Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1424 The Real Strong One

King Jin-Wing Peng chose to take action here, of course, for his own reasons.

He had been fighting with Lin Yun in the field for so long, but there was no winner. Of course, he felt very unhappy.

Just when he was about to kill Lin Yun, a mysterious force suddenly appeared and pulled them out of the field.

Although the Golden-winged Peng King is a little confused in his mind, it does not mean that he is a fool.

On the contrary, the Golden Winged Peng King can also be as wise as a fool.

Some things that may seem simply obscure to others can be easily translated in the hands of Golden Winged Peng King.

But now, seeing that the Golden Winged Peng King was about to succeed, but was directly interrupted, he was certainly dissatisfied.

"Who dares to interrupt me even though he's been stabbed a thousand times? I'm about to tear this guy's head off right now."

"You'd better come out in person, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

The Golden Winged Peng King looked around and said angrily, but his eyes quickly locked onto a person standing here.

Prince Shengyang?

Why is he here?

Logically speaking, the things here should only be regarded as trivial matters. How could a big shot like Prince Shengyang be called here in person?

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

It was obvious that the person in front of him was probably the one who had just forcibly pulled out the Golden Winged Peng King.

Lin Yun knew that his strength was still far behind that of Prince Shengyang, so it was simply impossible for him to interrogate the Golden Winged Peng King by his own means.

Obviously, there is something else hidden in Jingxing Hesitation. If we can get help from him,

For us, that is definitely a good thing.

But the pity is here, this guy obviously knows what they are thinking, so he secretly keeps an eye on everything.

"Why, the Golden Winged Peng King can't even understand me now?"

"Or are you planning to kill me in front of the new king?"

When the Golden Winged Peng King heard these words, he was completely dumbfounded.

He looked at Dong Wenyuan next to him, but he didn't expect that this young man had actually achieved that position.

What makes King Jin-winged Peng feel even more horrified is that the person standing next to him is the current acting king.

But no one knew what the acting king wanted to do, and he actually chose to step down at this critical moment.

King Jin-winged Peng laughed innocently twice.

"I didn't expect that the senior would come."

"It's really too abrupt. I wonder what the purpose of being here is, senior?"

Of course King Jin-Wing Peng now knew what Prince Shengyang wanted to do when he suddenly appeared here, but at the critical moment he still resisted the thought of admitting defeat.

Instead, he gritted his teeth at this moment and ensured that he would not reveal any useful information.

Looking at the honest look of King Jin-winged Peng.

Prince Shengyang snorted: "Of course I am here today to meet the new king."

"I didn't expect you two guys to start thinking about these things here."

"So not many people know about this matter now. Let's go back and take care of it and erase the memories of these people."

"But if what you did here today spreads to the battlefield, have you ever thought about the trouble it will cause?"

When Prince Shengyang said this,

At this time, his tone also became quite cold.

The Golden Winged Peng King who was still standing here was stunned for a moment, and then thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind.

King Jin-winged Peng knew that Prince Shengyang was not joking with him, and he was serious about what he said now.

They can certainly think that these things are nothing to worry about at all.

But the fact is that once the military knows that this situation is likely to cause a large-scale mutiny, they simply cannot withstand the pressure with their current methods.

After thinking of this, even Prince Shengyang's expression changed.

"It's best if you understand these things. Of course, if you don't understand, I have nothing to say."

"But if you want to continue targeting this person today, don't even think about it."

Prince Shengyang knew the temperament of the guy in front of him, so he blocked his words directly.

If it ends now, this is of course the best, but if it is still desperate, then there will be bigger troubles coming next.

Seeing the serious look on Prince Shengyang's face, although he was still a little unconvinced in his stomach.

But I have to admit that if such a thing is rare, he will not be the opponent of Prince Shengyang at all.

So after thinking about it carefully, I finally chose to give up.

This was originally a very difficult thing, because the appearance of Prince Shengyang abruptly turned everything around.

At this moment, everyone in the entire Gushou City Province shouted loudly. They had already seen the abilities displayed by Dong Wenyuan before.

At the same time, I also felt Dong Wenyuan's heart for the entire demon clan.

No one thought of Dong Wen

Yuan himself is not as powerful as these princes.

But in order to protect their own people, they can stand up and sacrifice everything. This alone is enough for them to spread the word.

I am afraid that Dong Wenyuan's reputation and status here will rise with the tide for a long time to come.

Of course Prince Shengyang next to him also knew this, but he didn't say anything.

As the king of the entire demon clan, if you don't even have this ability, it will only make people laugh.

But now Dong Wenyuan is indeed a little bit elated, even he himself feels that it is unreal.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Lin Yun stepped forward and patted his shoulder, calming the guy down instantly.

"Although you have successfully achieved your goal, the subsequent situation is still very difficult. We can also divide into small teams to escort you."

Having been rescued, he naturally had to escort Dong Wenyuan to the Demon Capital.

As long as Lin Yun arrived in the Demon City, his mission was completed and there was no need to continue following him.

When he heard that Lin Yun was about to leave, Dong Wenyuan, who was standing here, felt a little reluctant to leave.

"Senior has followed me all the way, but has suffered a lot. Are you really planning to leave like this?"

Seeing Dong Wenyuan's reluctant look, Lin Yun just smiled.

"It's time to leave, and no one can stop me now."

"My mission was originally to escort you to the Demon City. I may stay there for a while, but after all, this is not a place where I will stay for a long time."

When Lin Yun said this, he clearly noticed that the surrounding Shengyang princes were looking after him.

The direction looked over.

Sure enough, this prince is not that easy to fool.

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