Early the next morning.

Qi Hengtian just woke up and found that Lin Yun was still asleep.

This is completely different from before.

After forming a team with him, Lin Yun has always practiced diligently and never missed a day.

But this time in front of Qi Hengtian, it was like a different person.

Qi Hengtian stared at Lin Yun suspiciously.

At this time, Lin Yun opened his eyes as if he felt something.

He slowly stood up from the ground, facing Qi Hengtian who looked hostile, but still remained calm.

This time, Qi Hengtian was even more sure that this boy must know something.

Or maybe he has acquired some powerful means, so he can be so relaxed about himself.

"It seems that having you here is not a good thing. You seem to be different."

Qi Hengtian frowned, although he was confused.

But he didn't know what Lin Yun had done.

And Lin Yun didn't bother to explain. Yesterday, he had learned many ways to use it from the Eight Realms Tower.

At the same time, he ate all the spiritual roots dug out from the ground.

This also suddenly made his cultivation level grow a bit.

You will soon be able to reach the third level.

"Aren't you going to deal with Qingcang?"

"If we don't hurry up, I'm afraid we won't have that chance."

Lin Yun asked with a kind smile.

Seeing Lin Yun's serious look, Qi Hengtian felt unhappy.

But I also know that Lin Yun is right now.

With Qingcang's character, there must be help from others around him, and he could just use Lin Yun to temporarily hold off a demon king.

And when Qingcang had no one to help him, he just happened to kill that damn guy.

The two of them made up their minds.

Looking for

On the way to find Qingcang, Qi Hengtian was observing Lin Yun all the time.

He really wanted to know what Lin Yun got that could make him change his mentality in an instant.

But in the next few days, Qi Hengtian still couldn't understand the reason.

Qi Hengtian seemed to know Qing Cang very well and had long known that Qing Cang would definitely go to the northern area.

"That guy has always hoped that he could successfully break through the realm."

"But it's a pity that his talent was flawed from the very beginning."

"So you just have to go there and look for the magic bullet."

If Qingcang really finds a panacea to make up for his shortcomings, his power will naturally increase.

But unfortunately, in passive terms, the likelihood of this happening is very low.

There are indeed many miraculous elixirs buried here in the Blazing Fire Underground Palace.

But that was also a long time ago.

As so many years have passed, the panacea in it has long been exhausted.

The ancient forbidden land is really too big.

Even though it was just a broken world, there were far more ancient remnants living here than they thought.

This is something Lin Yun has determined after so many days of observation.

"I wonder if senior knows about the Qiluo people."

Lin Yun originally thought that Qi Hengtian and the Qiluo people should be related.

But when Qi Hengtian heard the words Qiluo Ren, his expression changed.

"Where did you hear this?"

Obviously, the Qiluo people are quite rare existences even among these ancient relics.

No wonder he was so surprised when he heard Lin Yun say these three words clearly.

"The Qianlong Continent's

It is indeed missing a lot of records about ancient history, but it is a pity that I have traveled to many places in Qianlong Continent. "

"By chance, I still learned a lot about the past."

Hearing Lin Yun's answer, Qi Hengtian was obviously a little surprised.

After so many years, humans completely dominated that continent.

So the first thing they did was to completely disappear those ancient races into the river.

So much so that humans now naively believe that they are born to be the masters of this continent.

They have long forgotten that there are more ferocious existences above them.

I didn't expect that the human being in front of me could know these things.

"You're more interesting than those idiots."

"They are still immersed in their dreams, thinking that those ancient survivors who have been driven away will never return to Qianlong Continent."

Lin Yun asked: "Since they have been driven away, is there still a way to come back?"

"According to my understanding, they should be locked up in another dimension now."

Qi Hengtian just used a very simple explanation.

The lotus root is broken and the silk is connected.

No matter how it is divided.

In the end, there is no way to separate it cleanly.

And their return is only a matter of time.

Just like the ancient forbidden land, it still exists here after so many years.

Lin Yun remained silent.

He still doesn't know how many powerful existences there are in the ancient forbidden land.

If Qi Hengtian has nothing to do with the Qiluo people, then who is the real leader of the Qiluo people?

Just when Lin Yun was thinking about this question, the two of them bumped into Qing Cang.

At this time, Qingcang looked a little panicked.

when he looks

When Qi Hengtian and Lin Yun appeared in front of him, they were obviously surprised.

However, he did not choose to greet the two people, but directly prepared to pass in front of them.

Seeing this, Qi Hengtian sneered.

I saw him wave his left hand.

A spear directly blocked Qingcang's escape direction.

"What's the matter? Do you want to leave without saying hello?"

Qing Cang stopped.

"Qi Hengtian."

"I have more important things to do now. You'd better not cause trouble, or I'll kill you."

Qing Cang said this with disbelief on his face.

Lin Yun immediately looked at Qing Cang.

【Name】: Qing Cang

[Realm]: Yin and Yang realm

[Fate]: Holy Body with Broken Body (Gold)

[Fate]: Born with a disability (black), ruthless (white), murderous (blue)

[Holy Body of Broken Body]: Your body has been mutilated since birth, so you are unable to fully exert this power. But if it can be completed one day, it will have even greater power.

[Born with a disability]: Although you are born with flaws, your flaws make your other talents more powerful.

[Cruel and ruthless]: You are ruthless and will show no mercy to any enemy. Usually, there is basically no other possibility for things that are handled by your hands.

[Killing like hemp]: You are naturally tired of human beings, so countless humans have died in your hands, and you really like to torture them before they die.

[Ending]: He was chased in the northern area and ran away, but bumped into Qi Hengtian who was pursuing him, and finally died in Qi Hengtian's hands.

[Recent turning point]: Lost because of stealing ancient sword techniques

Defeated and chased by the Dacheng beast body!

After seeing Qingcang's panel, Lin Yun immediately realized that his opportunity had come.

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