Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1436 Taking the Initiative

Of course, Lin Yun knew where Akto was in trouble.

He smiled and then patted Akto on the shoulder.

"Dong Wenyuan is busy now, and he will definitely not be able to see us again for a while, so you and I should be more honest these days."

"Find a place to live for now. If you need help with any other questions, just tell me. Of course, don't worry, I will take care of all the expenses here."

At any rate, the palace also made a promise that as long as Lin Yun is in the city, no matter what he does, he will be free of charge.

This is still relatively practical.

The most important reason why Lin Yun chose to live outside the palace was to see what kind of methods King Golden Wing Peng and King Peacock Ming were going to use against him this time.

At the same time, Lin Yun also hoped to use this opportunity to drag these two guys out.

In any case, it was definitely not a good thing for Lin Yun to have such two strong men observing secretly. After that, the Shenhua Realm even thought about fighting against the Heavenly Court.

If there are two such princes who have been obstructing this process.

I'm afraid Lin Yun simply can't handle such pressure, so it is necessary to avoid such a thing from happening.

The best way now is to let them take the initiative and fall into Lin Yun's trap. When they wake up, everything may no longer be what it was before.

This is the decision Lin Yun made after careful consideration. For others, this matter may not be solved in a short while.


But for Lin Yun now, everything is already under his control.

Lin Yun and Akto were in the city and quickly found an inn.

After the two settled in, and along the way, Akto said the most words of thanks to Lin Yun.

Perhaps for Akto, he should have become a dispensable existence in the eyes of everyone.

Even with his hard work, Dong Wenyuan can stand where he is now.

But in the final analysis, he is just an ordinary half-orc. And since he is already old, he is naturally looked down upon by society in all aspects.

But what Akto didn't expect was that Lin Yun's views on this issue were completely different from others.

Even in many key matters, Lin Yunyuan is more considerate than others.

This situation also made Akto wonder what he should say for a while.

What he had to admit was that Lin Yun was better than he imagined in every aspect.

In this situation, he didn't even mean to look down on him, and even helped him in many aspects. This also made Akto very grateful to Lin Yun for all his actions.

However, in Lin Yun's eyes, these things were nothing at all.

Perhaps for Lin Yun, he just did a trivial thing.

But there is indeed one thing that has always worried Lin Yun.

Since it is already known that King Jin-winged Peng and King Peacock Ming will never let him go easily, then this matter definitely needs to be prepared in advance.

But what makes Lin Yun feel very strange is that after such a long time, he has not found any information about this matter at all.

Any clues.

In the few days after staying at the inn, everything went according to plan.

Lin Yun would go out every day to experience the customs and customs of Demon City, but he was not attacked as expected.

He even doubted whether the information he had received before was wrong.

After all, in this situation, it was really hard for him to imagine that this was a sign that someone wanted to assassinate him.

Everything seemed to have returned to normal a long time ago.

"I don't know what these guys are doing. It's been so long, but they're still indifferent."

"Have they really given up completely?"

Just when Lin Yun thought that the other party was most likely giving up on this plan.

The situation finally came to a turning point.

Lin Yuncai had just come out of the inn that day when he immediately felt that someone was staring at him.

This very mysterious sense of spying also made Lin Yun frown. Although these guys behaved cautiously, they still exposed many fatal weaknesses that cannot be ignored.

"It's really fun."

"I originally thought that some powerful experts would be arranged to keep an eye on me, but I didn't expect that guys like this would be sent out casually."

"It seems that these two princes just want to test it out now."

After confirming the strength of the person who appeared, Lin Yun immediately knew the cause and effect of the matter.

After all, these two princes have not really made up their minds to get rid of Lin Yun here.

They just wanted to test Prince Shengyang's reaction in this way.

If they take action against Lin Yun this time, Prince Shengyang

If there really was no way to stop him, he would definitely attack Lin Yun in a more ferocious way.

But Lin Yun knew that for an opponent of this level, Prince Shengyang would not be able to help at all, and even his whole waist would not have any power.

After these few days, Lin Yun finally understood why the former king said those words to him.

The Dai Wang should have known what Prince Shengyang's plan was for a long time, so he was worried about what would happen if something unexpected happened.

Tell Lin Yun in advance what will happen next.

Let Lin Yun take precautions in advance, and all subsequent matters will naturally be put on the agenda.

And Lin Yun did not disappoint him, even though many things seemed so nonsensical.

But Lin Yun was still able to peel off the cocoons from these things and analyze the truth of the matter bit by bit.

In the current situation, Lin Yun basically no longer needs to worry about whether any big trouble will come to his door in the future.

And Akto has been following Lin Yun these days, full of curiosity about the whole demon.

According to Akto, although he had been here before, he was not able to move around as freely as he does now.

The Demon City naturally has some very special places. Unless you are really strong, you have to be obedient. Since there are some places that you cannot go to, don't even think about exploring them.

But this time it was different. Because Lin Yun was following him, he was greatly advantaged.

But at this time, the two of them were in a state of confusion.

Turn around and come to a very remote alley.

Just when Akto was confused as to why Lin Yun was here, he heard Lin Yun laugh.

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