Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1425 Seeking Reinforcements

Dong Wenyuan also knew that what Lin Yun said just now was not a joke.

It is definitely inappropriate for Lin Yun to continue to stay here in his current capacity, so when Dong Wenyuan was sent here, he naturally had to leave.

But Dong Wenyuan also knew that Lin Yun came here to stop the war between the entire demon race and the human race.

Perhaps King Peacock Ming and King Jin-winged Peng knew this, so they tried every means to stop him here.

After all, this matter is also very important to them. If it is changed so easily, the subsequent impact will be immeasurable.

"Senior, don't worry. After I return to the Demon City, I will definitely do everything possible to prevent the war between the Changting Army and the Demon Boat."

"The top priority is to stop the war."

Dong Wenyuan is also a smart man. He knows that he has returned to the Demon City.

There will definitely be a big storm.

There would also be many unexpected situations during this process, but he didn't take it to heart.

But what Lin Yun said before was right.

It makes no sense for the Monster Clan to have a war with Heavenly Court now. So what if they really break through the Changting Army?

But it's just because Heaven is not using real power now.

Once the Heavenly Court starts a crazy counterattack, the Demon Race will have almost no ability to resist.

Isn't it because countless powerful people have fallen that they fell into the world they are in today?

It is precisely because Dong Wenyuan knows this that he does not want this war to continue like this, but the demons don't have to worry about these guys being thick-skinned.

They are both inside and outside


That is to say, the spells practiced by these demons are very evil and weird. Otherwise, they would have to temper their bodies while practicing the spells.

The only ones he could think of were those sword cultivators.

But it is not easy to find one who is really strong among so many sword cultivators. If you want to reach the level of the other person, it will probably be even harder.

The demons are different here. They are mass-produced directly, so their combat power is naturally quite strong.

It's no wonder that this time it has been able to compete with the Heavenly Court for so long. After all, the Demons have a steady stream of influence.

In the following time, everything became much easier. Dong Wenyuan had solved a major worry, and Lin Yun could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, Lin Yun was still a little worried about Dong Wenyuan, but when they saw that Prince Shengyang and others treated Dong Wenyuan with great courtesy, they were finally able to feel more at ease.

Although there will still be trouble later, at least now Dong Wenyuan no longer needs to be as worried as before.

"Now that we are following the prince, we can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

During this period of time, Lin Yun had been busy, so he felt a little tired. Now that he could finally give up his career, Lin Yun was of course very happy.

At this time, Prince Shengyang, who had not been chatting with Lin Yun, suddenly appeared next to him.

"Little brother, it is your credit for escorting our royal bloodline here this time."

"When we get to the capital, we will definitely have a lot of rewards here. Of course, you can rest assured that you will also bring a few people around you.

You won't be treated badly. "

"It's just that I'm curious, little brother, why do you come here?"

Prince Shengyang looked at Lin Yun seriously at this time, and was obviously curious about Lin Yun's current situation.

At this time, Lin Yun was also thinking about whether he should cooperate with the person in front of him. After all, although the relationship between the previous term and the next term was close, there was a huge difference between the two.

What he is saying now is equivalent to letting others take advantage of his shortcomings. If these guys really want to deal with him, what should he do?

Although Lin Yun's current thoughts are indeed a bit like judging a gentleman with a villain's heart.

But what I have to admit is that it definitely doesn't hurt for Lin Yun to think more now.

"It seems that your Excellency has something to hide, but after all, you are escorting my royal bloodline this time, so no matter what, we will definitely not have other thoughts about you at this time."

Although Lin Yun is a human race, it can be seen that Prince Shengyang does not regard him as an enemy. In the end, even if he is a human race, so what?

As long as it can bring benefits, it is not impossible for both parties to cooperate with each other.

Lin Yun thought for a while, looked at the panel again to confirm that there were no problems, and then whispered: "I wonder if senior knows about the Shenhua Realm?"

As soon as these words came out, Prince Shengyang's expression immediately changed. He first looked at Lin Yun carefully.

Probably he didn't expect that such a young man in front of him would suddenly say these words.

"I have heard about the Shenhua Realm, but this place is very mysterious."

He looked at Lin Yun and said calmly.

This is not a joke, indeed the Shenhua Realm

It is a very mysterious place for many people.

At this time, Lin Yun was speechless and kept talking.

"What if I say that I am from the Shenhua Realm."

Prince Shengyang was stunned for a moment, and then fell into deep thought.

"Actually, I've heard about this before."

"Heaven seems to want to cooperate with you next time, but I heard that your leader in the lower world is a powerful person, and he actually rejected Heaven."

No matter how he thought about it, he felt that this matter sounded unreliable.

The strength of the Heavenly Court was so strong that not everyone had the qualifications to reject them.

Especially the party that rejected them was from the next level.

The strength was not equal, and he really couldn't figure out where these guys' confidence came from.

And now when he heard Lin Yun suddenly say it, he felt that this matter seemed to have some meaning. Could it be that the kid in front of him was really related to those guys?

"We just refused to become the running dogs of the Heavenly Court."

"If they really want to cooperate, and they show sincerity, I think we should not easily reject them."

"Anyway, the Heavenly Court looks like a decent dog."

Lin Yun sneered, but from his tone, it can be heard that he is quite contemptuous of the Heavenly Court.

Then Prince Shengyang heard Lin Yun continue.

"I came here this time hoping that someone can cooperate with our Shenhua Realm."

"And my current target is exactly the Demon Court."

Prince Shengyang was shocked.

Good guy, this kid actually came directly for their demon clan?

I have to say, this guy is really brave.

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

Until now,

Prince Shengyang even thought that Lin Yun was joking with him.

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