Lin Yun's idea was certainly correct. If he took action at this moment, he would also participate in the battle.

It is very likely that it will not be able to deter these demon kings.

As for that weirdo's power, Lin Yun couldn't be sure.

But what he was sure of was that he would never be able to deal with that guy alone.

It is not a wise choice for him to use the Eight Realms Tower for a long time.

It's pretty good to be able to act as a deterrent.

What Lin Yun has to do now is to continuously expand the power of this deterrent so that these demon kings will not dare to refute him. This will make things easier.

Although all the demon kings present were unhappy.

But there was nothing he could do. Who could make Lin Yun's strength reach a higher level?

At this time, Qi Hengtian finally understood that he had become a chess piece in Lin Yun's hands without knowing it.

Now he can only be willing to let Lin Yun control his future like others.

Qu Hongxuan and Guifeng were still very angry at first, but now they found that things seemed to be different from what he thought.

"Qi Heng Tian Qi Heng Tian."

"We originally thought that this boy was under your control and obeyed your orders."

"Now it seems that even you are no different from us."

After all, the relationship between Qi Hengtian and Lin Yun is rivalry. If it weren't for Qi Hengtian this time, Lin Yun wouldn't be exposed so quickly, let alone be challenged by these demon kings.

So what Lin Yun was doing now was considered normal.

Although Qi Hengtian understood this in his heart, he still couldn't contain his anger.

This damn boy, if it weren't for him, maybe there would be other solutions to this matter.

Although Lin Yun is worried about the upcoming

The coming danger is serious.

But most of the demon kings present didn't take it to heart.

In their opinion, in this small blazing underground palace, is there anything else that would frighten them?

Just when the demon kings had this thought, they suddenly heard a deafening roar.

The terrifying sound made everyone frown, and the next moment they saw one end of the hall.

It was unexpectedly knocked out of a big hole.

And at that moment, a dark figure rushed in directly.

One of the demon kings standing in the corner was thrown to the ground by the black shadow before he could take any precautions.

When all the demon kings looked over, they found that the black shadow had torn the poor guy in half.

Although that guy is not the strongest among them.

But after all, he is still a demon king-level existence. How could he be solved so easily?

Qu Hongxuan and Gui Feng didn't believe what Lin Yun said before, but now that they saw the terrifying black shadow, they were also frightened.

They were almost certain that the power of this black shadow was far more powerful than they imagined.

"What the hell happened?"

Several demon kings looked at each other, none of them thought that such a thing would happen.

At this time, Lin Yun's eyes were all focused on this weirdo.

Just as he thought.

He couldn't see the weirdo panel.

This is enough to prove that this guy's power has probably surpassed the realm of yin and yang.

In this way, even Lin Yun couldn't easily subdue him.

But there are so many demon kings present.

Maybe we can still deal with him for a while.

Thinking of this

Finally, Lin Yun calmly took a few steps back and quickly led into the crowd.

The weirdo was still looking around, seemingly looking for something.

Old Demon Pengtian glanced at the slowly opening exit.

They wanted to leave through here before.

But now the weirdo is blocking the exit.

If they wanted to leave, they would have to deal with the weirdos.

Qi Hengtian glanced at Lin Yun in surprise at this time. He didn't pay attention to what Lin Yun said before, thinking that it was just nonsense.

But after seeing this scene, he realized that he was overthinking.

I don’t know what method this kid used, but he seemed to have seen such a result a long time ago.

No wonder I had to remind myself to calm down before.

"All of us are pawns in his hands."

"It's just that he uses it in a different way than we do."

"This guy is a conspiracy. Even if we know it, there is nothing we can do."

Qi Heng sighed deeply when he said this.

The fact is, the monster is standing here, and no one has any good ideas.

None of them can leave without killing this monster, which will most likely even kill them.

Lin Yun would definitely not take action before this.

Then we can only rely on them, the demon kings, to take action, even if these guys are dissatisfied and want to do something to Lin Yun.

But I definitely don’t dare to act rashly at this moment.

After all, they still vividly remembered the moment when Lin Yun killed the demon king.

In this way, Lin Yun was in an invincible position. No matter how powerful these demon kings were, they could only let them go.

Qi Hengtian couldn't help but admire how smart this kid was.

Easily defeat them

These famous demon kings are all included in the plot.

Even if Qi Hengtian is very dissatisfied with what Lin Yun is doing now.

But he also had to admit that this boy was very successful. There was almost nothing they could do against Lin Yun this time.

During this moment of thinking, the weirdo would not let them go and failed to find their target after searching.

The weirdo was like a mad beast, and began to attack everyone nearby indiscriminately.

At the beginning, we naturally didn’t want to get entangled with the weirdo. This guy was the demon king who was trapped here a long time ago.

But for some reason he woke up again.

It would definitely be irrational to fight him head-on now.

Even though these guys are demon kings, they are still inferior compared to the weirdo in front of them.

Everyone wants to retreat at this moment.

Lin Yun was observing carefully at this time.

He knew that those guys from the Red Ghost Sect must be observing in secret.

I just don't know when it will appear. They have made such a big noise, how can they sit still and wait for death.

Lin Yun had been thinking before, with so many demon kings as the few humans of the Red Ghost Sect, how could they leave here alive?

Especially after Qi Heng learned the rules of leaving here, Lin Yun became even more concerned about this.

Now it seems that these guys from the Red Ghost Sect should have already made arrangements.

By buying them time through weirdos, they can also leave this place faster.

But Lin Yun couldn't let these guys leave like this.

Lin Yun must stop what the Red Ghost Sect wants to do.

What's more, this time the matter is related to Zhenhuang Palace.

Although he could not be sure that Chi

The purpose of the Ghost Sect, but he also knows that these guys are definitely not good people.

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