Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 329 The Emperor's Legitimacy

The seven-color sky-swallowing python is so terrifying, just one roar can scare so many creatures.

Some creatures that Lin Yun had never seen before began to surge towards the other side quickly.

The seven-color sky-swallowing python is the tyrant of the forest of lies.

Now that it has awakened, these creatures naturally do not dare to stay here, lest they be targeted by the seven-color sky-swallowing python.

On the way out of the Forest of Lies, Zhou Damao suddenly said.

"According to my previous understanding."

"That guy is probably also an ancient remnant."

Many people believe that the races that existed in ancient times have long since disappeared from this world.

Or maybe they were driven to other dimensions.

But through their close and gradual understanding, you will slowly discover the situation.

It doesn't seem to be what they thought.

These creatures that were supposed to be permanently expelled did not completely disappear.

On the contrary, they have integrated well into the human world and have always followed human rules.

Then, within the constraints of this rule, keep yourself within a safe range.

This way you can survive well.

Of course, if both sides can avoid conflict.

So this way of living is not a bad thing.

But the contradiction between the two sides is huge enough, and these surviving ancient survivors will not forget their past experiences.

So there was a series of things that followed.

They will defeat all their enemies in this way.

When hearing this answer, Lin Yun also quite agreed.

"I have had this suspicion a long time ago. These ancient relics did not have

All have left this world, and now the remaining part here seems to be brewing a huge conspiracy. "

"All this is most likely related to the Red Ghost Sect."

In the end, it seems that the source of all things has come to the side of the Red Ghost Sect.

This made Lin Yun become curious, what exactly did the leader of the Red Ghost Sect want to do?

Seemingly simple things.

In fact, they all hide huge troubles.

"We are really becoming more and more unable to see through this leader of the Red Ghost Sect."

I don't know how much time passed, but the three people finally came out of the Forest of Lies.

And behind them, terrifying energy is still spreading out.

It seems that the battle between the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python and Qi Hengtian has also escalated.

Qi Hengtian wanted to escape, but how could the seven-color sky-swallowing python that was awakened let Qi Hengtian leave.

However, Lin Yun and others left easily.

"Where are you going to look for those guys from the Red Ghost Sect next?"

Zhou Damao looked around.

The Red Ghost Sect is acting strangely and cautiously this time. I am afraid it will be difficult for them to find any clues about the Red Ghost Sect.

However, Lin Yun is relatively optimistic.

"Don't rush to find them yet."

"We'll just wait here for a while."

Lin Yun gained so much confidence in this forest of lies.

But there is no time to digest it yet, so the top priority is naturally to increase his strength again.

No matter what the Red Ghost Sect is here for.

But they will definitely resonate with the entire world. At that time, Lin Yun will only need to trace the past according to the source.

Zhou Damao also had to admit that although Lin Yun's method was stupid, it was the most effective one at the moment.


So the three people found a relatively safe cave.

Seal the door.

That’s how I started practicing inside.

The battle between the seven-color sky-swallowing python and Qi Hengtian shocked the entire ancient forbidden land.

At this time, it was at the northern end of the ancient forbidden land.

In the large camp, a man in black robe was looking at the map coldly.


"Are you sure this map is correct?"

When the man spoke, his cold eyes swept over the other people present one by one.

Everyone he saw lowered their heads in fear.

The person in front of him is one of the four ghost kings of the Red Ghost Sect.

Transformed into a ghost, Mao Ye.

Mao Ye's strength cannot be underestimated, and this time he is the main commander of the entire operation.

It's just that Mao Ye thought that this operation was foolproof, and they would soon find what they wanted here.

But the result still gave Mao Ye a headache.

After wasting so many days here, they still couldn't find any clues. If they continued like this, they would have no way to explain to the sect leader.

"We've spent a lot of time and resources here."

"In order to protect this place, so many people have died. I advise you elders to find a way."

At this moment, a terrifying wave of energy spread out.

Mao Ye's expression changed.

Apparently he also noticed the changes in the Forest of Lies.

"It seems that we are not the only strong ones in this forest of lies."

"That boy from the Beast Control Sect is probably here with support."

Mao Ye sneered.

He also knew a lot about Lin Yun.

So it's not surprising now.

When Lin Yun appears

While here, Mao Ye knew it was time to have a good fight with this kid.

The few people next to him also stood aside and did not dare to speak.

Only the old man at the front asked: "How could a good person from the Beast Control Sect get involved in this matter?"

"Lin Yun was also called here by His Majesty the Emperor. Shouldn't his current task be to deal with King Zuo Cheng?"

When Mao Ye heard this, he looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Indeed, his mission is to be King Zuo."

"But based on the current situation of the Daye Dynasty, who do you think can be the opponent of King Zuo Cheng?"

For so many years, King Zuo Cheng has secretly colluded with various forces and has long been unstoppable.

Therefore, if His Majesty the Emperor wants to deal with King Zuo Cheng, he can only rely on other forces.

Others may not know.

But Mao Ye knew.

The current emperor cannot move that power, which is one of the reasons why Lin Yun stares at their Red Ghost Sect.

He just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to get the things in the tomb in front of him.

"Hmph, it seems that the information I had before was correct. The current Dog Emperor is not the orthodox inheritance of the royal family."

"Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to handle even a small test."

Mao Ye smiled coldly: "However, we can't let down our guard now and ask your people to go over there and see what's going on."

"Remember, the other party is most likely a master of the Yin and Yang realm, so try not to cause trouble."

Although there are strong men on the Red Ghost Sect's side.

But there was no intention to take action yet, and Mao Ye did not dare to let down his guard too much.

Several elders around him nodded in agreement and did not dare to refute.

Seeing this, Mao Ye smiled with satisfaction.

Next, let’s take a look at Lin

What else can Yun do?

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