Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 352 Four Symbols Sword, rise!

Lin Yun still stood where he was.

Even if you let Mao Ye's metamorphosis water be poured on your body, it won't have any effect.

And Mao Ye gradually realized this.

Although I don’t know how Lin Yun used it to become immune to his transformed water.

But no matter how many times he tried, the transformed water would only hurt Lin Yun so much.

After being convinced of this, Mao Ye took a long breath, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"I know your methods."

"But I will never let you go now."

He took another deep breath and bit his finger.

Then he began to carve some runes on the surface of the body.

Normally, Lin Yun should stop it at this time.

Mao Ye was even prepared for this, if Lin Yun dared to stop him.

He must have a way to fight back, but Lin Yun seemed to be completely unaware of all this.

He just stood there and looked at Mao Ye coldly with a smile on his lips, as if to say: "Hurry up."

This weird feeling made Mao Ye confused now.

It is obvious that he is showing off his housekeeping skills now.

But for some reason, he looked so pale and helpless in front of Lin Yun.

Lin Yun put one hand on the sword case.

A steady stream of power is also injected into it.

The sword box is like a glutton, absorbing its energy.

Transformed into a powerful sword energy that is about to be released.

Lin Yun slowly closed his eyes, completely ignoring everything Mao Ye did in front of him.

Several sets of sword techniques flashed through his mind one after another!

The power of Dahe's swordsmanship swallows mountains and rivers.

The dazzling sight of Ten Thousand Flowers Sword Technique.

The ten steps of the Seven Kills Sword Technique.

and ancient

The ancient will of the sword art.

Several different sword intentions were constantly circulating in Lin Yun's mind.

Then gradually merged to form something new.

Qingyuan swordsmanship is like a link, slowly connecting these different swordsmanships together.

Mao Ye looked at Lin Yun.

Although he didn't know what the situation was.

But there seemed to be a voice in his heart that kept shouting, telling him to hurry up and stop this from happening.

The situation seemed simple, but it wouldn't be long before Lin Yun would bring him a big surprise.

Mao Ye naturally didn't know how to describe it.

But now he seems to be on the cusp of the storm.

"go to hell!"

The moment he finished carving the runes on his body.

A ball of crimson flame completely enveloped his body.

Then the transformed water condensed into a strange body.

Haunted by evil spirits!

Mao Ye looked like an evil ghost from hell, his scarlet eyes staring at Lin Yun.

That huge body, which was more than ten meters tall, looked so majestic in front of Lin Yun.

He waved his arm slightly.

The terrifying power instantly brought up a gust of wind

However, the strong wind suddenly stopped in front of Lin Yun.

The evil spirit looked up to the sky and roared.

Then he raised his hands and forcefully pulled out his spine.

Those strange parts twisted in his hand for a moment, and turned into a bone tip.

The sharp spikes on it are enough to kill anyone.

Not to mention that the metamorphic water trapped on it has also undergone changes.

Mao Ye's voice was hoarse.

A completely different person.

"For so long, only a handful of people have asked me to use this trick."

"And you are indeed a rare genius."

Lin Yuncongcheng

Until now, it has only been a mere two years.

His growth rate can be described as a rocket taking off.

Even if you look at the entire cultivation world, it is difficult to find such a genius.

It's a pity that even such a powerful existence will eventually die here.

Mao Ye couldn't hold back his excitement.

After being haunted by evil spirits, he felt a powerful force within his body, which seemed to have an extremely terrifying charm.

Then he slashed it with his sword.

The terrifying bone sword drove countless amounts of transformed water to splash over.

But before he got close to Lin Yun, he quietly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, Mao Ye felt that his body had suffered a heavy blow, and then he staggered back a few steps.

This scene gives people an extremely shocking feeling.

It's like a worm trying to shake a tree.

Seeing that Lin Yun, who was so small, actually blocked Mao Ye's attack, not only did he shock him back.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun's murderous area slowly unfolded.

Although he had his eyes closed, Mao Ye's every move would be completely unable to escape his perception.

Looking at Lin Yunmao Ye who was serious, he also felt this clear threat at this time.

As thought before.

Lin Yun will be a very difficult opponent.

But he originally thought that after the power of the evil ghost was unleashed, it would only be a matter of time before he could deal with Lin Yun.

Unexpectedly, the battle turned out to be a bit complicated.

"This is impossible."

Mao Ye didn't believe what he saw and slashed with his sword again.

However, the same thing did not happen this time. Instead, Lin Yun raised his right hand.

Just a finger pointing at the tip of the sword.


The sound is very clear, like a pleasant ringtone.

But it sounded so harsh to Mao Ye.

He thrust out the sword with both hands.

But even so, this sword still failed to pose the slightest threat to Lin Yun.

Lin Yun still stood there motionless, unable to even open his eyes.

"Sword in front of me."

"Aren't you a little funny?"

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he patted the sword box.

"Today I will show you how to use the sword!"

"Four Symbols Sword Technique."

Only four streams of light were seen flying out of the sword box.

They are Qiongtian Sword, Hanyan Sword, and Baqi Sword.

And the newly obtained ancient sword!

To Lin Yun, the four swords were like parts of his own body.

He could feel the will on every sword.

The only difference is that the Ancient Sword is still somewhat arrogant.

Although he also recognized Lin Yun's power.

But after all, for him, Lin Yun's current power is not strong enough.

So it's somewhat disdainful.

But he also released his power.

"Do you think you can defeat me with more swords?"

Mao Ye said with a smile.

But Lin Yun didn't pay attention to his intentions at all.

The Sky Sword flew into the air, and a sword technique shaped like a river was unleashed.

The billowing sword energy is like the Milky Way flowing down.

With a roar, it hit Mao Ye's body.

Mao Ye's huge body staggered back a few steps again.

But he didn't feel scared, instead he looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Lin Yun, Lin Yun, is this all you have? This little power can't do anything to me."

He looked smug and disdainful.

This sword is aimed at him

Completely ineffective.

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