he was in danger, he would take action?

At this time, in Dong Wenyuan's view, Lin Yun was simply an omnipotent god, so many of the things he did were probably justified.

Of course Lin Yun doesn't know this now

So many, he is in his own field, trying every means to tie down the Golden Winged Peng King.

But what I have to admit is that the guy in front of me is indeed powerful, and not everyone can suppress it.

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