After reaching a certain level of practice.

No matter how powerful a practitioner is, there is no way to escape from one law, which is birth, aging, illness and death.

Therefore, many people are looking for a way to live forever and live as long as heaven and earth.

But this kind of thing sounds simple, but there are a few people who can actually do it.

Even those ancient powerful men were simply unable to achieve this step.

Why do you think these people today can do this? At least for now, Lin Yun doesn't believe that these guys really have this method.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Yun slowly changed his view on this matter in a series of events that followed.

"But if the information we get is all false, what is its ultimate purpose?"

Chongqingniao asked in confusion.

At this moment, Xiaobai was sitting on Lin Yun's shoulder, looking at him curiously.

After hearing this inquiry, Lin Yun just smiled and said.

"Actually, it's very simple. The purpose of these people is just to hope that we can stay away from this so-called God Realm."

"After you reach a certain level of practice, you will understand that you are not invincible after all."

"No matter how powerful the master is, he will die one day, so they will definitely try their best to prevent this situation."

It is precisely for this reason that there are so many strong people trying to find a way to survive.

But there have been so many practitioners throughout the ages, and there are definitely not a few strong ones who can climb to the top, but how many people can really survive to the last moment?

From this point of view, it is not difficult to see how huge the gap between them is.

This is already a result that most people have no way to change.


"Since it is possible for the God Realm to change all this, why is it blocked again?"

Chongqingniao raised his own questions like everyone else.

"I think it must be those ancient powerful people who have found the path to normal development, so they want to monopolize everything."

"After all, this is the only way to maintain their privileges and allow them to always have the qualifications to be superior when confronting others."

He was quite confident when he said this, and he seemed to have thought of such a result in his heart.

But Lin Yun shook his head decisively.

Chong Qingniao's idea may not be wrong, but from Lin Yun's point of view, he would not be naive enough to think that this is the truth.

Many things in this world are actually far crueler than they imagined.

"It is indeed possible that these ancient powerful men have the same idea as you, but the probability of such a thing happening is too low. No one believes that this is true."

Lin Yun directly denied all the thoughts in Chong Qingniao's mind.

"If it's just to monopolize their own powerful power, they just need to use other ways to do it."

"There is absolutely no need to deny the existence of the God Realm. After all, the God Realm can be used as a means of propaganda for them."

"Now it's more like they realize how dangerous this place is and are worried about other people getting involved in it."

Lin Yun looked at Chong Qingniao and couldn't help but sigh, perhaps his knowledge of this matter was not wrong.

The whole world is one huge conspiracy.

“I still don’t know exactly what happened, but one thing is for sure.

The point is that this thing is very likely to happen. "

"So now I have to retreat and make other arrangements in advance."

This time he recognized the entire change of things and also let him know what he should do.

If there were still some doubts about all this before, now I have strengthened my will even more.

Regardless of whether he succeeds in the end or not, he is willing to believe that he will settle everything as soon as possible in the process.

"Until now, I'm still in the dark. I have no idea what you are talking about."

Lin Yun smiled.

At this moment, another person's voice appeared in the cave.

"I have to say that those guys are probably not as smart as you, and they have noticed the problem so quickly."

"It is true that your strength is already at the top in the entire Yaoguang Ancient Territory, but to be able to find all the fragments in such a short period of time, it has to be said that someone is behind it."

"Whether you believe it or not, this is the fact before you."

An incarnation appeared in front of Lin Yun.

And he was the great demon who fought alongside Lin Yun before.

"So they have arranged many means, and what is their purpose?"

Lin Yun looked at the big demon.

The latter laughed in an extremely magical way: "Actually, I don't need to explain so much to you. Don't you already understand it yourself?"

Lin Yun nodded and murmured quietly.

"The divine world itself is a huge conspiracy, and this world is likely to be reincarnated."

"And what I have to do now is to lead the whole world out of this reincarnation."

Although now everyone from all sides has

have been united, but who can guarantee that their union is really so indestructible.

What if a certain group of people have different ideas on this issue?

Even if they can now unite to fight against foreign enemies, once it comes to the differentiation of interests, they can still fall apart.

But now Yaoguang Ancient Territory is facing a very difficult situation. No one knows what this means, even Lin Yun at this time.

So what Lin Yun has to do now is very simple, which is to maintain his current situation as much as possible.

At the same time, he also made himself an indispensable ally for everyone. Only in this way can this result be successfully changed.

Therefore, Lin Yun had already prepared for the worst in his mind.

If the entire God Realm is a huge scam, and the moment the God Realm opens, it means that all living creatures will be wiped out.

Then what Lin Yun has to do is very simple, that is to escape with all the creatures!

Anyone would find this kind of thing unbelievable, or even impossible.

But now he wants to be clear and has to sigh, this may be his own destiny, but don't forget the Dantian Xinghai that was born in his body a long time ago.

Lin Yun has never known what the secret of Dantian Xinghai is.

There is even a fusion of all kinds of unimaginable powerful forces here.

Although Dantian Xinghai has always brought a lot of help to Lin Yun in battles, it still makes him feel baffled. This power has always been unable to be applied.

But now

After Lin Yun came up with the idea of ​​leading everyone to escape, he finally realized that the one who could really help him was this, Dantian Xinghai, which he had never understood very well.

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