Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1426 I'll bet on this treasure

“I not only know what I’m talking about, I even know what I’m supposed to do.”

Looking at Prince Shengyang beside him, the expression on Lin Yun's face did not fluctuate much when he said this.

Perhaps for many people things would not have turned out the way they have now.

But this is not the case for Lin Yun.

Regardless of whether they are Heavenly Court or Demon Clan, their attitudes towards the Shenhua Realm are almost the same.

In the eyes of these superior figures, there is no big difference between the practitioners of Shenhua Realm and ants.

This is one of the reasons why Lin Yun insists on choosing to cooperate with the demon clan.

Regardless of whether it is the Heavenly Court or the Demon Clan, I am afraid that they will not be regarded as partners at all now.

Therefore, no matter how much you say, it is just a waste of time, but the demon clan is different now.

Their own internal problems are not small, and compared with the Heavenly Court and the Demon Race, the Demon Race is now the weakest one.

But this does not mean that the Monster Race has no potential. As long as they can cooperate with them, their achievements in the future will definitely not be what they see in front of them.

Therefore, Lin Yun's current arrangement can be said to be beneficial and harmless.

But take it for granted that these things are easy to say, but not so easy to actually do.

Whether the final result can be achieved depends on how Prince Shengyang views this issue now.

Prince Shengyang was indeed shocked by what Lin Yun said just now.

Of course he knew that this young human being who came here must have his own unique skills.

But what Prince Shengyang didn't expect was that Lin Yun actually wanted to follow

For him to cooperate in this way is to take the enemy too seriously.

"You should know that when you say these words, it is equivalent to pushing yourself to the forefront."

"No matter what happens next, I'm afraid you will have to bear it on your own."

Prince Shengyang looked at Lin Yun seriously. He indeed had many doubts about the young man in front of him.

In any case, Lin Yun came from the lower realm, which was something no one expected.

But it happened that although this young man came from the lower world, he didn't feel any fear at all, and he could even communicate with them normally in such a calm way.

This made Prince Shengyang even more puzzled.

Doesn't this little guy know what it means to come here now?

They do know a little bit about things in the Shenhua Realm.

But they have to admit that the situation in the Shenhua world is much more complicated than they thought.

Especially now that the demons and heaven have intervened, they simply don't have enough time.

The fight with the Changting Army had already left them exhausted, and it was even less possible for them to shift all their attention to other things at this time.

Ever since, this is what is happening now.

It's just that Prince Shengyang said so much at this time, he still wanted to see what Lin Yun's true views on this matter were.

"No matter what decision I make, the final result will not change much. We all understand that those opponents have never thought of cooperating with us."

It is not difficult to see from all the things that happened before that these

The guy's fundamental purpose is nothing more than to enslave the entire Shenhua World.

It was because after knowing this clearly, Lin Yun was trying every means to stop it.

But now there is definitely no way to stop this matter just relying on Lin Yun.

But if Lin Yun can reach cooperation with Yaoting, it will be a great help to the entire Shenhua world.

"Although it sounds very tempting, we need to know what kind of opponent we will face."

"I'm afraid that with your current strength and means, you are not yet qualified to be our companion."

This was not because Prince Shengyang looked down upon them, but it was the fact.

After all, what they have to face is a powerful heaven.

In addition, there is a demon clan hiding in the dark, which may launch a fatal attack on them at any time.

Whoever these two were, they would definitely not be willing to get into trouble easily.

Seeing the expression on Prince Shengyang's face, Lin Yun certainly knew what he was thinking at this time.

But all this is nothing to Lin Yun.

"Of course I know that you must have doubts or even objections to this cooperation."

"But think about it, what if Dong Wenyuan returns to Demon Court?"

"Whether it's the Golden Winged Peng King or the Peacock King, both of them have their own ideas."

"The two princes of Demon Court cannot stand on the same front as the whole clan. Under such circumstances, you don't naively think that they can show any unique methods, do you?"

Obviously, these two guys are the biggest disadvantages now


When he heard Lin Yun's words, Prince Shengyang was indeed silent.

Just as I thought before, the young man in front of me may have reached a very powerful level of understanding of this matter.

Lin Yun knew the impact of this incident better than any of them, and he had even prepared for the worst in the process.

But at the same time, Lin Yun also knew that sometimes not everything can go as he thought.

Just like now, perhaps it is meaningless for him to propose cooperation at this time.

But for Lin Yun, this is the only thing he can do now.

After hearing what Lin Yun said, Prince Shengyang fell into contemplation for a while.

Originally, he thought that Lin Yun just came here very impulsively this time and didn't realize what kind of impact these things would bring.

But what he didn't expect was that Lin Yun's cognition was much clearer than he imagined, and even what he said now also made Prince Shengyang speechless.

He had to admit that the young man standing in front of him was smarter.

"You are right. Whether it is the Golden Winged Peng King or the Peacock King, their views on this matter must be wrong."

Prince Shengyang smiled faintly and looked at Dong Wenyuan in the distance.

I am afraid that only Dong Wenyuan has not realized what kind of changes this matter will bring.

And Lin Yun nodded.

"The two princes have been obsessed with killing the Changting Army, but they don't know what they are facing?"

"Without the constraints of the Changting Army, the Tianshen Clan will become

even crazier."

And this time it was finally Prince Shengyang's turn to look at the young man in front of him very seriously.

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