The big demon said at this time: "Those guys do seem to be right."

"You can be said to be a genius. You have completely surpassed other people's knowledge on many issues."

"But even if you have successfully changed the cards you are currently holding, it is still difficult to complete the follow-up things. How can you make others believe in you?"

Lin Yun can indeed make these people in Yaoguang Ancient Territory obey his arrangements.

But what about the universe?

The problem now is that Lin Yun not only wants to transfer all the creatures in the entire Yaoguang Ancient Territory to his Dantian Star Sea, but also wants to place all the heavens and worlds in his Dantian Star Sea.

"It depends on how confident they are that they can deal with the problems in the God Realm."

"Since all the worlds have begun to pursue the secrets of the God Realm a long time ago, they must know many clues about this."

"And what I have to do now is to combine the information I have to let everyone know what kind of existence the God Realm is."

After mastering too much information, Lin Yun now has no trust in this so-called divine world that pursues the path to immortality.

In his opinion, the God Realm is likely to be a huge disaster.

Once the gate to the God Realm is opened, it means that not only the Yaoguang Ancient Domain, but also all the heavens and worlds will be in danger of destruction.

Of course, Lin Yun does not exclude the possibility that some of these heavens and worlds are voluntary.

But at least some of them were kept in the dark.

But no matter what, if Lin Yun prevents them from entering God

boundary, that means preventing them from moving forward.

"I will negotiate with them head-on. If we can all come to an agreement on this issue, this is of course the best. If we can't come to an agreement, we have to see who has the stronger fist."

Although Lin Yun failed to successfully break through to the Tianzun realm this time.

But the improvement of his own strength has indeed reached a new height.

As for what it will become after this, it is no longer related to Lin Yun.

The big demon said: "Although you have not yet reached the realm of Heavenly Lord, ordinary Heavenly Lords cannot hold out for long in front of you. After all, when you explode with all your strength, the combat power produced can be said to be quite terrifying."

No one knew how powerful Lin Yun was in combat at this time.

But only these big demons who have been with Lin Yun for a long time know it clearly.

Although this young man has not yet reached the realm of Tianzun, his fighting power has already surpassed the realm of Tianzun.

Even his destructive power in a battle is completely beyond ordinary people's imagination.

If these opponents had not been able to predict this, they would have been severely injured by Lin Yun during the battle.

"I don't want to fight them. Now it seems that the risks I am about to face are even greater. I must unite the power of the entire world to deal with this next trouble."

"Although my idea is a bit crazy, if it succeeds, maybe it can really solve all this smoothly."

At this moment, Lin Yun couldn't help but feel quite proud of himself. So many ancient powerful men had already tasted it.

I tried various methods but could not avoid the risk.

All living beings in the universe are heading for destruction in their own way.

And what Lin Yun is going to do now is absolutely without exception. It can be said that he has opened up a path that has never been done before or since.

It can even guarantee that everyone can have a new life.

This is why he is so proud now.

When Lin Yun came out of the cave, he immediately felt the terrifying aura fluctuations around him.

The Four Heavenly Kings have successfully returned.

And they did find many clues in all the worlds.

But there is no doubt that even they are feeling some pressure now.

Lin Yun took a slight step forward, flashed his figure, and arrived at the main hall in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, everyone who was discussing in the main hall was stunned.

Although Lin Yun does not seem to have improved in a big way now, there is no doubt that the use of his own power has reached a new height.

This is also due to the changes in the Dantian Star Sea. Now the huge universe in the Dantian Star Sea has already been able to feed Lin Yun back.

"It seems like something very serious has happened recently."

Lin Yun glanced at the frowning Guan Yuanming and knew that the current situation was not optimistic.

Guan Yuanming also nodded at this time.

"Originally, everyone united with each other to fight together, so that we could withstand most of the enemy's attacks, but the situation today is different from before. We seem to be in a very passive situation."

"Everyone is fighting against each other. I'm afraid we won't be able to cooperate like before."

Guan Yuanming looked at Lin Yun when he said this

It was also quite helpless. Naturally, he didn't want to see this result.

But they have to admit that sometimes some things are beyond their imagination.

Seeing Guan Yuanming like this, Lin Yun could only shake his head helplessly.

"So when this matter becomes what it is now, you should always think of a way to solve the problem no matter what."

Lin Yun didn't expect that the current situation would turn out like this. Did he just retreat for a while, causing the entire alliance to fall apart?

Although Lin Yun knew that it would eventually turn out like this, he didn't expect that it would happen so quickly. However, the real reason lies in the sky survey machine.

He didn't seem to hope that Lin Yun could completely change his destiny.

Or maybe there are other considerations that lead to the collapse of the entire alliance.

These people in the upper world are always thinking about themselves.

"I have tried many ways, but there is no way to prevent the situation from becoming like this. Master, please punish me."

Guan Yuanming stood up and looked at Lin Yun. At this time, he could only ask Lin Yun to forgive him. After all, he had worked very hard.

At this moment, Lin Yun raised his head and laughed loudly.

At the same time, the four heavenly kings have also told clues about the heavens and the worlds. It is true that they are much weaker than the heavens and the worlds.

What's more important is that although the world is still in civil war, some powerful worlds have begun to mobilize forces to deal with them.

Once these powerful forces come to the entire Yaoguang Ancient Territory, the consequences can be imagined.

With the current strength of our alliance, it is very likely that they will not be able to withstand it at all.

After all, the upper world is always paddling.

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