Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 351 Ancient Sword Technique

After Lin Yun obtained these treasures, he did not choose to continue flying solo.

If it were before, he would definitely not cooperate with Qi Hengtian again.

But it's different now. Qi Hengtian understands the world better anyway.

It also saved Lin Yun a lot of trouble.

Even if he does encounter those difficult opponents, with Lin Yun's current strength, it is not impossible to contend with them.

What's more, Lin Yun's real trump card is the Eight Realms Tower in his hand.

As long as the Eight Realm Tower is in hand, these so-called demon kings are nothing to worry about.

With this idea in mind, Lin Yun left the site.

His original intention was to quickly join Qi Hengtian.

Unexpectedly, I met an acquaintance halfway.

I don’t know if it was intentional or not.

Mao Ye stopped in front of Lin Yun.

Lin Yun just glanced at it lightly, and then prepared to go around.

But Mao Ye refused to give up.

"Boy, it took a lot of effort to get this opportunity. Do you think you can slip away from me?"

Lin Yun frowned.

At this time, he thought that when he and Qi Hengtian entered the Blazing Fire Underground Palace, they seemed to be patted by someone.

Could it be that it was Mao Ye?

According to what Mao Ye said just now, everything seems to be intentional.

But Lin Yun didn't know what Mao Ye's motives were?

"The key issue for the Red Ghost Sect now should not be to find your target."

"You came here, don't you think there's no need to take action again?"

Mao Ye shook his head.

"Those seniors will naturally handle the matter properly, but you and I cannot allow you to stay here."

Although it is a bit metaphysical, Mao Ye had to admit that every place where Lin Yun exists

All filled with too many problems.

So this time, before Lin Yun disrupted their plan, Mao Ye was ready to deal with him completely.

As long as he kills Lin Yun and takes back all his belongings, this bad fate will be settled.

Lin Yun was stunned for a moment.

"You just walked to this place all by yourself and said you were going to kill me."

"Do you think of yourself a little too much?"

Although Mao Ye is one of the four ghost kings.

But his strength can only be regarded as the upper and lower reaches among the Red Ghost Sect.

Different from Lin Yun.

Now even when faced with the Yin and Yang realm, there is still room for escape.

In the Wanfa Realm, it is basically difficult to find an opponent to compete with him.

Of course Mao Ye also knew what Lin Yun meant.

He threw his head back and laughed.

"You brat, you were lucky enough to find some opportunities in the past few times."

"But now you don't have this opportunity."

After Mao Ye finished speaking, he spread his hands.

I saw some green liquid flowing from his cuffs.

After these liquids dripped onto the ground, they instantly eroded the entire ground into pits.

The area they are currently in is not much different from before.

The extreme high temperature did not seem to be able to evaporate the liquid in Mao Ye's sleeves.

Instead, these liquids release an even more unpleasant smell.

Lin Yun subconsciously held his breath.

He can probably guess that this guy can damage his body in this way.

"There is no way for you to escape from my hands today. No matter who you are, I will kill you with my own hands."

As Mao Ye spoke, he slowly approached Lin Yun.

This on him

These liquids are almost one with him.

Lin Yun tried to cut off with his sword energy.

But surprisingly, he found that whenever he wanted to attack, these liquids could always neutralize his attack.

"No need to try again."

"No matter how many times you do it, it never makes any sense."

"Your meager means can't do anything to me."

Mao Ye said with a proud smile.

Then he flicked his right hand, and the inexplicable liquid surged over.

It's like a wave.

And Lin Yun didn't dare to neglect, and kept backing away.

Pinch your fingers into a sword.

Several rays of sword energy were released directly from her fingertips.

However, these liquids were able to break into pieces when faced with Lin Yun's attack.

What a tough guy.

Lin Yun couldn't help but frowned.

This was when facing Mao Ye, he was a bit confused.

This guy's attack methods were so weird that Lin Yun really couldn't do anything against him for a while.

But it was too early for Lin Yun to just give up resistance.

Facing Mao Ye's attack, Lin Yun could only passively dodge.

Simply speaking, his attainments in body movement are far superior to others, so there is nothing to worry about for a while.

And Mao Ye laughed proudly when he saw Lin Yun jumping up and down like a mouse.

"Once upon a time, didn't you still think that you were very powerful?"

"Even if you snatch some treasures from the Red Ghost Sect, it will be of no use at all."

"These things are just temporarily stored in your body."

Lin Yun's eyes flashed.

"It's okay if you don't mention these things."

"But when you get up today, you will simply hate the old and the new

Hate is solved together. "

Lin Yun took a few steps back.

But this time, facing the surging liquid, he did not continue to dodge.

He just stood there.

Let the liquid splash on his body.

Mao Ye was very proud, thinking that Lin Yun was crazy for doing this.

But he didn't expect that such an attack could not pose any threat to Lin Yun.

He saw a puff of white smoke rising from his body, and then a line returned to calm.

Mao Ye's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that he saw all this.

"How is it possible?"

He really couldn't understand why his Huasheng Water had no effect on Lin Yun?

Mao Ye knew the power of Huasheng Water very well. It has always been very effective against any opponent, and they have only one choice to beg for mercy in front of him.

But this time, Huasheng Water did not produce any effect on Lin Yun.

Could it be that this kid in front of him has any other means?

Lin Yun looked at Mao Ye, who was shocked, and laughed.

"Maybe your Huasheng Water does have a good effect."

"But that's only for ordinary opponents. You don't really think you can do anything to me with your own way, right?"

Lin Yun said sarcastically, and then summoned the sword box.

Just now he just tried it, but he didn't expect that the Xuanming Fire would actually help him block the attack.

In this way, Lin Yun no longer has to worry about the threat of Huasheng Water to him.

But he was not in a hurry to use this method to kill Mao Ye directly.

After all, it is not difficult to kill Mao Ye.

But it is not easy to find such a suitable sparring partner. If Mao Ye knew that Lin Yun was just

treating him as a sparring partner, I don't know how he would feel.

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