Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1430 Where does the confidence come from?

At this time, Lin Yun definitely still hopes to strike while the iron is hot.

Although I still don’t know how Prince Shengyang views this matter.

But for Lin Yun, this matter must be put on the agenda.

Otherwise, I really don’t know if there will be opportunities to cooperate in the future. It is already so difficult now, and the situation behind this is even more unimaginable.

After hearing what Lin Yun said, even Prince Shengyang's expression changed slightly.

He smiled and said: "We are already like this today. If it were someone else, he would be thinking about himself at this time."

"I didn't expect that you would change your attitude at this time."

Prince Shengyang also had a complicated look on his face when he looked at Lin Yun. He didn't expect that this boy actually took it seriously.

To be honest, when he first learned about these things, although he was a little surprised, he didn't take it to heart.

Lin Yun wants to cooperate, which is normal. Anyone else would probably have the same idea in this situation.

But Prince Shengyang knew that even today's demon clan may not be in the same embarrassment as Lin Yun.

So the choice of whether to cooperate or not is definitely in their hands.

But he never expected that Lin Yun was actually serious about this issue. He could tell by looking at his appearance at this time that this kid didn't talk nonsense from the beginning.

"The cooperation between Shenhua Realm and Demon Court is mutually beneficial to both of us."

"So for any reason, I can't joke about this, and I really hope to be able to

You cooperate. "

Lin Yun certainly knew what Prince Shengyang was thinking, but he was not angry. Instead, he showed a very humble smile at this time.

"Perhaps the strength of Shenhua Realm is not strong enough yet, but as long as we are given enough time, we can still grow. By then, I am afraid it will be difficult for anyone to underestimate us."

To be honest, when Prince Shengyang heard Lin Yun's words, the first thing that came to his mind was that they were ridiculous.

In his opinion, this kind of thing is almost impossible to achieve.

Lin Yun represents only an insignificant human race.

If it were heaven, they might consider it, but they are just a small character in the lower world. What qualifications do they have to cooperate with such superior beings?

As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if the monsters today are not as good as before, they are not comparable to the world of Shenhua.

But for some reason, when Prince Shengyang saw the look in Lin Yun's eyes, he suddenly felt that his previous thoughts may not be correct.

The fact that this kid has reached this point is naturally unique.

At this point, even Prince Shengyang must agree with it.

"I will consider this matter seriously. Give me some time. After all, this cannot be done by just talking. It requires serious thinking."

After confirming that Lin Yun was not joking, even Prince Shengyang couldn't help but answer seriously at this time.

Just like Prince Shengyang said before, these matters involve too many things, and even he cannot easily conclude them.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Prince Shengyang probably needs to think carefully about this matter.

What will evolve next.

Lin Yun nodded. He had been paying attention to the changes in Prince Shengyang's face. From the initial suspicion of him to now, Prince Shengyang's views on this matter have indeed changed to a certain extent.

This was not easy for Lin Yun. No one in the whole process knew how difficult it was better than him.

It sounds like it's just a simple, trivial matter that couldn't be simpler.

But he himself clearly understands how much effort he put into this process.

A character like Prince Shengyang would not be easily manipulated by others, and now Lin Yun could be considered to have successfully reversed the situation.

In this way, Prince Shengyang left with Dong Wenyuan. Although Dong Wenyuan was a little nervous now, when he met Lin Yun's eyes, he suddenly felt calm down.

"Those who have cooperated with you before will be sent to the Demon City soon."

"No matter what, they all have merit, so you can wander around the Demon City during this period."

According to Prince Shengyang, it would take a long time for Dong Wenyuan to recognize his master and return to his clan.

They cannot be disturbed in any way during this process, otherwise all their efforts will be wasted.

He has already begun to prepare for this. During this period, everything near the palace will be completely locked up, and no one will be allowed to approach here easily.

However, Lin Yun didn't take it to heart because there was a prompt on the panel.

Secondly, under this current situation, no matter how bold King Peacock Ming and King Jin-winged Peng are, they will never dare to take action again.

At the beginning, Lin Yun

He also believed that the combat effectiveness between Prince Shengyang and these two princes was not on the same level at all.

Therefore, Lin Yun also has some headaches. If Prince Shengyang cannot solve this problem, he may have to take action himself.

At that time, we can only use the Eight Realm Tower to deal with these guys.

But what Lin Yun didn't expect was that when Prince Shengyang actually took action, the situation would be completely different from what he thought.

Even though King Golden Wing Peng and King Peacock Ming are very powerful, in front of Prince Shengyang, these two guys are too timid to hold back.

At that time, such a big thing happened in Gushou City. When facing Prince Shengyang, the two of them did not dare to say a harsh word.

Therefore, at that time, Lin Yun could be sure that there must be other hidden trump cards behind Prince Shengyang, otherwise it would be impossible for King Peacock Ming and King Golden Wing Peng to be so afraid.

But in the end, this matter was still much more complicated than he thought, and even Lin Yun couldn't be completely sure about it now.

"I hope these matters can be resolved as soon as possible. Anyway, the current situation seems to be getting more and more dangerous."

Lin Yun said with emotion.

It's been a long time since I arrived in the upper realm, and it's still unclear what happened in the Shenhua Realm.

But now I finally see a glimmer of hope. As long as Prince Shengyang can be persuaded, then the possibility of the demon clan uniting with them will be greater.

On the other side, Prince Shengyang walked in front, and Dong Wenyuan followed closely behind.

Although he could not feel a trace of malice from Prince Shengyang.

But in any case, facing such a strange environment, coupled with the

Without the protection of someone familiar to him, it is indeed a huge challenge for Dong Wenyuan now.

For some reason, he brought up the matter about Lin Yun naturally.

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