Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1423: Don’t Want to Be King

In the eyes of King Peacock Ming, no matter who sits in this position, he will definitely be blinded by power.

No one would want to give up their rights in such a simple situation, so he always thought what he did.

The acting king should all support it.

But what I never thought was that the king would appear here in person at this moment.

And looking at the smile on his face, it seemed as if he didn't care about these things at all, and even gave people the feeling that he could completely relax at this moment.

Could it be that the king standing in front of him has actually been tired of this position a long time ago?

"Of course I remember what the king said before."

"But is the king really willing to give up his position?"

Now that things have reached this stage, King Peacock Ming will not say anything more, but will go straight to the point.

He really wants to know what the current King Dai is thinking in his heart?

If all of this was designed by Prince Shengyang, wouldn't it mean that the next situation would be uncontrollable?

If there is anyone who can save him and the Golden Winged Peng King and restrain Prince Shengyang now, I am afraid that the only one in front of him is the King Dai.

After all, this one is now the legitimate king. Even the two princes have to give him some face.

If anyone can stop this situation, it's probably him.

Looking at King Peacock Ming's face, he still didn't believe all this.

Dai Wang also smiled.

"Prince Shengyang doesn't know so much."

Of course he also knew that King Peacock Ming said so much, in fact, to prove that all this was Prince Shengyang.

Designed in advance.

But the king knew that this situation was not what they thought. In fact, for Prince Shengyang, he did not arrange this at all.

If I had not arranged the chess pieces in advance and found out about these things, I am afraid that what happened here today would not have happened.

"You don't have to think that everything here today was designed by Prince Shengyang. In fact, even the fact that you found the orthodox bloodline of the royal family was told by me to Prince Shengyang."

As soon as these words came out, King Peacock Ming suddenly felt that the blood all over his body was extremely cold.

I have gone through so much trouble here just to take away these rights.

He also knew that King Dai didn't care about this at all, so he wanted to control more.

But what he didn't expect was that despite all his calculations, the Daidai King would actually call Dong Wenyuan here himself.

And he also entrusted Prince Shengyang to rescue Dong Wenyuan. This was not for nothing to create an enemy for himself.

Prince Shengyang looked at King Kong Ming: "You think everyone wants to sit in this position, but you don't know that not everyone is qualified to sit in that position. What the king has done over the years is beyond your imagination. less pain.”

"Do you think the Demon Court was so powerful back then? Why has it declined to this point?"

"Relying on you princes, can we really ensure that the demon clan is safe?"

This really bothered King Peacock Ming, and he didn't know how to answer it now.

Indeed, he and the Golden Winged Peng King are both powerful masters.

But masters like them can only be displayed on the battlefield.

And no matter

No matter how you say it, the individual's ability is strong.

But if you put it in the entire Demon Court, it’s actually not worth mentioning.

Now that he heard what Prince Shengyang said, he understood a little bit what Prince Shengyang meant.

"What we want to do is to make the entire demon clan stronger, not just for one individual to have the strength to protect himself."

"And the most important thing to achieve this step is that the demon clan needs to be orthodox and the bloodline should be restored."

When saying this, Prince Shengyang also looked at Dong Wenyuan,

He didn't even need other means, just by taking a look, he knew that Dong Wenyuan standing in front of him was the person he had been looking for.

I just didn't expect that after using so many methods before, I still couldn't find it.

On the contrary, it was so easy for him to find it now.

For a moment, all of this felt a bit unbelievable.

Dong Wenyuan also looked at Prince Shengyang at this time, which was different from when he saw King Peacock Ming and King Golden Winged Peng before.

Dong Wenyuan could clearly feel that the aura released by Prince Shengyang was relatively soft. From the looks of it, he should be considered his companion.

But after all, Dong Wenyuan is also of royal blood, and the guy in front of him is a serious royal prince.

So he didn't do much, just stood there and watched quietly.

After a while, Prince Shengyang stepped forward and then knelt down in front of him.

"Thank you for your hard work. My subordinates were negligent in their duty and failed to know in advance. Otherwise, I would not have allowed you to go through these thousands of mountains and rivers on your own."

We don’t know how long it will take to walk all the way from the Changting Army border here.

And in the process

There is no need to even think about the hardships suffered.

Being able to achieve this step is enough to show how much Dong Wenyuan paid in this process. Even the current Prince Shengyang admires him quite a lot.

However, facing Prince Shengyang like this, Dong Wenyuan just smiled and waved his hand casually.

"I also know that this journey was indeed not easy, but for me, everything is behind me now."

"You don't need to be too taboo, just stand up in your heart."

As Dong Wenyuan spoke, he slowly stepped forward to help Prince Shengyang up from the ground.

When King Peacock Ming next to him saw this scene, his expression was also quite complicated. He did not expect that the king they were about to recognize now would be so kind.

Think about it, when did the king of the demon clan have such an idea before?

Even Prince Shengyang felt a little surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, he was relieved. After all, this guy grew up in the hands of the human race.

At this time, Prince Shengyang seemed to have remembered something and directly grabbed it in the direction of Lin Yun's domain.

Lin Yun here also felt a powerful force coming towards him.

I originally thought it was an opponent, but I felt that the other party didn't seem to have any ill intentions, so I took the initiative to put away the Eight Realm Tower, and then unlocked the domain.

Although Lin Yun had calmed down here, the Golden Winged Peng King had no intention of stopping at all.

At this moment, he roared in shock and rushed directly towards Lin Yun, and at some point he had a bright spear in his hand.

Lin Yun has just made profits now, and is also under pressure

I have no intention of fighting this guy, so now I just need the Golden Winged Peng King to continue to charge forward.

Lin Yun was certain to die. The difference in strength was so obvious that there was no room for maneuver.

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