Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 330 This wave really made a lot of money

Lin Yun didn't expect that this time it would go so smoothly.

He was already prepared for trouble.

But they didn't expect that although they did encounter danger, they still managed to survive it.

However, he was even more suspicious of Qi Hengtian's identity.

It’s not just the cultivation that is tyrannical.

What he left here is also quite precious.

It's just that he doesn't understand if all these rare treasures belong to Qi Hengtian.

So why here?

Of course, no one can answer Lin Yun's question now.

He glanced at Zhou Damao and Fang Yu'er beside him.

There is no movement from the Red Ghost Sect yet, and I don’t know what these guys are doing.

With the help of these rare treasures, Lin Yun has now cultivated Dahe Sword Technique to the eighth level.

At this point, Lin Yun could already feel that Dahe's swordsmanship was about to reach its upper limit.

The Ten Thousand Flowers Sword Technique is also similar.

Only the Qingyuan Sword Technique and the self-created Seven Kills Sword Technique still have the possibility of further improvement.

But now, what Lin Yun needs to do is to achieve another breakthrough.

Half a year ago, Lin Yun's Hunyuan Sword Embryo Heart Technique had reached the fourth level.

After the fourth level, Lin Yun can master five sword techniques at the same time, but he has no practice for the time being.

Lin Yun's top priority is to practice the Hunyuan Sword Fetal Heart Technique to the fifth level.

At the same time, Qingyuan Sword Technique must also be upgraded to the fifth level.

During this year of training, Lin Yun's strength and cultivation have improved significantly.

But if you want to deal with these more powerful and mysterious opponents, these are still far from enough.

Chong Qingniao said at this time: "I'm afraid it will take some time for the two of them to wake up.


When he said this, Chong Qingniao also admired Lin Yun a little.

The energy contained in so many heavenly materials and earthly treasures was very terrifying, so Lin Yun snatched some of them and gave them to Zhou Damao.

And because Fang Yu'er also helped, she also got some benefits.

As for the remaining things, it would take an average practitioner ten days and a half to fully absorb them.

But Lin Yun is different from everyone else.

He was like a terrifying black hole, swallowing up all this energy in an instant.

Lin Yun did not tell Chong Qingniao his true situation.

Of course, this is something he just discovered.

His body was like a sponge. After these heavenly materials and earthly treasures were refined, they integrated into his body at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Yun's body will gradually absorb these transformed powers as time goes by.

But Lin Yun had a bold idea.

That is to take advantage of this opportunity to attack the Hunyuan Sword Embryo Heart Technique.

If he could do it, Lin Yun would be confident that he could escape from the masters of Yin and Yang realms.

It's not like this time he just had this opportunity with the help of the seven-color sky-swallowing python.

"I want to try to break through Qingyuan Sword Technique. In this process, I need a protector."

Although this decision was very bold.

But now is an excellent opportunity to use these powers to push yourself to a higher level in one fell swoop.

On the other side, when Lin Yun and Zhou Damao entered the tomb.

Everyone in the Daye Dynasty was very shocked.

Neither King Zuo Cheng nor Chen Suning thought that Lin Yun would suddenly make such a decision.

The degree of danger in the tomb,

They had heard about it before.

So many people died, but in the end they were all buried.

Therefore, they naturally did not think that Lin Yun could escape unharmed.

In the palace.

Chen Suning paced back and forth anxiously.

The situation is urgent.

Chen Suning also had to think of other ways to look at Lin Yun's tone.

But the person standing in front of him at this time was no one else.

It was Duan Wuya, the second elder of the Beast Control Sect.

"I don't know how Elder Duan views this matter."

"But I have already told you how dangerous the tomb is."

Duan Wuya just smiled lightly when he heard this.

"Actually, His Majesty already understands this in his heart."

"Of course your Majesty knows what kind of character Lin Yun is. If he is really in danger, how can Lin Yun be easily suspected of being implicated with his character?"

Duan Wuya was very confident in Lin Yun's strength, and he also knew what kind of character this boy was.

If he really encountered trouble, Lin Yun would never act rashly like this.

What's more, this time he went there with Zhou Damao.

Duan Wuya is still very relieved about these two people.

Although Chen Suning still has many problems.

But looking at Duan Wuya's current state, he understood that he would be wrong if he spoke too much, so he could only ask Duan Wuya to bring a few disciples of the Beast Control Sect to find out.

Of course, this incident affects more than just Chen Suning.

King Zuo Cheng also secretly arranged his own manpower to find out Lin Yun's current situation.

The two of them had been collaborating before. King Zuo Cheng thought everything was going smoothly, but who knew that Lin Yun would go to the grave himself in the middle of the process.

Of course he also wanted to send someone there, but he didn't understand the situation below at all.

He lost several dollars one after another.

In this way, King Zuo Cheng realized the seriousness of the problem.

Lin Yun is very likely to know what is going on below.

That's why he went down to find out so openly. After all, this was not a problem for him.

But even so, King Zuo Cheng could never treat this matter as never happening.

Since everyone wants to find out, he must not fall behind.

For a time, the whole Wangjing was turbulent.

All forces from all sides are gathered here.

At this time, as the initiator of everything, Lin Yun was devoting himself wholeheartedly to cultivation.

Although the Ten Thousand Ghost Array failed to be successfully displayed.

But the danger in this tomb is still unimaginable.

All forces sent some strong men to find out, but they all failed.

Because of this, no one dared to go in for a while.

But Lin Yun can't control so many things here.

When Zhou Damao and Fang Yu'er woke up, they were surprised to find that Lin Yun was still sleeping.

However, they saw the Chongqingniao guarding Lin Yun.


After Zhou Damao saw Chong Qingniao, he immediately stood up and bowed.

Chongqingniao just snorted lightly.

Did you see it?

This is like a true younger generation.

That guy like Lin Yun not only didn't attack him at all when he saw him.

Instead, they treated him like a tool and shouted around.

Fang Yu'er was a little nervous when she saw Chong Qingniao.

Although she doesn't know him.

But he can feel the power of Chongqingniao.

Chong Qingniao glanced at Lin Yun and then said.

"Don't worry, this kid is fine, it's just

But it is breaking through the realm. "

"I'm afraid this will take some time."

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