Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 353 The idea came to light

But Lin Yun didn't pay attention to every word Mao Ye said.

For him, the outcome of this battle has been determined before, and now he is correcting his swordsmanship.

The Four Elephants Sword was learned by Lin Yun spontaneously.

It is different from Qingyuan Sword Technique.

The Four Elephants Sword is based on different sword techniques, not Qingyuan Sword Technique.

The power and functions displayed are also very different.

Strictly speaking, the complete form of the Four Elephants Sword does not have any disadvantages.

The weakness of Dahe's swordsmanship is that its attack speed is slow and it is easy to dodge.

But this is not the case when it comes to Sixiang Sword.

The torrent of sword energy continued to fall.

Mao Ye could naturally bear it at the beginning.

So I don't take it to heart at all, but as more and more sword energy falls, the situation is different.

He couldn't dodge the Milky Way's rapid flow.

And the frequency of the Milky Way's fall was something he couldn't bear.

At first, Mao Ye still stood there, but gradually he half-knelt on the ground.

However, Mao Ye held on forcefully and tried to stand up straight.

He raised his head and looked at Lin Yun, who was standing in the distance with his eyes closed and a calm expression on his face.

This feeling of complete contempt made Mao Ye furious.

The evil spirit roared again.

The hair all over his body stood up.

At the same time, he waved the bone sword in his hand.

The moment he was about to hit Lin Yun, he saw the young man raising one hand.


The terrifying bone sword was blocked again.

Mao Ye was dumbfounded.

The sword he was originally proud of failed to produce any effect.

Lin Yun always maintained the same posture in this battle.

This is the coming of the second sword.

Thousand Flower Sword


I saw that monstrous sword energy completely exploded at this moment.

Each one fell on Mao Ye like flying flowers.

Different colors, extremely bright.

Mao Ye was fascinated by this beautiful scene for a moment.

But the next moment the sound of explosion sounded, and every flying flower resounded all over his body.

The terrifying power made Mao Ye's whole body shake.

The evil ghost skin that originally covered his body was slowly and forcibly peeled off at this moment.

Suddenly time condenses.

The sword energy shaped like the Seven Kills Sword Technique is exerted by the Yamata Sword.

The cold sword energy was like frost, freezing time.

At the same time, Mao Ye was unable to move.

He struggled hard.

The next moment, he saw the bone sword in the evil ghost's hand turning into powder and dissipating little by little.

At this time Lin Yun finally opened his eyes.

But it was a very calm look.

Mao Ye suddenly felt as if something was stabbing him in his mind.

He screamed and fell to his knees.

Blood flowed from the seven orifices.

The evil ghost's skin also began to fester rapidly.

Finally, behind Lin Yun, a vague man in white struck a sword through the air!


All this seemed to cut through the sky and time.

Mao Ye looked at the big hole in his chest.

Until the last moment, he didn't understand where he lost. It was clear that he completely suppressed Lin Yun in terms of realm.

But in this battle, he lost miserably.

After Lin Yun finished using this set of Four Elephant Swords, he let out a long breath.

At this moment, he had a clear idea.

His understanding of the way of the sword has reached a new level.

"I have to say that you little guy is really a monster."

After getting the Ancient Sword Art,

How much time has just passed.

No one else would be able to express the true meaning of this.

But Lin Yun was different.

Not only does he have a photographic memory, but he is also able to use the true meaning of swordsmanship at extremely fast speeds.

Putting this kind of talent anywhere would be astonishing.

Lin Yun smiled.

"Now the entire cultivation world has reached such a state of chaos. If I don't master some powerful skills, will I still be able to be slaughtered by others?"

"At least I have no such interest."

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he put a few swords into the sword box.

Then it turned into a stream of light and sped away.

On the other side, Qi Hengtian and Qing Cang had completely stopped.

The adult beast that appeared out of nowhere has now become a common headache for them.

Just like Qing Cang said before.

Of course the grudge between the two of them can be resolved later.

If they don't escape now, this adult beast body is enough for them to drink a pot.

But it's a pity that Qi Hengtian was completely blinded by hatred.

So even though Qing Cang described it like this, he didn't take it to heart at all and thought that it was just an adult beast body.

In this blazing underground palace, there should be many such monsters.

But who could have imagined that the power of this adult beast completely exceeded their knowledge.

"You really have something wrong with your brain."

"With all my abilities, I still provoke this difficult guy."

Qi Hengtian cursed angrily.

Even if two people fight against a Dacheng beast body at the same time, they can't gain any upper hand now.

If there is another demon king at the critical moment, there might be a chance of improvement.

But it's a pity that in a place like this, he

Where can we find another demon king?

Qingcang snorted coldly.

"Just now I felt a strange energy fluctuation not far away."

"It seems like there is some strong person fighting."

"It's just that the battle didn't last long and ended."

What he meant by this was very simple. There was another strong man nearby.

Maybe support will come at a critical moment, and they can also expect the other party to help them deal with the Dacheng Beast Body.

But Qi Hengtian is not as optimistic as Qing Cang.

"You can't put your hopes on others until now."

"I don't think these guys are going to do anything for us."

Qi Hengtian snorted. In this situation, they were already burning incense before they were killed.

Instead of waiting for others to come to support, it is better to seize the time and find a way to escape from this damn place.

No matter what methods the adult beasts in front of them have, they still have no way to escape.

At this time, the Dacheng Beast Body didn't care what the two in front of him were discussing.

He was like a crazy beast, running rampant, leaving the two people in a hurry.

After Lin Yun rushed to the battlefield, he also saw this scene.

It has to be said that the power of this adult beast body is really powerful.

Qi Hengtian and Qing Cang could only barely stop him.

If Lin Yun didn't intervene now, they would probably die.

"Is there any way to get the Great Beast Body to leave this place?"

An idea flashed in Lin Yun's mind.

What if something goes wrong with that ruins?

The moment he thought of this, Lin Yun hid in the dark and summoned the bows of the gods.

"Old man, don't blame me for crossing the river and burning the bridge."

"These two demon kings

I still have it useful! "

Lin Yun muttered, bending his bow and setting an arrow!


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