Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1437 This is called professionalism

"You've been following me for so long, don't you feel a little bit bored?"

"There is no one around this place. If you are planning to take action against me, now is a good opportunity."

Lin Yun stood there looking at Xiangsi Zhou, with a faint smile on his face.

I already know what these guys are thinking.

So Lin Yun now took the initiative to run to such a remote place, preparing to lure these guys into taking action.

But what surprised Lin Yun was that he had already been shouting for a long time when he took the initiative to stand down.

But people can't feel any movement, these guys seem to disappear in an instant.

Even the moment Lin Yun said these words, he could feel the surrounding aura disappearing at this moment.

Akto looked confused.

"Sir, could it be that someone is following you and we have been observing secretly?"

Looking at Akto's confused look, Lin Yunxing said that your reflex arc is really long.

But he didn't explain anything else.

"Ever since we left the inn, or from the past few days, these guys have been secretly observing my every move."

"I know very well what their purpose is, but now it seems that these guys are just rats in the stinking ditch, and they don't dare to act rashly."

Lin Yun also looked proud when he said this, as if what was before him was the truth.

Akto nodded blankly, and then looked around nervously, as if he wanted to find the killers hiding in the dark.

But it is a pity that no matter what method Akto uses, there is no intention.


These people are very cautious. Since they know that their current situation is very dangerous, of course they cannot easily expose any flaws.

Lin Yun waited for a short while, and then smiled mockingly.

"Well, it seems I've really wasted my time. If you don't want to take action, then that's it for today."

As he spoke, he turned around and prepared to leave. To be honest, even Lin Yun was very surprised. Logically speaking, these guys would not miss such a good opportunity.

The location he was in at this moment was very remote, and it should be regarded as the best stage to take action in the past few days.

After all, even if Lin Yun is attacked here, no one will come to support him in a short time.

As long as his opponent is very confident in his own strength, he will be almost invincible when he attacks.

But it's obvious that these guys still have doubts.

At least they couldn't believe what Lin Yun just said at this time.

But just when Lin Yun and Akto were about to leave the alley, he suddenly felt a sudden burst of murderous intent.

Lin Yun also confirmed through the panel early that the person who attacked him this time was the killer hiding in the dark.

If there was a way, Lin Yun would have directly forced him out.

But this guy's methods are very weird, and until now, Lin Yun has not been able to find his hidden location.

But through the panel and his powerful spiritual consciousness, he could roughly determine that there were people around him watching his every move.

It's just that such a method is obviously not helpful to the whole matter, so Lin Yun will use this method to solve the problem.

A way to force the opponent to take action.

I originally thought that the other party would not be fooled so easily, but unexpectedly he actually believed it, and Lin Yun also firmly grasped this opportunity.

At this time, only Akto showed no reaction at all.

Lin Yun also summoned the Chaoyang Sword without any hesitation.

"I don't care who you are. Since you dare to attack me today, you must be prepared to be killed by me. At least since I came to Demon City, I haven't attacked anyone for a long time."

A murderous aura flashed in Lin Yun's eyes, and then the terrifying murderous aura began to spread around.

At the same time, the black image that had just approached Lin Yun seemed to be entangled by some kind of power, and its figure suddenly became extremely slow.

And this is the killer who is preparing to attack Lin Yun.

He originally thought that it was true that Lin Yun had exposed many flaws in his body just now when he was about to leave.

So I wanted to take advantage of this critical opportunity to kill Lin Yun directly.

But unfortunately, this guy never thought that everything was planned by Lin Yun long ago.

Lin Yun also understood that although these killers followed him all the way, the reason why they did not take action for so long was probably because they could not find a reasonable opportunity.

But if Lin Yun can create such a condition for them, maybe this matter will change.

Therefore, Lin Yun also took the initiative to expose his own flaws, just because he wanted to use these guys to take action. At that moment, Lin Yun still thought that his plan had failed.

After all, we have gone to such a remote location, no matter what

, these guys should take action.

But now it seems that Lin Yun is still more skilled. Although they have always been cautious, they still can't help but freeze their hands.

Feng Chengxiu has been secretly observing Lin Yun.

He also knew that the person standing in front of him was probably more powerful than he imagined, otherwise he would not have allowed that person to deal with it so carefully.

But Feng Chengxiu didn't know what was so special about Lin Yun.

So in the past few days, I have been carefully exploring everything about Lin Yun, hoping that in this way I can see through all the secrets about Lin Yun.

Originally, Feng Chengxiu thought that with his current abilities, Lin Yun would not be a problem.

So the moment he was sure that Lin Yun had exposed his flaw, he immediately took action.

Opportunities must not be missed and never come again. In this case, a good opportunity must not be wasted.

He originally thought he could see the surprised expression on Lin Yun's face.

But what he didn't expect was that he had just started, and he immediately felt that he had been completely locked by a powerful aura.

It was obvious that this was a trap that Lin Yun had deliberately arranged for him, just waiting for him to take the initiative.

"Has this guy calculated my existence a long time ago?"

When the news was confirmed, it can be said that Feng Chengxiu was unexpectedly nervous.

There were no such links in the original plan, and he believed that he could successfully solve these small things with his own abilities.

But Feng Chengxiu never thought that all his actions were actually under Lin Yun's control.


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