Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 350: Successfully seized the treasure!

On the other side, Lin Yun rushed out of the battlefield, and after leaving, he rushed towards the direction Qing Cang came from.

On the way, he saw a ferocious monster rushing towards the battlefield.

However, the monster also glanced at Lin Yun while running.

They probably felt that Lin Yun's level of strength was too weak, so they didn't take it to heart. Instead, this allowed Lin Yun to pass smoothly.

Lin Yun would not let go of such a good opportunity.

According to Qingcang, the monster is very powerful.

Even a demon king like him couldn't bear it.

However, Qing Cang and Qi Hengtian helped Lin Yun attract great hatred this time.

Lin Yun continued walking forward for nearly a quarter of an hour.

Soon he saw an ancient sect ruins.

This should be the place Qing Cang mentioned before.

It's just that there were originally many powerful barriers here.

Now everything has been destroyed by Qing Cang.

It is very likely that after he destroyed the barrier here, the monster would wake up and then go out to hunt it down.

When Lin Yun came here, he had a strange feeling.

It was obvious that he was in an ancient and forbidden land.

But the layout here gives people an almost human sect look.

"It's really weird."

Lin Yun muttered something in a low voice, and then walked around in a circle, which was almost certain, if you didn't look at where he was.

Many people will have the same idea as myself.

This is the palace built by humans.

Just when this thought flashed through Lin Yun's mind.

Suddenly, Erzu's voice sounded.


"What you want is on the right."

Lin Yun frowned: "Can I trust you?"


After the secret of his control of the Eight Realms Tower was revealed, Lin Yun discovered that Erzu seemed to be much more active.

Of course, Lin Yun is not unworthy of Xiao Jiujiu in this guy's heart.

"Originally, I did want to master your skills, but now I have completely given up this idea."

"You're in too much trouble, kid."

"I don't want to get into trouble."

Erzu snorted.

"So you can rest assured that what I say is credible."

"That's the library over there!"

From what Erzu meant, he seemed to know this place very well.

However, Lin Yun couldn't find any records about this sect after searching for a long time.

But now that time is running out, Lin Yun obviously doesn't have much chance to find the truth.

According to Erzu, he indeed found a library on the right.

And there are still traces of opening.

It seems that Qingcang not only opened the barrier, but also found the library.

As for when the monster appeared, it is unknown.

Lin Yun cautiously stepped forward and looked around, fearing that there was another monster inside and he would be in trouble if he couldn't handle it.

But obviously this idea is redundant.

The monster that rushed out before was already the last one.

After making sure it was safe, Lin Yun quickly entered the library.

Most of the books here have been destroyed, and you can't tell what the writing on them means.

However, some remains.

But most of these are also some exercises and secrets.

Lin Yun searched for a long time on the first floor, which was in ruins, but could not find anything useful.

The same is true for most of the people upstairs.

It seems that when this place was originally abandoned,

It turned out to be a big battle.

Many things here were completely destroyed.

Lin Yun was a little disappointed.

At this time, he accidentally glanced at his panel, and unexpectedly it was updated.

【Name】: Lin Yun

[Realm]: Second level of Tongyou Realm

[Fate]: Jian Kui (Purple)

[Fate]: Immaculate Sword Body (Purple), Shura (Purple), Pure Sword Heart (Blue)

[Ending]: Entered the blazing underground palace, but died at the hands of a mysterious man because he made too many enemies.

[Recent turning point]: Entered the mysterious sect to search for the ancient sword art, and finally found the mechanism under the thirty-second brick from the left in the library pavilion!

Lin Yun followed the prompts on the panel and found a mechanism.

The moment he pressed it.

A 'click-click' sound sounded.

The bookcase that was originally standing in front of me started to move quickly.

After a while, a path leading underground appeared in front of Lin Yun.

He picked up the torch on his side.

Then he walked down cautiously.

Erzu said angrily: "You have amazing luck every time. It makes people think you are cheating?"

You could hear the jealousy in his tone.

If it hadn't been for Chongqingniao, Erzu would have probably succeeded in seizing the bird by now.

Lin Yun had witnessed too many incredible operations along the way. At least from Erzu's point of view, these things seemed impossible.

But there is no choice, no matter how weird things happen, there is always this possibility in Lin Yun.

Lin Yun didn't explain, but just smiled innocently.

Soon he came to the secret room underground.

But here there is only one sword and one sword art.

"Put your fresh

When blood drips onto it, the sword will naturally recognize its owner. "

"Of course, whether you can control this sword depends on your ability."

"But don't blame me for not reminding you, this is a real weapon!"

Lin Yun was a little surprised when he heard Erzu's answer.

The most powerful treasure he currently possesses is only a magic weapon level.

Of course, there are exceptions such as the Eight Realms Tower and so on.

So far, Lin Yun has not been able to classify them into any level.

But the sword in front of me looks ordinary, but it is actually a genuine weapon!

Next to this sword is the ancient sword technique that Lin Yun coveted.

Lin Yun first took out the sword box.

Then he tapped it lightly, and when the energy was slowly injected into it, the sword box seemed to feel something.

‘Clang! ’

The sword that was originally inserted on the desk made a soft sound and was put into the sword box as if it had been summoned by some kind of summons.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Yun opened the sword technique to see everything at a glance.

He has a photographic memory, and of course he can record everything recorded in it in his mind.

After just a cursory glance and no in-depth thinking, Lin Yunmao suddenly became enlightened.

His understanding of the sword has already surpassed many people.

But compared with the one who wrote the Ancient Sword Art, he still pales in comparison.

Sure enough, there will always be some people who are stronger than you along the way.

Lin Yun felt quite emotional in his heart. He really wanted to meet such an amazing and talented person.

It's a pity that there is a long history between the two, and I'm afraid they will rarely see each other again in this lifetime.

Now, all I can do is respect

Admire it and then carry it forward!

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