Fantasy: I can control the script of my life

Chapter 359 I've been waiting for you for a long time

The battle between the demon kings and the weirdos soon began.

The power of weirdos is indeed extremely destructive.

Even if he faced so many demon kings at the same time, he could still not fall behind.

But judging from the current situation, he cannot control the situation even if he wants to.

After all, most of these demon kings have experienced hundreds of battles and have some good methods.

Coupled with these treasures on their bodies, they ensured that they could contain the monsters in this battle.

Then they just need to wait for the door to open, and then they can escape safely.

According to the previous logic, this weirdo should still be here.

Rather than leaving the Blazing Fire Palace with them.

So as long as they can hold on for this moment, they can leave the Blazing Fire Underground Palace to ensure their own safety.

After Lin Yun observed it for a while, he was very sure.

Those guys from the Red Ghost Sect are indeed not here.

And he didn't understand, after doing so many things, where did those guys from the Red Ghost Sect go?

Could it be that the previous guess was wrong?

The battle was still going on, but Lin Yun was not in a hurry to deny his point of view.

He believed that as long as he waited long enough, those guys would definitely come.

In fact, Lin Yun's waiting was indeed a waste of time.

Peng Yuanbai, Zuo Wu and others naturally have their own ideas.

After Mao Ye was killed by Lin Yun, Peng Yuanbai was angry.

But he also knew that the key to the current problem was not Mao Ye.

They must resolve the matter in Blazing Underground Palace as soon as possible.

Fortunately, they were fully prepared before coming here.

So even in the face of many demon kings.

But Peng Yuan

Bai and others didn't take it to heart at all. Although these demon kings were powerful.

But facing this even more terrifying monster, they could only be delayed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Peng Yuanbai and others could fish in troubled waters and leave the Blazing Fire Underground Palace.

Before this, they had been hiding their figures, quietly waiting for a suitable opportunity.

When they saw that the battle between the demon kings and the weirdos had reached a fever pitch, they knew that it was time for them to set out.

So, while the two sides were still fighting, Peng Yuanbai took the lead and approached with a few people.

Zuo Wu glanced at Peng Yuanbai beside him, and then looked at the battlefield in the distance.

"Will these guys discover us in advance? If they target us instantly, it will be troublesome."

Their plan this time was perfect.

But many times, some things are not always what you want.

Even Zuo Wu didn't know whether they could get through this difficulty safely this time.

Peng Yuanbai glanced at Zuo Wu lightly.

"It doesn't matter, even if that guy catches up, we can leave very quickly."

Peng Yuanbai thought that he was completely prepared.

So there is no need to worry about any other changes this time.

Zhou Xuan, who was following them, also looked calm.

Several people have made perfect plans at this time.

When the exit gradually opened, several people also tried their best.

Peng Yuanbai was the fastest and reached the exit in the blink of an eye.

But at this moment, everyone heard the sound of breaking through the sky



A sword energy came from afar at an unknown moment and exploded on the ground in an instant.

Peng Yuanbai, who originally wanted to escape, could only steady his body and look around.

Not far away, Lin Yun raised the corners of his mouth slightly and looked at them with squinted eyes.

"I knew you guys from the Red Ghost Sect must have a conspiracy."

"No wonder you dare to deal with so many demon kings at the same time this time."

"After all, in your opinion, everything is according to your own plan, isn't it?"

Lin Yun said with a smile, and this firm answer also made Qi Hengtian aware of the change in the situation.

I don't know when they appeared, but a group of people from the Red Ghost Sect instantly made the expressions on the faces of the demon kings present become quite ugly. They had previously thought that Lin Yun had planned all this.

But when these people from the Red Ghost Sect appeared, they knew that these guys were also causing trouble.

It seems that what Lin Yun said before is true.

"You brat, I don't want to fight you today."

"Get out of your way or I'll kill you now."

Peng Yuanbai looked at Lin Yun angrily, and the threat in his words was also very obvious.

He originally thought that Lin Yun might feel scared, but to his surprise, Lin Yun was still standing there, and then slowly raised the sword in his hand.

Just kidding, now I have mastered the Eight Realms Tower.

It's not easy to deal with these guys in front of you.

Zuo Wu and Zhou Xuan also came to Peng Yuanbai's side.

The two of them looked at Lin Yun with a hint of murderous intent in their eyes.

"This guy should be the one who killed Mao Ye."

"I didn't expect that he would have such means."

Zhou Xuan also said with emotion.

Once upon a time, Lin Yun's strength could only be regarded as the best among the younger generation.


In just a few years, his growth has exceeded many people's imagination.

Even now he can compete with the strong men of the older generation like them.

Lin Yun squinted his eyes and looked at the people in front of him.

"I'm standing here. You guys might as well try to see if you can escape from here."

Peng Yuanbai certainly couldn't waste time here. It took so much effort to come here.

If he gave up now, all his efforts would be wasted.

"There's nothing to say to this kid. Go all out to break out."

Seeing the exit door in front of him, how could he be held back in such a place.

The three of them prepared at the same time and rushed towards Lin Yun.

Facing the siege of three people, Lin Yun did not dare to neglect it.

He summoned the sword treasure box and shouted loudly.

Several swords flew out one by one.

It rushed towards Peng Yuanbai and others like lightning.

What Lin Yun had to do this time was to delay time and attract the attention of the weirdo here.

He was very close to the exit. Even if things changed, Lin Yun could be the first to rush out.

If he knew that there was a large army of the Red Ghost Sect outside, it might not be safe for him to rush out alone.

And Peng Yuanbai was still full of confidence.

But after a fight, the expressions on their faces began to change.

Because Lin Yun's strength was far beyond their expectations, it was not easy to deal with Lin Yun in a short time.

Zuo Wu and Zhou Xuan also felt this.

Moreover, Lin Yun's fight was not without effect. The attention of the weirdo had gradually shifted to the three people.

This made Peng Yuanbai

sweat all over.

This can't be delayed any longer!

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