Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 328: The Snipe and the Clam Fight

At this time, Qi Hengtian didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at all, but he didn't choose to dodge.

Instead, he opened his hands at this moment, preparing to use his body to forcefully catch the arrow.

This scene can be said to be very shocking to Lin Yun.

Originally, his purpose was just to divert trouble to the east, but he didn't expect that Qi Hengtian would dare to go through such trouble.

But just when Qi Hengtian thought he could withstand the blow.

The arrow flying in front of him seemed to be alive, and it slipped out of his hand when he turned a corner.

Qi Hengtian and Huang Zelin were both stunned. This was the first time they saw such an arrow that could turn.

But it only took a moment for Qi Hengtian to realize what the other party's purpose was.

He subconsciously rushed forward, wanting to stop this moment, even at any cost, all his strength exploded.

But even so, Qi Hengtian was still too late.

The arrow passed over Qi Hengtian and hit the seven-color sky-swallowing python directly.

The seven-color sky-swallowing python that was sleeping suddenly erupted into a terrifying roar the next moment.

The originally silent forest of lies was completely boiling.

"Who dares to beat me without knowing anything about life and death?"

The seven-color sky-swallowing python asked angrily, its blood-red eyes quickly focused on Qi Hengtian, who was quickly rushing towards Qi Hengtian who had exploded with all his power.

A man and a beast, their eyes facing each other.

Qi Hengtian's figure also stopped in place at this moment.

"I said I was going to help you resist attacks, would you believe me?"

Looking at the angry seven-color sky-swallowing python, Qi Hengtian could be said to be extremely embarrassed.

He didn't want to fight the seven-color sky-swallowing python.

So now I can only be humble


Who would have thought that the expression on the face of such a big python as the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python is still very anthropomorphic.

He just looked up and down.

It seems that they are determining whether Qi Hengtian has this ability.

But soon, the seven-color sky-swallowing python lost its patience.

He didn't hesitate and swung his thick tail.

The few disciples of the Red Ghost Sect who were standing at the front had no time to defend themselves and were smashed into pulp by the tail of the seven-color sky-swallowing python.

How terrifying is a completely crazy seven-color sky-swallowing python?

No one knows this.

Even Lin Yun felt that a strong man in the yin and yang realm could deal with the seven-color sky-swallowing python.

Although I may not have complete confidence to win, I won't be at a disadvantage either.

But when the seven-color sky-swallowing python went crazy, he still felt that his thinking was too simple.

The younger brothers around Qi Hengtian and Huang Zelin could barely hold on for a few rounds before being killed directly by the seven-color sky-swallowing python.

Although the remaining Huang Zelin and Qi Hengtian can barely block it.

But the situation of the two of them is definitely not that good.

Faced with Qi Hengtian who kept attacking them.

The status of these two people can be said to be in jeopardy now.

Qi Hengtian and Huang Zelin both knew that the current situation was pressing, and what they saw was just a microcosm.

But they didn't have any good ideas.

Lin Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

It seems that the seven-color sky-swallowing python is completely able to suppress Qi Hengtian and Huang Zelin.

This would save Lin Yun a lot of trouble.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Yun could take a good look at how powerful this Yin-Yang realm master is.


It is quite rare for a strong man of this level to fight, even if you look at the entire Qianlong Continent. "

"Now, your boy can get a glimpse of it from here."

"This can be considered a promotion for you."

Zhou Damao smiled and said that they really got a lot of benefits this time, and they also successfully caused trouble for the enemy.

Seeing the seven-color sky-swallowing python crazily beating Qi Hengtian and Huang Zelin, they felt happy in their hearts.

At this time, Qi Hengtian and Huang Zelin were also very depressed.

Qi Hengtian didn't think it was anything.

After all, with his strength here, he still had room to maneuver when facing the seven-color sky-swallowing python in front of him.

But Huang Zelin obviously didn't have such good luck.

Although Huang Zelin's strength was not bad, he was unable to cross the realm of ten thousand laws.

Therefore, he was quite embarrassed when faced with the attack of the seven-color sky-swallowing python.

If you are not careful, you may lose your life.

If Qi Hengtian wasn't there to help him solve some troubles, he might have died here long ago.

"There's no way we can keep fighting this guy here."

"And he couldn't hear what we were saying."

Qi Hengtian's voice was cold.

Given the strength of the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python, even if Qi Hengtian went all out, it would be impossible to kill the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python.

The best way now is to seize the time and leave this place of right and wrong.

"If you don't want to get into trouble, get out of this damn place now."

Qi Hengtian couldn't wait to escape from this place.

If it weren't for the seven-color sky-swallowing python biting him tightly, I'm afraid he would have left long ago.

And for the person who was hiding behind the scenes and causing this disaster, he

Naturally, he hated it deeply.

This kid not only stole so many of his treasures, but now he even wanted to kill him in this way. How could Qi Hengtian allow this to happen?

If he is allowed to escape from here, he will definitely pursue him to the ends of the earth with all his strength.

On the other side, Lin Yun knew after watching for a moment that this battle would not be acceptable in a short time.

"Senior Brother Zhou, there is no point in us being here."

"That guy has no intention of fighting the seven-color sky-swallowing python."

Lin Yun had already seen through Qi Hengtian's thoughts. This guy was just stalling for time and thinking about leaving.

This is not good news for Lin Yun. Naturally, he cannot continue to be delayed in this place at the moment, but must seize the time to leave.

Zhou Damao nodded, understanding what Lin Yun meant.

Soon the group left as quickly as possible.

On the other side of the battlefield, the battle between Qi Hengtian and the seven-color sky-swallowing python is still intense, and there may not be a winner in a short time.

The reason why Lin Yun was so anxious to leave was because he knew Qi Hengtian would not die.

Although the seven-color sky-swallowing python is very powerful, no matter what method Lin Yun uses to promote the development of this matter.

In the end, Qi Hengtian was only able to be injured from this incident.

For a strong man of his level, just getting injured would have no impact at all.

Therefore, Lin Yun was too lazy to continue troubled here.

When the seven-color sky-swallowing python frees its hand, Lin Yun will not end well.

So leaving here is obviously the smartest choice.

However, after all the trouble just now, the Seven Colored Sky-Swallowing Python no longer had time to cause trouble for them in a short period of time.


The three people wandered into the forest of lies and have not left until now.

But after the seven-color sky-swallowing python roared just now.

All beasts are galloping in the forest of lies.

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