No creature in this world can escape the temptation that power brings to itself.

Lin Yun originally thought so, but when he saw Dai Wang, he changed his mind.

He would never have thought that King Dai would not care at all about what he just said. He wanted to bring Dong Wenyuan back from the bottom of his heart.

As for the purpose of doing this on behalf of the king?

I'm afraid even Lin Yun can't explain clearly now.

But the way he looked at Dai Wang gradually became more complicated.

"No wonder you haven't paid that much attention to the situation of the entire Demon Court these years."

"Perhaps in your heart you also hope that one day someone will take the initiative to stand up and stand in the position he should have."

King Dai smiled, then picked up a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp.

"For me, everything is settled now."

"And after this, there will definitely be more trouble coming, but I don't need to make things so complicated."

"I believe that His Highness will be able to pass the test this time, and after that, he will completely change the demon clan."

King Dai knew a lot about the royal bloodline of the demon clan, so when he said these words, Lin Yun had no doubts.

But in Lin Yun's heart, he was also curious about how far Dong Wenyuan could do it?

In the beginning, Dong Wenyuan was sent here just because he had royal blood. Lin Yun thought if he could sit on the throne.

Whether it is for him or for the entire Shenhua world, that is excellent.

But now it seems that the situation seems to be a little different from what he thought before.

This Dong

Wen Yuan's influence on the entire Demon Court has completely surpassed Lin Yun's knowledge.

"I'm very curious, can Dong Wenyuan really change so many things?"

"Even if he has royal blood, what kind of changes can this blood bring to you?"

Looking at Lin Yun's curious look, the King of Times had no intention of explaining to him.

"These things involve the internal situation of our demon clan. Of course, there is no way to tell them truthfully, but you should be more careful these days."

"Although I have put aside these matters at hand now, it does not mean that I do not have the means to know the actions of others."

"You successfully sent His Highness back this time. Although it is a great achievement for the entire demon clan, the two princes do not think so."

Seeing the serious look in Dai Wang's eyes, Lin Yun was quite surprised. He originally thought that Dai Wang would not say anything much even if he knew about it.

They even gave him wrong guidance, but what Lin Yun didn't expect was that King Dai would take the initiative to remind him at this time.

"I originally thought that you would not tell me the answer to this question so quickly, and you would even try every means to confuse me."

"But your current choice really surprises me."

Lin Yun looked at Dai Wang with mixed emotions at this time and didn't know what he should say.

It seems that many of the previous views on King Dai were wrong.

Faced with Lin Yun's doubts, Dai Wang just smiled casually at this time.

"In the final analysis, it was because of you that His Highness was able to return safely."


It is an indescribably important thing for the entire demon clan. "

It can be seen from the way King Dai looks now that he is not joking.

But in his mind, Dong Wenyuan's status was indeed as important as he said.

To a large extent, even Lin Yun couldn't believe that things would be like this.

"Whether it's the Golden-winged Peng King or the Peacock King, they are indeed very powerful. If they want to kill me, I'm afraid they won't be able to stop them with just my ability."

Lin Yun was not talking nonsense on this point. After all, the opponent's strength had already reached the realm of Tianzun.

And if they wanted to kill Lin Yun, it would not be that difficult.

But now, due to various reasons, these guys can only cautiously test out who else is involved in this matter.

After hearing what Lin Yun said, even Dong Wenyuan also smiled.

"At that time, I thought a little bit about this matter. Indeed, as you said, if these guys want to kill you, it will be difficult to survive with your current abilities."

"But this doesn't mean that you can't deal with them, but don't forget that you are in the Demon City now."

"If there is no safety guarantee in this place, wouldn't it be a joke?"

Dai Wang just said a few words casually, and then didn't say anything more, and Lin Yun didn't know what Dai Wang meant by telling him this.

If there were really others around him to protect him, then what was the purpose of King Dai specifically telling him that King Golden Winged Peng and King Peacock Ming wanted to assassinate him?


Is there any special metaphor in these words that Lin Yun needs to ponder secretly?

After King Dai said these words, he was immersed in his own world. Even if Lin Yun asked something, he had no intention of answering.

Gradually, Lin Yun also realized that it would be pointless to continue talking to Dai Wang. With Dai Wang's current appearance, he probably wouldn't tell him the cause and effect of the matter.

In this case, Lin Yun could only rely on Lin Yun's own methods to slowly investigate the matter.

Although King Dai did not explain the matter clearly, Lin Yun probably already knew the overall situation.

As for what will happen in the future, that is something that Lin Yun cannot control for the time being.

In the following time, Lin Yun did not stay here any longer.

Not long after he left, he saw Akto following him.

"Sir, why did you come out so quickly? I thought you wanted to talk to that person for a few more words."

Akto looked at Lin Yun and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

It seemed as if Akto was caring about Lin Yun, but in fact, the moment Akto said this, Lin Yun frowned.

But after all, he didn't continue to say anything, and just smiled casually.

"It was just a chance encounter with an acquaintance."

"We chatted casually for a few words, but we have other things to do, so naturally we can't waste any more time."

Lin Yun said and looked around.

"I still need to find a place to stay during this period of time, so as not to be looked down upon by others."

Akto did not answer Lin Yun's question, but the expression on his face looked a little embarrassed.

What an unspeakable secret.

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