Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 347 The World Inside the Tower

Lin Yun naturally did not dare to act rashly, and there was no way to deal with Qi Hengtian now.

Then we have no choice but to cooperate with Qi Hengtian.

According to Qi Heng's method, the one he has to deal with right now is Qing Cang.

Qi Hengtian and Qing Cang had already forged a grudge a long time ago.

But Qi Hengtian was not that easy to deal with at that time, so even Qing Cang Xinzhong was extremely unhappy with him.

But in the end, there was nothing he could do to take Qi Hengtian.

And what Qi Hengtian has to do this time is to defeat them one by one.

Lin Yun certainly didn't understand these things about Qi Heng.

But he could only let it go. Anyway, no matter what he said now, Qi Hengtian would definitely not listen to him.

But that night, just after Qi Heng fell asleep, Lin Yun felt something sound ringing in his ears.

Then he felt strong energy fluctuations.

In Yujiali?

When Lin Yun took it out, he was surprised to find that it was the Eight Realms Tower.

The Chongqingniao also made a curious sound.

"This thing has been in the Beast Control Sect many years ago."

"But no one has ever been able to use it."

"I didn't expect that it would flourish in your hands."

Lin Yun did not speak, but glanced at Qi Hengtian cautiously.

Perhaps because he was very confident in his own strength, there was no movement at all from Qi Hengtian.

Lin Yun, on the other hand, gently placed a hand on the Eight Realms Tower.

Sure enough, the sound came from inside the Eight Realms Tower.

Just when Lin Yun was thinking about how to communicate with the other party, everything suddenly started to spin.

Then he was in a different place.

Looking around, it was probably certain that he seemed to have been absorbed into the Eight Realms Tower.

Only then did Lin Yun finally see the Eight Realms Tower clearly.

What exactly is being held inside?

In front of him was a huge iron door.

It was gloomy inside.

Lin Yun couldn't see clearly what kind of monster it was, but he could only see its big blood-red eyes, staring at him.

Then he let out a low roar.

"I didn't expect that the owner of the Eight Realm Tower Heart would be a waste like you."

"It's really upsetting."

"A waste like you can actually control the Eight Realms Tower."

After the owner of the voice finished speaking, he banged the iron door hard.

I don’t know what this iron gate is made of, but it doesn’t move at all.

The next moment, a spiritual light lit up on the iron door.

Then the monster screamed and retreated.

And Lin Yun thought of Erzu's voice again in his mind.

"Zun Huangyuan?"

Just three words.

But Lin Yun could hear Ezu's shock.

Although it is still unclear what the identity of Huang Yuanzun is.

But it can probably be guessed that in very ancient times, this guy's strength should not be bad.

It can even be said to be famous.

But why exactly is he being imprisoned here?

"You know him."

Erzu was silent for a while.

"Huang Yuanzun is a famous demon emperor in ancient times!"

The guys Lin Yun met now were just demon kings.

But the man in front of him is the famous Demon King.

The strength gap between the two can be imagined, and it is no wonder that Huang Yuanzun is so amazing.

He is a demon king.

Now it has fallen into the hands of a human being in the realm of Tongyou.

No matter who it is, they will naturally find it ridiculous.

Lin Yun looked around.

On this first floor, there are actually six vacant iron cells.

Does that mean

Can I catch six more?

When he thought of this, Lin Yun immediately became excited. Even before that, he knew that the Eight Realms Tower definitely had a history.

Now it seems that this is indeed the case, maybe in the subsequent battles.

You can also use the Eight Realm Tower to directly trap all the so-called demon kings and demon kings here.

At that time, no matter who they are, they will be plucked up by Lin Yun before being released.

When this idea flashed through Lin Yun's mind, a soft voice sounded.

"Master, you can indeed let them out."

"But these guys are all extremely vicious. Once they leave, it will be very difficult to catch them."

"And there's a good chance they'll attack and kill you too."

It turned out to be the voice of the Eight Realms Tower.

Hearing the sound of the Eight Realm Tower, Lin Yun breathed a sigh of relief before thinking that he knew nothing about the situation here, and even if he wanted to use the power of the Eight Realm Tower, it would be difficult to do so.

Now that you can communicate with the Eight Realms Tower, everything will naturally be simple.

"Eight Realms Tower, is there any way I can capture all those so-called demon kings?"

Bajie Pagoda said: "There are two possibilities for being imprisoned."

"The first possibility is that the other party came in voluntarily."

"The second reason is that he was forcibly taken in by his master."

"But this second reason requires the owner to have enough power to make them lose the ability to resist."

"Of course, attacking them when they are weak will have the same effect."

Lin Yun was a little disappointed.

Now it is confirmed that the Eight Realms Tower can indeed imprison that person

Some so-called demon kings.

But it is not easy to capture them with Lin Yun's power.

After all, they are all demon kings.

"Master, but the little tower still has some power from the previous generation of masters."

"I can help you catch some demon king-level ones, and it shouldn't have much of an impact."

"But if you overuse the power of the previous generation of masters, the monsters imprisoned in the small tower will be released one by one!"

After hearing Xiaota's answer, the expression on Lin Yun's face became more solemn.

At first, I thought it was a treasure that would allow me to easily catch all those unruly beasts.

But now it seems that this is simply a time bomb.

The small tower does have extremely strong power, but at the same time, Lin Yun must also have symmetrical strength.

If he can't do it, any monster released from this small tower will kill him without a burial place.

Take the current Huang Yuanzun as an example.

That is definitely not something Lin Yun can deal with.

"Small tower, on which floors above are there people detained?"

Xiaota answered in the affirmative.

This made Lin Yun break into cold sweat on his back.

In other words, the guys above should be more powerful than this.

It’s unbelievable. What kind of existence is being imprisoned on the top floor of the small tower?

And who was the owner of the small tower of the previous generation?

How could this thing be living in a place like the Beast Control Sect?

There are too many questions that Lin Yun cannot determine now.

But the urgent matter was, and there was nothing he could do.

Sure enough, he still had to become stronger to survive in this troubled world.

When Lin Yun came out of the Eight Realms Tower, Qi Hengtian was still sleeping.

He hurriedly put away eight

Boundary Tower.

Although it is a threat, it is indeed a big help now.

At least you don't have to worry too much when facing those demon kings.

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