Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 1440 Let’s fight quickly and make a quick decision

Feng Chengxiu knows that his personal abilities may still be lacking.

But now, with so many people surrounding him, it was impossible for Lin Yun to break out of their encirclement even if his hands and eyes could reach the sky.

Looking at Akto, he didn't expect that this matter would suddenly turn into what it is now.

I don't even know what I should do in this situation.

Although I also wanted to go up and help, my own strength was completely insufficient for this qualification.

Don't talk about going up to help now, I'm afraid you'll be in trouble if you get even a little closer.

Therefore, he stood still and did not dare to act rashly. Although Lin Yun was surrounded at this time, it could be seen from his eyes that he did not take it to heart at all.

At this time, the two people standing in front of Lin Yun still had a look of contempt on their faces.

"You brat, it seems you don't even realize what you are doing. Under the current situation, you even think you can compete with us."

Feng Chengxiu saw how Lin Yun's expression could not know what Lin Yun was thinking, so he sneered and asked.

Faced with Feng Chengxiu's ruthless ridicule, Lin Yun just laughed very calmly, as if he didn't take it to heart at all.

"It's true that I underestimated you and the abilities of those two princes. I'm really flattered that so many people were arranged to deal with me this time."

Faced with such heavy siege, Lin Yun was not afraid, nor did he think about making other choices at this time.

On the contrary, he is cold

His eyes were full of absolute determination, and at this moment he also tightly held the Chaoyang Sword in his hand.

Maybe the methods of these killers are enough to deal with other people.

But in a place like this, facing Lin Yun, their ability was a bit insufficient.

Lin Yun took a deep breath.

"Although this matter may be difficult to deal with, it is ultimately related to me, and I can't just sit idly by now."

"Since you want to kill me here today, I have no choice but to kill everyone present for the purpose of protecting myself."

Lin Yun was very domineering when he said this, and it could be seen from his eyes that he was not joking.

Feng Chengxiu was stunned for a moment, and finally looked at his companions.

"Did you hear what this kid was saying just now?"

"Those two adults made it clear to us that no matter what happens, we cannot let this kid leave today."

At this time, although Feng Chengxiu didn't know where Lin Yun's confidence came from, since he was standing here, he was obviously mentally prepared.

Of course Feng Chengxiu knew that a being like Lin Yun must be very strong.

It is definitely not simple for the two big men to value this existence so much, but this time they also made a complete decision.

Feng Chengxiu didn't believe it. Could Lin Yun really be able to defeat all their plans step by step in this environment?

At least on this issue, Feng Chengxiu's attitude has not changed.

And the Thousand-Handed Demon standing next to Feng Chengxiu was just following the sneer's life at this time,

Judging from his appearance, he seemed to have the same attitude as Feng Chengxiu.

"Don't worry. Since we accepted this mission, we will definitely resolve the matter properly. No matter how capable this kid is, he will never escape your hands."

Although it is not clear whether there may be some unexpected changes in the future.

But at least for now, it shouldn't be as complicated as they thought before.

After all, there was only one Lin Yun, but they brought so many people here, and they were even prepared to deal with it in advance.

No matter how you look at it, Lin Yun seems to have no comparison with them now.

Although Lin Yun was ridiculed in this way, there was still no trace of emotion on his face. +

At this time, Chongqingniao said.

"I think it's better to fight quickly. Now it seems that just these guys' words are not enough to induce others to take action."

The strength of Feng Chengxiu and Thousand-Hand Demon is not bad, both of them have almost reached the realm of the Saint.

What a few of them didn't know was that there was another person among the crowd whose strength was also at the level of the Great Emperor.

It can be said that being able to instruct such a person to appear means that the guy behind them is probably much more terrifying than imagined.

Feng Chengxiu and Thousand-Hand Demon both thought that they were the strongest beings on the field now, but only Lin Yun knew that they were just being used as guns.

The real danger is the guy who has been hiding among the crowd and pretending to be deaf and dumb.

This guy didn't do anything, he was just waiting for the right opportunity.

But if Lin Yun gives me

If he exposes any flaw, this guy can seize this short opportunity to launch a more deadly attack on Lin Yun.

At this time, Chongqingniao also knew what would happen next.

Although it seems that Lin Yun is at a disadvantage now, it does not take much time to deal with these guys. Lin Yun's strength is beyond the imagination of these people.

And if they really wanted to take action, it would be impossible for them to stop Lin Yun, so even Chong Qingniao didn't take these guys to heart at all.

This was Lin Yun's original purpose, hoping to use these people to confirm whether there were others around him to protect him.

But obviously there is no need for this now. Just facing such a group of opponents, if someone still needs protection, then Lin Yun would be really funny.

That's why Chong Qingniao suggested that Lin Yun should make a quick decision at this time and solve this problem as soon as possible. The more time wasted, the more disadvantageous it would be for them.

As the saying goes, you talk too much and make mistakes. If Lin Yun spends too long in this battle, he is likely to expose all his advantages to others.

At this time, Lin Yun was also considering whether he should take what Chong Qingniao said just now.

After all, what I said just now is indeed correct. The secrets of these guys are almost exposed, so there seems to be no need to waste time with them.

As for luring others to take action in this way, it seems that it is still a bit difficult.

"It seems that there is nothing we can do today. We can only solve it quickly and solve it as soon as possible."

Decide this. "

Lin Yun murmured softly, and his eyes became firm at this moment.

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