Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1439: Why don’t you take action?

"Damn it, I thought I had caught this guy's flaw this time and could kill him directly."

"But I never imagined that everything was an opportunity for this guy to expose me to me."

"He said that if there is no way to leave here this time, I am afraid that my life will really be decided here today."

Feng Chengxiu's eyes flashed with sadness, and he did not expect that Lin Yun in front of him would have such a method.

He would never have thought that Lin Yun was much more powerful than he thought.

But unfortunately, it seems that the methods he currently has are not enough to solve the various problems that may occur at any time.

Seeing that Lin Yun was about to kill him, Feng Chengxiu yelled at the critical moment.

"How long are you guys going to be on the sidelines?"

"If you continue not to help, I will die here today."

After hearing Feng Chengxiu's roar, even Lin Yun's expression changed slightly.

He originally thought that Feng Chengxiu was the only one participating in the operation, so he was prepared to kill Feng Chengxiu.

Unexpectedly, there was someone hiding in the dark place, and Lin Yun was not aware of it.

"What's going on? Do these guys also have no intention of killing me?"

When Lin Yun saw another man walking out from the side, the expression on his face immediately changed. It was obvious that this situation had exceeded Lin Yun's previous expectations.

There shouldn't be such a link in the original plan, but in this situation, it seems that everything is irreversible.

And that person saw Fengcheng

Xiu said calmly: "Obviously you were greedy for success and fell into the enemy's trap, but now you want to say it so nicely."

"In the end, don't we have to take action together to survive?"

Facing the man's ridicule, Feng Chengxiu didn't mean to say anything more at this time.

Then Lin Yun saw the man's eyes focused on him.

"As our target, your performance in the past few days is indeed very surprising."

"And there are some ways to discover our whereabouts so quickly, but it's a pity that even if you find someone following you, you can't find any way to deal with us."

The man had already known the conversation between Lin Yun and Feng Chengxiu.

The moment the man finished speaking, Lin Yun discovered that six more people appeared around him at the same time.

I have to say that King Golden Wing Peng and King Peacock Ming are really quite stable.

This time, in order to deal with Lin Yun, they even arranged for so many experts to come together to act.

In this way, even if Lin Yun had extraordinary abilities, it would probably be difficult for him to survive in this situation.

Lin Yun also knew what they were thinking at this moment, and had even prepared for the worst.

But it is a pity that with the current situation of him, it seems that it is really difficult to find any opportunities.

As for Akto, when he saw so many people appearing here, his face was full of panic. Without any hesitation, he directly picked up his weapon and wanted to block Lin Yun.

"My lord, let's go first. I'll hold these guys back until the surrounding guards notice what's going on here.

After that, they naturally couldn't take action anymore. "

Akto said it lightly, but Lin Yun knew that this was impossible to achieve. In order to ensure that he could lure these guys to take action, Lin Yun also specially chose a relatively remote place.

It is impossible for the surrounding guards to detect the movement here in a short period of time, unless those guards hidden in the dark are still watching every move here.

But in Lin Yun's view, the top of these secret observers should not choose to take action at this time. After all, the opponents he faced in front of him didn't look very strong.

Although their methods of hiding their identities are very good, in the final analysis, this is what they do.

If they can't even do such small things well, then don't expect them to be able to do anything shocking.

"Come on, you are surrounded by us, and now you want to slip away from our hands. Are you thinking too simply?"

I saw Feng Chengxiu gritting his teeth when he saw Lin Yun. Lin Yun really made him lose his dignity this time.

So he also made up his mind that no matter what, he would give this guy a lesson today.

"No one of you two can even think of leaving here today. If you are surrounded by us, there is only one way to die, unless you are willing to kneel down and beg for mercy."

"But it's useless. After all, the purpose above is to clean it thoroughly."

Seeing the smug look on the guy's face in front of him, Lin Yun also sighed helplessly at this moment.

"To be honest, I don't want things to turn out like this. If I have a choice, I still hope to live in peace."

"But now it seems that the probability of this happening is not very high. It can be seen from the performance of you guys that there is no way you will let me leave here alive."

Lin Yun squinted his eyes and looked at Feng Chengxiu and the two people around him.

Although they were surrounded at this moment, it was still difficult for them to feel any fear from Lin Yun.

Even Feng Chengxiu felt a little surprised at this time.

"It stands to reason that this kid has been surrounded by us, and now he is making the sky and the earth not respond, and the earth and the earth are not working."

"Why does it seem like he doesn't care about us at all now?"

Feng Chengxiu always thought that all the plans were arranged by them, and it would not be long before Lin Yun could only kneel down and beg for mercy.

But what he didn't expect was that the kid in front of him was more difficult than he thought. He had dealt with many people and had already reached this stage, but it was still difficult for them to find a flaw in this problem.

Feng Chengxiu had doubts in his heart, but others were even more so.

There were so many of them, and they had already surrounded Lin Yun. No matter how you looked at Lin Yun's current situation, it was definitely not very good.

Anyone else would have been nervous and thinking about what to do next.

Lin Yun is different. Although he also knows that these opponents in front of him are very difficult to deal with.

However, there was no trace of panic in his eyes, and there was even some unexpected confidence.

"What is going on in my heart, kid? Our current missions cannot change."

The man glanced at Feng Chengxiu and said in a very serious tone: "Unless you want that adult to

Kill me. "

"Let me show off my skills today."

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