After experiencing so many things, Lin Yun had begun to have doubts about the whole thing.

If I could solve all problems without fear before.

So now we must start to consider whether these things may have other effects.

Lin Yun really didn't think so much about it at the beginning.

But now as things continue to develop, he slowly realizes that his situation is not as perfect as he imagined.

Just like now that they are facing attacks from all over the world, who can guarantee that they will be invincible in the following process.

If it can be solved smoothly, this is of course the best.

But if it fails, the consequences can be imagined. The entire Yaoguang Ancient Territory will most likely fall into the hands of others. When the time comes, the world will collapse and no one will be spared.

"Most of the situation on the frontline is still under our control."

"Even if they have changed their strategy, there is nothing they can do against us in a short period of time. If we can really find a way to break all this, it is conceivable that these people will definitely lose."

Qin Xiyan was also curious about why Lin Yun was suddenly so interested in this matter, and even so concerned.

Lin Yun didn't say anything, but called Guan Yuanming over.

"Have there been any other changes in the coalition forces in the Upper Realm recently?"

Guan Yuanming thought for a while and shook his head.

"There may be some conflicts between the parties, but at least it is greater than the current situation, and they will not be so ignorant of current affairs."

"Master, don't worry. With me here, I will be able to deal with all this better."

Although there will definitely be big trouble next, no

But Guan Yuanming's appearance now surprised Lin Yun.

He was very sure of the next situation, and from this moment on he believed that he would be able to solve all the troubles with his own abilities, which also made Lin Yun slightly relieved.

As long as Guan Yuanming has this confidence, there will be nothing to worry about next. After all, no matter how big a problem they face, they have nothing to worry about.

"It's best if you have such confidence. After all, I may need to retreat for a while in the next period of time."

Hearing what Lin Yun said, Guan Yuanming looked at him in surprise.

"Is it possible that the master has some new understanding now?"

Although they knew that Lin Yun's talent was extremely high, no one expected that in such a short period of time, his superficial strength could continue to improve and jump.

Not to mention that the abilities displayed by Lin Yun were completely beyond their knowledge.

"There is no way to tell you now, but what is certain is that this is a very huge plan, and we will definitely become a part of the entire plan."

No matter how he knew about this matter before, for Lin Yun at this moment, this situation was also part of his plan.

It was only after the development of things during this period that Lin Yun came up with this idea. Originally, according to his plan, he did not have to do this step for the time being.

But everything is different now. No matter what Lin Yun thinks, he cannot let this continue to develop at will.

The news that Lin Yun was going to retreat soon spread throughout the Shitian League.

And this is the news that Lin Yun deliberately spread. Using this kind of

A way to stimulate the remaining people to search for the fragments of the God Realm.

After all, this thing is crucial to Lin Yun, and it doesn't matter even if he has to pay some price for it.

Now that most of the fragments are in his hands, Lin Yun is not worried about someone being able to open the entrance to the God Realm first.

On the contrary, these people should be thinking about how to take away other fragments from Lin Yun's hands.

Therefore, Lin Yun left all the follow-up matters to Guan Yuanming, which actually showed that he was completely relieved of Guan Yuanming from the bottom of his heart.

And he also understood that if it was Guan Yuanming who handled these matters, he would never let him down.

Therefore, he didn't have to worry about any other troubles that would come to his door. At least everything would be under Lin Yun's control for a short period of time. These people would definitely have to pay the price for their recklessness.

"I would say you should rush out and fight these guys right now."

"With your strength, it shouldn't be a problem for them to solve it. Now that you have indeed chosen to retreat, have you really realized something?"

Even Chong Qingniao was very surprised by Lin Yun's current decision. To say that Lin Yun had realized something and wanted to break through in retreat was not a bad thing.

But during this period, Chongqingniao could be sure that Lin Yun had not understood anything at all, and everything seemed unknown.

"What if I collect all the fragments? The world has never been exposed to the invasion of the Yaoguang Ancient Territory, and they don't want it at all, so they give up so easily."

At this time, Lin Yun also had a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

After seeing it

After so many scenes, he also realized that many problems might be different from what he had imagined before.

Those ancient strong men told themselves not to open this door under any circumstances. I'm afraid they weren't kidding.

Although it was unclear what their considerations were, Lin Yun also realized that maybe he really had different considerations about this matter.

"So, you feel that what you are doing now has no meaning at all."

Zhongqingniao also slowly realized what Lin Yun was thinking. It was afraid that they would find it difficult to change the impact of this incident in a short period of time.

And Lin Yun nodded at this time.

"This whole thing is completely different from what I had guessed before."

"And I don't know what it will turn into next. It is very likely that the final impact is what I least want to see."

Even if he had made the worst plan in advance, the current situation still made Lin Yun very worried.

If things can really be successfully handled, this is of course the best, but the problem is that they all know that this matter is not that simple.

So many ancient strong men can't do it, can Lin Yun really turn it around alone?

At least for now, Lin Yun is unwilling to believe that this is the truth, and is more willing to believe that there are many inside stories involved that ordinary people don't understand.

Lin Yun is just one of the links.

"I firmly believe that we don't really understand many legends about the God Realm, as can be seen from the information I have in my hands."

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