Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1422 I'll see who dares

"This is going to be troublesome. I thought this battle could be easily ended, but I didn't expect that after so long, there is still no hope."

Lin Yun thought that he had already used the Eight Realms Tower, so no matter how powerful the Golden Winged Peng King in front of him was, it should have come to an end.

But what he didn't expect was that even if Lin Yun used such treasures, it would still have no effect, and it would have minimal impact on the battle in front of him.

This also made Lin Yun understand that all this was because his moral conduct was not enough.

If his level of strength were stronger, he might be able to use the Eight Realm Tower to control the now completely insane Golden Winged Peng King.

But it is a pity that Lin Yun does not have such powerful means, so now he can only rely on stupid methods.

But in this case, it was Lin Yun who suffered the most. It was his idea to trap the Golden Winged Peng King in this formation, but as the effectiveness of the formation was broken down bit by bit.

It won't take long for Lin Yun to show his own domain if he persists in hesitating. At that time, Lin Yun will definitely die in a confrontation between two people's domains.

Now he can only rely on the Eight Realms Tower he summoned and the powerful formation in front of him to temporarily delay the Golden Wings here.

He believed that someone would help him solve the situation outside, so the next step was to prepare for a battle.

"You guys are so well-informed that you actually know the purpose of our coming here today?"

When King Jin-Wing Peng saw Lin Yun like this, he immediately understood that this kid had seen through their plan, and it was impossible for him to stay.

The Golden-winged Peng King also did not expect Lin Yun to have such great means.

He looked at Lin Yun with quite complicated eyes.

Many plans that were originally prepared are now useless.

I have to say that it was all due to the defeat of the young man in front of me. Lin Yun is very powerful, and Prince Shengyang is indeed not easy to mess with.

The Golden Winged Peng King also knows that Lin Yun is strong, so he doesn't worry at all now.

If this kid could always hide, it would be considered his ability, but under the current situation, I'm afraid this kid won't be able to hide for long at all.

"Don't worry, you can take your time and play. I have plenty of time to fight with you until the last minute."

The Golden-winged Peng King had no idea that all this was arranged by Lin Yun.

And he himself had already unknowingly involved himself in the situation, and even thinking about quarreling with Lin Yun at this time was simply a big joke.

Looking at Lin Yun's side, precisely because he clearly understood this, he didn't pay attention to the surrounding situation at all.

In this way, the Golden Winged Peng King kept struggling to break through from here.

At the same time, he is waiting for the right opportunity to expand his field.

As long as the domain is expanded, Lin Yun will be at the mercy of others, and there will be no way to fight against him.

It must be said that the current Golden-winged Pengniao was thinking quite well, but he had forgotten that Lin Yun had already seen through his trick.

For Lin Yun, no matter what other methods he has to insist on Ostrich now, there is no need to take it to heart. It will not be able to break through this defense in a short time.

So what Lin Yun has to do is to wait quietly for the opportunity, until the Golden-winged Peng King shows his

When he has a flaw, Lin Yun will seize this opportunity to let him know what cruelty is.

On the other side, although King Peacock Ming has waited enough time.

But he didn't expect that Prince Shengyang next to him was more patient than him. Now he was furious, and there were so many monsters watching.

Today this matter is definitely finalized.

Looking at the Golden Winged Peng King, he couldn't come out for a long time, which also made the Peacock Ming King very angry.

After all, they are also valuable princes. Even if they are caught today, I am afraid they will not be punished too severely.

It's just that I'm still a little unconvinced. I didn't expect that Prince Shengyang had already laid out everything here.

He didn't understand. According to the information he had received before, Lin Yun and Prince Shengyang should have never met at all.

But why are these two people able to unite to deal with themselves at this time?

And it felt more like they had already prepared for each other in advance, and only he, an outsider, didn't know what to do.

"As expected of the famous Prince Shengyang."

"But I am a prince of a clan, do you really dare to touch me?"

King Kongque Ming looked at Prince Shengyang coldly. Even though he had reached this stage, he was still a little proud. After all, his status was here.

Even if the new king ascends the throne, he may not be qualified to judge him as a prince.

"Indeed, you are in control of the three armies now, and it will be really difficult to deal with you for a while."

"But if you think this will give you peace of mind, you are wrong."

"What you did today was fine

If you think about it carefully, how loud will be the voice among the entire demon clan for you to get out of the current stage? "

Prince Shengyang looked at Prince Peacock Ming in front of him.

There wasn't much grudge between them, but the reason for this arrangement was that they hoped to support Star King on the throne as soon as possible.

For the entire Demon Court, they have been waiting for too long.

There was no such opportunity before, and no demon clan related by blood was found.

But it's different now, now that I have met this descendant of the demon clan with pure blood.

Now, no matter what, he will not be allowed to slip away easily from here, let alone put him in any danger.

King Peacock Ming looked at Prince Shengyang in front of him, and his face was ashen now.

He knew that since Prince Shengyang appeared here, it meant that everything had been arranged in advance.

I was too confused this time, and taking action at the most critical moment made the problem more serious.

I believe that if it were just a Golden Winged Peng King, Prince Shengyang would not take action so quickly.

It seems that they still underestimated the ability of Prince Shengyang. Has this prince been preparing to find Dong Wenyuan a long time ago?

Just as the thought of King Peacock Ming flashed across his mind, he heard another voice coming from behind.

"Peacock King Ming."

"I should have made it very clear to you before, that order must not be disturbed under any circumstances."

"And you don't seem to take what I told you before to heart. You even caused such a big trouble. Now you know your guilt."

Faced with the sudden appearance of King Dai here, even King Peacock Ming was dumbfounded.

He didn't understand. Shouldn't the Dai Wang be very angry at this time?

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