This is an unprecedented challenge for everyone. If they win, they will be able to fully take the initiative in this war.

But if they lose, the result can be imagined. With their current appearance, I am afraid that nothing can be changed at all.

But no matter what, for these people, it seems that the only outcome left is a fight to the death.

In the following months, although the displays of all parties were still in full swing, the absence of Lin Yun caused some gaps within the alliance.

If it continues at this pace, it is very likely that the alliance will not be able to last long at all.

After all, they were quite fragile to begin with, and it was only thanks to Lin Yun's persuasion that they changed their minds.

At this moment, most of these people are no longer able to stick to their own opinions like before.

And here Guan Yuanming is not surprised at all by this situation.

Lishuang looked at Guan Yuanming standing in front of her, feeling emotional in her heart at this moment.

Although almost all the burden of the entire Shitian League falls on him, Guan Yuanming can always surprise people.

Just like it seems to be almost impossible to accomplish in the eyes of others, but Guan Yuanming can always do it successfully.

"Although the alliance between the parties still continues, they have never been able to maintain the same status as before in this battle."

Lishuang looked at Guan Yuanming and said, "If the alliance leader is not here, I'm afraid they will not continue to cooperate."

"It's even possible that some of the previous conflicts may cause them to be in trouble in subsequent battles.

There is no way to continue to cooperate. Instead, they will each fight for their own ideas. "

This is the only possibility before them, and it is also the highest probability.

Not to mention the conflict between Heavenly Court and the Demon Clan, the conflict between Heavenly Court and the Demon Clan is also profound.

Although what came here this time was the Changting Army led by Changting Hou.

But no matter what, it is still a power affiliated with heaven.

Not to mention that the Heavenly Court relied on the Changting Army to suppress the current demon clan.

The conflicts between them have been going on for a long time.

So of course there is no way to get a good solution to the situation after this. At the moment, it seems that all hopes are pinned on the person in front of him.

"Actually, the master has already guessed such a result a long time ago, and everyone's performance so far has not disappointed him."

Guan Yuanming looked at Lishuang in front of him and said with a smile.

"Although the alliance can help us solve part of the problem, in the end there is no way to fundamentally solve the problem. Think about it, will these people really be willing to cooperate with us?"

Guan Yuanming's words also silenced Lishuang.

Of course, everyone in the alliance has given in, but now due to various disputes on the battlefield, their situation has become more dangerous. Who can guarantee how they can persist in the future.

If there is no way to guarantee it, then what will happen next? Knowing all this in their hearts, they should naturally understand what they should do.

“So looking at the most fundamental problem, we now have no way to do as well as we did before.

Relaxed. "

"The final result of this war is something none of us could have imagined, and the master is now using other ways to solve the problem."

"So we must not cause him any trouble. Let's solve these problems by ourselves."

Guan Yuanming's eyes were extremely determined. Even though it was very difficult to do this, he had no intention of backing down at this moment.

Li Shuang originally wanted to say something, but seeing Guan Yuanming in this state, of course she could only remain silent.

She and Guan Yuanming are the same. Of course, they hope that Lin Yun can solve all this smoothly.

On the other side, Lin Yun's understanding of Dantian Xinghai has reached a new level at this moment. Even he did not expect that Dantian Xinghai could be opened so smoothly.

Although Lin Yun had a world in his body before, there was no way to give birth to a higher life.

Moreover, the environment of the entire world can be said to be quite bad. For many people, there is no way to survive.

But as Lin Yun becomes stronger and stronger, his ability to control these has reached a very powerful level.

This is an excellent opportunity for Lin Yun to change his destiny.

As a result, Lin Yun began to transform his Dantian Xinghai one by one. At this moment, the Dantian Xinghai was like a huge universe.

This universe began to change after its birth, and now it has become a truly vast sea of ​​stars.

"Now I can transfer the outside humans here to ensure that they

As long as I don't die, they won't have any problems. "

Lin Yun looked at his Dantian Xinghai and murmured in a low voice. Even if he was killed, the fact that his body did not rot would ensure that this universe would still exist.

"I originally thought you were just joking, but I didn't expect that you actually did it."

It can be said that Chong Qingniao witnessed Lin Yun transforming the entire world into what it is now step by step.

Even he found it unbelievable. Lin Yun was simply crazy. He had never even thought about the impact of such a thing.

But I have to admit that Lin Yun may really be able to change the pattern of the entire world.

"There is no way. If we want to truly save this world, perhaps we can only try to use this method. Who knows what is waiting for us in the God Realm."

"If the divine world is really a peaceful and peaceful world, of course we have nothing to say and can accept it happily."

"But if the so-called God Realm is a huge conspiracy, then we must be prepared to deal with it in this battle."

Of course, transferring so many practitioners to his Dantian Star Sea is not just to protect them.

At the same time, Lin Yun can also use their Yuan Power to make himself stronger.

In this way, both parties have achieved a mutually reinforcing effect and given everyone the ability to fight.

It can be said that this is an unprecedented and unprecedented idea, and it also allows Lin Yun's combat effectiveness to reach a top-notch mechanism.

In this state, Lin Yun could not

I have no idea who can break my own methods.

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