Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1431 It doesn’t seem to be important

"I don't know if the prince will agree to Senior Lin."

Dong Wenyuan looked at Prince Shengyang who was walking in front.

And the moment he finished speaking, it was obvious that Prince Shengyang staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Your Highness should know that these matters involve very complicated things. Judging from the current situation of our demon clan, there seems to be no benefit in cooperating with them."

Originally Prince Shengyang didn't want to answer.

After all, he has no idea how to deal with this matter yet, but he also knows that Dong Wenyuan obviously wants to speak for Lin Yun when he mentions this.

But precisely because of this, Prince Shengyang hoped to directly silence Dong Wenyuan with a few words.

When Dong Wenyuan saw Prince Shengyang like this, he was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed.

"Actually, when I first met Senior Lin, I had the same idea as you. I thought everything Senior Lin did was so unreliable."

"How can such a person really be worthy of your trust?"

"But a series of things happened later, which made me change my view on this matter. Senior Lin is much more powerful than I imagined, and he is also a trustworthy partner."

Dong Wenyuan has always been submissive, but this time when talking about Lin Yun, his attitude was indeed a bit more serious than before, and there was even a hint of determination in his eyes.

"Although this boy is very young and has already entered the realm of the Great Emperor, you have to know that even being an Emperor in the upper realm has no meaning at all."

Prince Shengyang looked at it seriously

Looking at Dong Wenyuan, he really didn't understand what kind of methods Lin Yun had to make Dong Wenyuan trust him to this extent?

Faced with what Prince Shengyang said at this moment, Dong Wenyuan just showed an indifferent smile at the corner of his mouth.

"You may be right, but I still have a different view on this issue."

"Maybe Senior Lin doesn't look very powerful now, but I'm sure it won't be long before he can surprise everyone at zero cost."

The reason why Dong Wenyuan dared to say these words so confidently was because of his experience with Lin Yun during this period.

At first, I thought Lin Yun was just an ordinary practitioner.

But as time passed, he realized that the gap between himself and Lin Yun was very huge. When he arrived in a new place, it would take him a long time to adapt to it.

But Lin Yun is different. He seems to be born with the ability to adapt to various environments and make favorable choices.

Therefore, even from the next term to the previous term, Lin Yun's growth rate was quite fast, and his cultivation level could be said to have improved by leaps and bounds in a short period of time.

And even a strong man at the level of an emperor could not last more than a few rounds in front of Lin Yun.

Now for Dong Wenyuan, Lin Yun is definitely a very mysterious strong man. If they can establish a good relationship with such a strong man, it will definitely be beneficial to them. So when Prince Shengyang in front of them refused , of course he would not understand.

Prince Shengyang also looked at Dong Wenyuan in front of him very seriously for the first time.


He knew what Dong Wenyuan's character was like, but after hearing what Dong Wenyuan said, he slowly began to realize that the impact of this incident might not be as simple as he thought.

"Is it true that this young man is completely different from what I thought before? He is very powerful and can even make great changes after this."

This thought flashed through Prince Shengyang's mind, but at this moment, I'm afraid no one can give him the answer. Prince Shengyang will also have to think about it slowly in the next time.

Dong Wenyuan originally wanted to say something, but was stopped by Prince Shengyang at the critical moment.

"I know what else His Highness wants to say, but on this issue, I would advise His Highness not to say so much for the time being."

"This matter involves a lot of complicated things, and we need to spend some time investigating. If it is true as His Highness said, it doesn't matter even if we cooperate with the Shenhua World."

At this juncture, Prince Shengyang still didn't say anything too harshly. He also understood that Dong Wenyuan standing here must have thought carefully.

If there is any problem in this matter, I am afraid Dong Wenyuan will not say it easily.

After hearing Prince Shengyang's answer, Dong Wenyuan smiled and nodded.

It is true that this matter is not as simple as he thought. Now that he can win such an opportunity for Lin Yun, it is already quite good.

On the other side, Lin Yun was feeling bored after watching Dong Wenyuan and Prince Shengyang leave.

He glanced at the man standing next to him.

"So during this time I can

Wherever I go, won't you place any restrictions on me? "

Although the man standing next to him did not do anything to stop Lin Yun.

However, Lin Yun just glanced at the panel on the man and knew that this guy was used to customize his every move.

Prince Shengyang said that he trusted Lin Yun very much, but in fact he still had some memory of Lin Yun.

After all, Lin Yun was a young man from the lower realm, and he had so many secrets that even Prince Shengyang couldn't believe it.

Therefore, in the process of communicating with Lin Yun, Prince Shengyang has always been cautious to ensure that he is invincible.

"Since you have escorted His Highness back, to our demon tribe, you are our most distinguished guest."

"So you don't have to think so much, we will make everything as cheap as possible for you."

He looked at Lin Yun and said calmly. These words also surprised Lin Yun. After all, this situation was something Lin Yun had never thought of before.

However, Lin Yun is still very curious about the Demon City now.

If he could understand the situation here during this period, it would also help him deal with the famous Heavenly Court in the future, so now it became an idea to leave the palace first.

After making up his mind, Lin Yun left the palace with an excuse.

The man just glanced at Lin Yun and didn't say anything else. It seemed that he didn't care at all about what Lin Yun would do after leaving the palace.

"It seems that the entire Demon Court doesn't have much thought about an outsider like me now."

After coming out of the palace, Lin Yun

He also smiled proudly.

The current situation is under his control.

Although Prince Shengyang has not yet agreed, as long as Dong Wenyuan exists, the probability of cooperation between the two parties is quite high.

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