Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1429 Returning to the Ancestors

Lin Yun's eyes when looking at Prince Shengyang gradually became complicated. Of course he knew what Prince Shengyang was thinking now.

Indeed, at this time, it does not matter whether it is the Peacock King or the Golden Winged Peng King.

They have all touched Prince Shengyang's bottom line, and it is natural to kill them even at this time.

But for many complicated reasons, Prince Shengyang did not really do it, because he knew that if he arranged it this way, it would most likely cause greater chaos.

In any case, King Peacock Ming and King Jin-winged Peng are still leading the troops fighting against the Changting Army.

The Demon Court must not initiate civil strife now, otherwise they will pay a heavy price.

So even if you know that what these two people are doing now may bring them some trouble, you can still only follow the steps at this time.

"But don't worry, I have already asked people to escort them back to those people who had a good relationship with you before."

"After all, the reason why they arranged this time is to force you to take action. I thought you would be calm and not act rashly, but I didn't expect that you actually went up."

Prince Shengyang looked at Lin Yun and said.

In any case, King Golden Wing Peng and King Peacock Ming are still quite powerful. Any normal person would probably not easily choose to go against them.

But Lin Yun was different. Even though he knew that these two people were difficult to deal with, he still took action.

In Prince Shengyang's opinion, this is Lin Yunyi's boldness.

But how did he know that Lin Yun observed all this through the panel.

"The current situation of the demon clan is indeed not optimistic.

. "

"But I believe you will still pay close attention to the situation on Dong Wenyuan's side, but I was also making a big gamble at that time."

"Even if you don't come out, I think all the demon people in the entire ancient Shoucheng will not just stand by and watch. After all, Dong Wenyuan's identity is here."

"If he really falls because of this incident, I am afraid that the trouble he will cause will not be easily endured by anyone."

This is also the conclusion that Lin Yun came to after some thinking. But whether the final result is correct or not, I am afraid that even he himself cannot say simply. However, so far, the situation is not much different from what he had guessed before.

Prince Shengyang looked at Lin Yun's view of Lin Yun in front of him at this time. It can be said that it was already very complicated.

This young man was much smarter than he thought, and he showed extremely different outstanding characteristics in all aspects.

You must know that ordinary people would definitely not have the courage to do the things he just said.

But Lin Yun dared to arrange it like this, and his methods were much more powerful than ordinary people thought.

"You are very confident, but as you said before, it is certainly impossible for the entire demon clan to just sit idly by and ignore this matter."

"Since they want to cause trouble, they must be prepared to be dealt with by us."

Prince Shengyang then said two words to Lin Yun.

Immediately afterwards, Dong Wenyuan was taken to the ancestral hall of the Demon Clan Palace.

Lin Yun knew that although Prince Shengyang still had no intention of taking action at this time, at least the problem was already obvious.

In a short period of time,

He definitely couldn't treat this matter as if it never happened like before.

If this is the case, then they will have to consider whether they should use other means to solve the problem in the future.

Prince Shengyang is very confident about this matter, and it can be heard from the tone of his words just now. Although there will be trouble coming next, Prince Shengyang does not really take this situation to heart. .

The group of people soon arrived at the ancestral hall.

As the most mysterious place in the palace, this place naturally attracts a lot of attention.

Just when Lin Yun was about to follow him in, he was stopped by Prince Shengyang.

"Although you helped His Highness this time, this is the ancestral hall belonging to the demon clan after all. As a human, you are still not allowed to break into it easily."

He looked at Lin Yun and said seriously.

Lin Yun looked at Prince Shengyang. Although he still had some disagreements now, he also knew that it was better not to cause any trouble for him at this juncture.

"Okay, but I want to know what the next arrangement is?"

Prince Shengyang should not have any other thoughts about Dong Wenyuan.

But no matter what, he and Prince Shengyang didn't know each other very well, and now they were in such a dangerous situation, so it was reasonable to be cautious.

After saying these words, Prince Shengyang looked at Lin Yun and thought seriously for a moment.

"Originally, I shouldn't tell you these things, but since you escorted me back, knowing these details shouldn't be a big problem."

"Actually, the whole thing is very simple. Since His Highness has

After coming back, the next step is naturally to let His Highness recognize his ancestors and return to the clan. "

"Only in this way can all the bloodline power in his body be released in a true sense, thus benefiting the entire demon clan. Everything I am doing now is really just for this matter."

Lin Yun had heard long ago that the inheritance of royal blood could change the entire demon clan.

But he didn't expect this to be true. Now it seems that Huo Changting didn't deceive himself on this issue. No wonder King Jin Chi Peng and King Kong Que Ming were so nervous.

After all, if such a big man appeared, it would definitely not be a good thing for them.

"So what you have to do next is to stimulate his bloodline and completely change everything?"

Prince Shengyang nodded.

"Although this process seems to be very simple, the situation is certainly not as easy as we think. You should be mentally prepared."

He patted Lin Yun's shoulder: "It may take a long time to wait, but you can rest assured that the final result should not be a big problem."

When Prince Shengyang said this, he also looked at Dong Wenyuan, and at this time Dong Wenyuan could be said to be very nervous.

After all, in this situation, he can't be as calm as before.

Who knows if Prince Shengyang will use other means on him next?

If he really encounters any trouble, he has no one to rely on in this situation.

Lin Yun also nodded and agreed after confirming that there was no problem through the panel, without saying anything more.

"In that case, I will wait here."

"But during this time, I still hope that the prince can think carefully about cooperating with us."

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